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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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Confucius said, "There are five [kinds of] gentlemen. There
are those whose power is honored, those whose families are
wealthy, those whose disposition is bold, those whose minds are
keen,[1] and those whose appearance is handsome. Those whose
power is honored[2] do not make use of it to love the people, or to
carry out their obligations (i), or to practice right principles, but
on the contrary are overbearing [and oppressive][3] on account of
it. Those whose families are wealthy do not use [their wealth] to
help the poor and aid the destitute, but on the contrary use it
to be wasteful and extravagant without measure. Those whose
disposition is bold do not make use of it to guard their prince and
attack in battle, but on the contrary they make use of it for
usurpation and private quarrels. Those whose minds are keen[1]


do not use them to rectify calculations, but on the contrary they
use them to practise deceit and gloss over dishonesty. Those
whose appearance is handsome do not use it in unifying the court
and managing the people, but on the contrary use it to bewitch
women and make them accede to their desire. These five types of
so-called gentlemen are neglecting their fine qualities."

The Ode says,[4]

Looking bland and soft as a piece of jade;
Living there in his plank house;
It sends confusion into all the corners of my heart.

Chou thinks [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED]. Chih-yao 8.22a and KTCY both have [OMITTED], and
I have so emended; likewise below. (Chao 65.)


Both Chih-yao and KTCY, loc. cit., lack [OMITTED], and it is omitted in my translation


KTCY adds [OMITTED], which balances with the other phrases of four characters.


Chou thinks [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED]. Chih-yao 8.22a and KTCY both have [OMITTED], and
I have so emended; likewise below. (Chao 65.)


Shih 193 No. 128/1.