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May 21st.. Tuesday 1805.

A butifull morning, wind from the West, river falling a
little, we set out at an early hour and proceed on in the usial
way by the assistance of the coard principally, but little use of
the oars & less with the poles as the bottoms are muddey, we
see no great bodies of pure sand the bars & points are rich
mud mixed with fine sand. I walked on Shore Stard Side the
river makes a great bend to the South to receve Shell River,
the point for many miles out in a Northerley direction is a
rich uneaven valley contain[ing] some short grass, and Prickley
pears without timber The Countrey on the South Side of
the Missouri is high, Soil and mineral appearance as usial,
more scattering pine & cedar on the hills, the wind which
blew moderatly all the fore part of the day increassed and about
Dark shifted to the N W. and stormed all night, Several loose
articles were blown over board, our lodge & camp which was
on a sand bar on the Std. Side & opposite to the lower point of
an Island we were obliged to move under the hills, the dust
& sand blew in clouds. The bends of the river are short and
points covered with cotton wood. undergroth wild rose bushs
I killed 2 Elk to day. Several Deer killd & a Buffalow Cow.


Page 59

Course Distance May 21st. 1805

West  mile to a point of timber on the Std. Side 
N. 15°. W  1/4  allong the Std. point opsd. a Hill 
N. 10°. E  to a point of a timber on the Lard. Side opposit to a
Bluff on the S.S.
N. 30°. W.  1 1/2  to the point of a timbered bottom on the Stard. Side
opsd. to a Bluff
N. 20°. E.  1 1/4  to a point of timber on the L. Side opsd. to a bluff 
N 35°. W.  1/4  to a point of wood land Lard Side 
N. 80°. W.  1 1/4  to a point of wood land Stard Side 
N. 45°. W.  1/4  allong the Stard. Shore opposit to a bluff on the L.S. 
N. 15°. E.  1 1/4  to a point of wood land Lard Side 
N. 70°. W.  to a point of wood land Stard. Side 
N. 30°. W.  1/2  allong the Stard. Shore 
N. 10°. W.  1 1/4  to the extremity of a willow bar on the Lard Side 
N. 60°. W.  to a point of wood land Lard. Side 
S. 70°. W.  2 1/4  to the comencement of a bluff in a bend to the Lard Side 
N. 75°. W.  1.  to a point of wood land Stard. Side 
N. 30°. W.  to a tree in the center of the Std. bend 
S. 80°. W  to the lower point of timbered botm on the Stard Side
& camped
miles  20