University of Virginia Library

Song Titles Used

Employing song-titles and
lyrics of popular songs of the
day Book of Love, Lonely
Teenager, (White Sport Coat
and a) Pink Carnation McLean
conveys the idea that he was
typical of his generation. Their
idea of a wild "high," was
drinking whiskey and rye, and
dancing "real slow" at the
dance in the high school
gymnasium. "Miss American
Pie," is McLean's stereotype
expression for the young ladies
of his youth. They were
"girl-next door,"
"as-American-as -apple-pie"
types who, like the music and
fun of that era, seem to have
disappeared, according to the

There's a line in American
Pie which indicates that ten
years have passed (since the
music died). By this, I'm led to
believe that although this song
has become a hit recording just
recently, it may actually have
been written two to three years
ago. If that is the case, then the
song is really discussing the
period between 1959 and
1969. Other references in the
composition seem to bear that
out, as well.

McLean talks about the
"King and Queen." Logically,
one would assume and many
have that the King is Elvis
Presley. "he queen...well,
that's another matter. There is
only one female singer that I
can recall from the late 50's,
who, because of her
tremendous popularity and
success, could have qualified
for the title of "Pop Music
Queen." And that's Connie