University of Virginia Library

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In the Ortum of 18—my frend, the editor of the
Baldinsville Bugle, was obleged to leave perfeshernal
dooties & go & dig his taters, & he axed me to edit
for him doorin his absence. Accordinly I ground
up his Shears and commenced. It didn't take me a
grate while to slash out copy enuff from the
xchanges for one issoo, and I thawt I'd ride up to the
next town on a little Jaunt, to rest my Branes which
had bin severely rackt by my mental efforts. (This
is sorter Ironical.) So I went over to the Rale
Rood offiss and axed the Sooprintendent for a pars.

You a editer?” he axed, evijently on the pint
of snickerin.

“Yes Sir,” sez I, “don't I look poor enuff?”

“Just about,” sed he, “but our Road can't pars


Page 63

“Can't, hay?”

“No Sir—it can't.”

“Becauz,” sez I, lookin him full in the face with
a Eagle eye “it goes so darned slow it can't pars
Methinks I had him thar. It's the
slowest Rale Road in the West. With a mortifi'ed
air, he told me to git out of his offiss. I pittid him
and went.