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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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My letter of the 23d Ult, with a postscript of the 3d
of this month, communicated the information which had been
received at those dates relating to the violation at New Orleans
of our Treaty with Spain; together with what had then
passed between the House of Representatives and the Executive
on the subject. I now inclose a subsequent resolution of
that branch of the Legislature. Such of the debates connected
with it, as took place with open doors, will be seen in
the newspapers. In these debates, as well as in indications
from the press, you will perceive, as you would readily suppose,
that the Cession of Louisiana to France, has been associated


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as a ground of much solicitude, with the affair at New
Orleans. Such indeed has been the impulse given to the public
mind by these events, that every branch of the Government
has felt the obligation of taking the measures most likely
not only to re-establish our present rights, but to promote
arrangements by which they may be enlarged and more
effectually secured. In deliberating on this subject, it has
appeared to the President that the importance of the crisis,
called for the experiment of an extraordinary mission; carrying
with it the weight attached to such a measure, as well as
the advantage of a more thorough knowledge of the views of
the Government and of the sensibility of the public, than
could be otherwise conveyed. He has accordingly selected
for this service with the approbation of the Senate, Mr.
Monroe, formerly our Minister Plenipotentiary at Paris,
and lately Governor of the State of Virginia, who will be
joined with Mr. Livingston in a Commission extraordinary
to treat with the French Republic; and with the Spanish

Mr. Monroe is expected here tomorrow, and he will probably
sail shortly afterwards from New York.

These communications will enable you to meet the British
Minister in conversation on the subject stated in your letter
of May 7th 1802. The United States are disposed to live in
amity with their neighbours whoever they may be, as long as
their neighbours shall duly respect their rights, but it is
equally their determination to maintain their rights against
those who may not respect them; premising, where the occasion
may require, the peaceable modes of obtaining satisfaction
for wrongs, and endeavouring by friendly arrangements,
and provident stipulations, to guard against the controversies
most likely to occur.

Whatever may be the result of the present Mission Extraordinary,
nothing certainly will be admitted into it, not consistent
with our prior engagements. The United States and
Great Britain have agreed each for itself to the free and common
navigation by the other, of the River Mississippi; each


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being left at the same time to a separate adjustment with
other nations, of questions between them relative to the same
subject. This being the necessary meaning of our Treaties
with Great Britain, and the course pursued under them, a
difference of opinion seems to be precluded. Any such difference
would be matter of real regret; for it is not only our purpose
to maintain the best faith with that nation, but our
desire to cherish a mutual confidence and cordiality, which
events may render highly important to both nations.

Your successor has not yet been named, and it is now possible
that the time you may have fixed for leaving England,
will arrive before any arrangements for the vacancy, can have
their effect. Should this be the case the President, sensible
of the inconveniency to which you might be subjected by an
unexpected detention, thinks it would not be reasonable to
claim it of you. It may be hoped that the endeavours to
prevent an interval in the Legation will be successful; and as
it cannot be more than a very short one, no great evil can well
happen from it.