University of Virginia Library


73. Sapiencia Sent to Redeem Man


Lansdowne MS. 379

Mirabilem Misterium
þe sone of god ys mane be-cume
A Mervelus þyng I hafe musyd in my mynde,
Howe þat veritas spronge owȝte of þe gro[u]nde,
And Iusticia for all mane-kynde,
ffrom heuene to erthe he came a downe.
Mirabilem Misterium & ce
Than misericordia, that mercyfull maye,
Seyng mane was dampnde for hys trepas,
hathe sent down sapiencia, þe sothe to saye,
Mane to redeme and bryng to grase.
Mirabilem misterium & ce
Celestyall Cyteȝens, for vs þat yowe praye
To hyme þat ys bothe alpha and oo,
That we maye be sauyd one domus daye,
And browȝte to þat blysse he bowȝte vs to.
Mirabilem Misterium, þe son of & ce


74. Honour to Him Who Descended from Heaven


Trinity Coll. Camb. MS. 652

Honour be euer withowtyne ende
To hym that fro the hevyne discende
That was Ihū, oure saueour,
The oonly sone of god myghty,
That beldyt in that bygly bowre,
Whiche is the wombe of mylde mary.
Mylde that maydene may be cald,
ffor with fylthe was she neuer fylde;
ffull wele was hyr that had in wolde,
In hyr chief chawmbre, suche a chylde.
She is the chief of chastyte,
the conclaue and the clostre clene,
Of hym that hyr humylite
Commendyth, amonge his sayntys bedene.
ffull worthy is she to com-mende,
ffor hir mekenes as wytnes wele
that was the cause god sone descende,
ffor to be borne here, for oure sele.

75. Mary Bore Both God and Man


Trinity Coll. Camb. MS. 1230

Haile mary ful of grace Modyr in virgynytee

[No. I]

The holy gost is to þe sent
ffro þe fadyr omnypotent;
Now is god wyth-in þe went,
The aungel seyd, ‘aue’.


Qwan the aungel ‘aue’ began,
fflesch & blood to-gedyr ran;
Marye bar boþe god and man,
Thorw vertu & þowr dyngnyte.
So seyth þe gospel of seynt ion,
God & man is mad but on,
In flesch & bloyd, body and bon,
o god in personys thre.
And þe prophete Ieremye
Told in hys prophecye,
That þe sone of Marye
Schuld deye for vs on rode tre.
Meche ioye to vs was graunth,
And in erthe pees I-plaunth,
Qwan þat born was þis faunth
In þe lond of galyle.
Mary, graunth vs þe blys
Ther þi sonys wonyng is;
Of þat we han don amys,
Prey for vs pur charyte.

76. Born is Our God Emanuel


Trinity Coll. Camb. MS. 1230

Nowel nowel nowel To vs is born owr god emanuel

(No. II)

In bedlem þys berde of lyf
Is born of marye, maydyn and wyf;
he is boþe god & man I-schryf. Nowel nowel
Thys prince of pees xal secyn al stryf,
& wone wyth vs perpetuel.


This chyld xal bey vs wyth hys bloyd
And be naylyd vp-on þe royd,
hys raunsum pasyth al erdly goyd. Nowel nowel
allas! qwat wyth dar be so woyd,
To sle so ientyl a iowel.
Be hys powste he his emprys
Schal take fro helle at hys vprys,
and saue mankende vp-on þys wys. Nowel nowel
Thus tellþ vs þe prophecys,
Þat he is kyng of heuen & helle.
This maydenys sone to hys empere
Schal stey to heuene be his powere;
hys holy gost vs alle xal lere. Nowel nowel
[Ther] þei and þe fadyr in feere
Schul regne, o god—þys leue I weel.
Pray we þys chyld wyth good entent,
In our deying he vs present
On-to hys fadyr omnypotent. Nowel nowel
The ferst tydyng of þys testament
browth to vs seynt gabryel.

77. A Maid Hath Borne the King of Kings


A. MS. Ashmole 189 (Sum. Catal. No. 6777)

Regem regum A mayde hath borne,
To Sawe mankynde that was forlorne;
And ȝyt ys sche as sche was be-forne,
Res miranda.


Angelus consilij
Was borne of þis blessyd ladye,
Virilis ignara consorcii
Sol de stella.
Cedrus Alta libani,
þat grewe on þis hylle so hye,
Yne oure valey he doyth Aplye
Carne Sumpta.
Verbum ens Altissimi,
Persawynge mischefe so nye,
ffor our synnes he cam to dye
Valle nostra. amen.
Ysayas cecinit
þat a chylde schalle be borne,
Synagoga meminit
þerof longe tyme beforne;
Set non suis vatibus
þer-of þay take no Affiawns,
Sibiliniis versibus
þat borne was of oure Aliawns.
Infelix propera te, þe y saye,
Leste þu be dampned a domys daye;
þane shalt þu synge welawaye,
but þu belyve hec predicta.

B. MS. Arch. Selden B. 26 (Sum. Catal. No. 3340)

Glad & blithe mote ȝe be,
All that euer y here nowe se,


Kynge of kyngys, lorde of alle,
borne he is in oxe stalle,
Res miranda.
The angel of consel, now borne he is
of a maide ful clene y-wys,
Sol de stella—
The sunne þat euer shyneþ bryȝt,
the sterre þat euer ȝeueth his lyȝt
Semper clara.
Ryȝt as þe sterre bryngth forth his beme,
So þe maide here barn teme,
pari forma.
Nother þe sterre for his beme,
noþer þe maide for here barne-teme,
ffit corrupta.
The cedur of liban, þat growyth so hye,
vnto þe ysope is made lye
Valle nostra.
Godys sone of heuen bryȝt,
vn-tyl a maide is he lyȝt,
Carne Sumpta.
Ysaye saide by prophecie,
the Sinagoge hath hit in memorye,
ȝyt neuer he lynneth maliciusly
esse ceca.
Yf they leue not here profetys,
þen lete hem leue ethen metrys,
In Sibylinys versiculys
hec predicta.
Un-happy iewe, come þu nere,
By-leue ellys thyne eldere.
Why wolt þu, wrecche, y-dampned be


Whomme techeth þe letter?
By-holde the childe þe better—
Hym bare a maide, moder, marye.

78. Verbum Caro Factum Est


Advocates MS. 19. 3. 1

Verbum caro factum est.
I passud þoru a garden grene,
I fond a hebere made full newe—
A semelyour syght I haff noght sene,
O ylke treo sange a tyrtull trew—
There-yn a mayden bryȝt off hew,
And euer sche sange, & neuer sche sest:
Thies were þe notus þat sche can schew,
Verbum caro factum est.
I askud þat mayden what sche mentt,
Sche bad me byde & I schuld here;
What sche sayd I toke gude tent,
yn hyr songe had sche voice full clere:
Sche said, ‘a prynce withouten pere
Ys borne & layd betwene to best;
Therefore I synge as ȝe mey here
Verbum caro factum est.’
And þoroght þat frythe as I can wend,
A blestfull [song] ȝit hard I mo;
And þat was of threo scheperdus hend,
‘Gloria in excelsis deo.’


I wold noght they had faren me fro,
And eft-hyr þem full fast I prest;
Then told þei me þat þei sange ssoo
ffor verbum caro factum est.
They said þat songe was þis to sey:
‘To god a-bouun be joy & blysse!
ffor pece yn erth also we pray,
Tyll allmen þat yn goodnesse ys.
þe may þat is withouten mysse
hasse borne a child be-twene to best;
Sche is þe cause þer-off Iwysse
That verbum caro factum est.’
I fared me furthe yn þat frythe
I mett threo commely kyngis with crone;
I spod me furth to speke þem with,
& on my knees I kneled done.
þe ryalest of home to me con rone
And said, ‘we farred wele at þe fest,
ffro bethleem now ar we bone
ffor verbum caro factum est.
‘ffor we seo god be-comun yn mannus flech,
þat bote hasse broght off all oure bale,
A-wey oure synnus forto wesche;
A mey hym harburd yn hur hall,
Sche socourd hym sothly yn hur sale,
& held þat hend yn hur a-rest;
ffoll trewly mey sche tell þat tale
That verbum caro factum est.’


Vntyll þat prences wyll we pray,
Als sche is bothe moder & mayd,
Sche be oure helpe als sche wele mey
To hyme þat yn hur lappe was layd;
To serue hyme we be prest & payd,
And þer-to make we oure behest,
ffor I hard when sche sange & said
‘Verbum caro factum est.’
Explicit pro John hawghton.

79. Make Ye Merry for Him that is Come


MS. Ashmole 189 (Sum Catal. No. 6777)

Alleluya Alleluya deo patri sit gloria
Saluator mundi, domine,
ffader of heuene, yblessyd þu be!
þu gretyst A mayde with one Aue,
Alleluya, Alleluya!
Ad-esto nu[n]c propicius,
þu sendyst þy sonne, swete Iesus,
Man to be-cum for loue of vs,
Alleluya deo!
Te reformator sensuum,
lytyll & mekell, All & some,
make ye mery, for hym þat ys ycom,
Alleluya deo!
Gloria tibi, domine,
Ioy & blysse A-monge vs be!
ffor Att thys tyme borne ys he,
[Alleluya, Alleluya!]


80. The Lord that Lay in Asses' Stall


MS. Arch. Selden B. 26 (Sum. Catal. No. 3340)

I-Blessid be þat lord in mageste
qui natus fuit hodie
That lord þat lay in asse stal-le,
cam to dye for vs al-le,
to mak vs fre þat erst were þralle,
qui natus fu-it hodie.
This lorde þat lay in asse stalle,
Come to dye for vs alle,
To make vs fre þat erst were þralle,
Qui natus, &c.
Wel mowe we glad & mery bee,
Sith we were þralle & nowe be free;
The fende oure foo he made to flee,
Qui natus, &c.
And sith oure foo is fled fro vs,
We mowe wel synge & say ryȝt þus:
‘Wel-come he be, this lorde iesus,
Qui natus,’ &c.
Nowe blessyd be this lord benynge,
That nolde his cruelle dethe resynge,
But for man-kynde to dye endynge,
Qui natus fuit hodie.


81. The Maiden Makeles


Sloane MS. 2593

I syng a of a myden þat is makeles
I syng of a myden þat is makeles,
kyng of alle kynges to here sone che ches.
he cam also stylle þer his moder was
as dew in aprylle, þat fallyt on þe gras.
he cam also stylle to his moderes bowr
as dew in aprille, þat fallyt on þe flour.
he cam also stylle þer his moder lay
as dew in aprille, þat fallyt on þe spray.
moder & mayden was neuer non but che—
wel may swych a lady godes moder be.

82. Her Son Recovers Us from Adam's Fall


Lansdowne MS. 379

Tydyngis, tydyngis þat be trwe,
Sorowe ys paste and Ioye dothe renwe.
Qwhereas Adam cawsed be synne
Owre nature thus to be mortall,
A maydene sone dothe now begyne
ffor to repoyse vs frome þat fall,
And þat ys trwe—
The name of hyme ys Cryste Ihū.
Sume of oure kynde hathe hadd suche grase
That syne hys byrthe they dyd hyme se—


Bothe sonne and mother, fase to fase—
In þe chefe Cyte calde Iude,
And þat ys trwe—
bothe kyngis and shepardes þey yt knwe.
The prophettis þer-of ware no þyng dysmayde
Of þat tydyngis before þat þey hadde tolde,
ffor nowe yt ys fall ryȝthe as þey sayde:
A clene mayde hathe borne a kynge,
And þat ys trwe—
ffor he ys borne to ware þe purpull hwe.

83. Bless the Time the Apple was Taken!


Sloane MS. 2593

Adam lay I-bowndyn, bowndyn in a bond,
fowre þowsand wynter þowt he not to long;
And al was for an appil, an appil þat he tok,
As clerkis fyndyn wretyn in here book.
Ne hadde þe appil take ben, þe appil taken ben,
ne hadde neuer our lady a ben heuene qwen;
Blyssid be þe tyme þat appil take was,
Þer-fore we mown syngyn, ‘deo gracias!’

84. A New-Year Song of the Nativity


Sloane MS. 2593

A new ȝer, A newe ȝer a chyld was I-born,
vs for to sauyn þat al was for-lorn,
so blyssid be þe tyme!


þe fader of heuene his owyn sone he sent,
his kyngdam for to cleymyn,
so blyssid be þe tyme!
al in a clene maydyn our lord was I-lyȝt,
vs for to sauyn wiþ al his myȝt,
so blyssid, &c.
al of a clene maydyn our lord was I-born,
vs for to sauyn þat al was for-lorn,
so blyssid, &c.
lullay, lullay! lytil chyld, myn owyn dere fode,
how xalt þu sufferin be naylid on þe rode?
so [blyssid, &c.]
lullay, lullay! lytil chyld, myn owyn dere smerte,
how xalt þu sufferin þe scharp spere to þi herte?
so [blyssid, &c.]
lullay, lullay! lytyl child, I synge al for þi sake.
many on is þe scharpe schour to þi body is schape
so [blyssid, &c.]
lullay, lullay! lytyl child, fayre happis þe be-falle,
how xal þu sufferin to drynke ezyl & galle?
so [blyssid, &c.]
lullay, lullay! lytil chyld, I synge al be-forn,
how xalt þu sufferin þe scharp garlong of þorn?
[so blyssid, &c.]
lullay, lullay! lytil chyld, qwy wepy þu so sore
& art þu boþin god & man—quat woldyst þu be more?
so [blyssid, &c.]
blyssid be þe armys þe chyld bar abowte,
& also þe tetis þe chyld on sowkyd,
so [blyssid, &c.]
blyssid be þe moder, þe chyld also
Wiþ bene-dicamus domino,
so blyssid be þe tyme!