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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Since my letter of November 27th on the subject of
what had taken place at New Orleans, a letter has been received
from the Governor of Louisiana to Governor Claiborne,
in which it is stated that the measure of the Intendant was
without instructions from his Government, and admitted
that his own judgment did not concur with that of the Intendant.
You will find by the printed documents herewith
transmitted that the subject engaged the early and earnest
attention of the House of Representatives, and that all the
information relating to it, possessed by the Executive, prior
to the receipt of that letter, was reported in consequence of a
call for it. The letter itself has been added to that report;
but being confidentially communicated, it does not
appear in print: a translation of it however is herewith inclosed.
You will find also that the House has passed a resolution
explicitly declaring that the stipulated rights of the
United States on the Mississippi will be inviolably maintained.
The disposition of many members was to give to the resolution
a tone and complexion still stronger. To these proofs of
the sensation which has been produced, it is to be added, that


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representations, expressing the peculiar sensibility of the
Western Country, are on the way from every quarter of it, to
the Government. There is in fact but one sentiment
throughout the union with respect to the duty of maintaining
our rights of navigation and boundary. The only existing
difference relates to the degree of patience which ought to
be exercised during the appeal to friendly modes of redress.
In this state of things it is to be presumed that the Spanish
Government will accelerate by every possible means, its interposition
for that purpose; and the President charges you to
urge the necessity of so doing with as much amicable decision
as you can employ. We are not without hopes, that the
Intendant will yield to the demands which have been made
on him, and to the advice which he will have received from
the Spanish Minister here. But it will be expected from the
justice and good faith of the Spanish Government, that its
precise orders to that effect will be forwarded by the quickest
conveyance possible. The President wishes also, that the
expedient suggested in the letter above referred to, for preventing
similar occurrences and delays, may also be duly
pressed on that ground.

The deposition of George Lee, respecting the forgery of our
Mediterranean passport, with copies of my last letters are

The short notice given of the present opportunity leaves
me time to add nothing more than assurances of the esteem
and respect with which I remain, etc.