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August 15th. Thursday 1805

a Cool windey morning wind from the SW we proceeded
on thro' a ruged low mountain Water rapid as usial passed
a bold running Stream which falls from the mountain on the
Lard. Side at 4 miles also a bold running Stream 10 yards
wide on the Stard Side 9 feet 3 In. Deep at 6 miles, willards
Creek the bottoms narrow, the Clifs of a Dark brown Stone
Some limestone intermixed. an Indian road passes on the
Lard Side latterly used. Took a Meridian altitude at the of the Mountain with Octant 65° 47′ O″ The Latd
44°-0′-48″ 1/10 proceeded on with great labour & fatigue to
the Mouth of a Small run on the Lard. Side passed Several
Spring runs, the men Complain much of their fatigue and


Page 354
being repetiedly in the water which weakens them much perticularly
as they are obliged to live on pore Deer meet which
has a Singular bitter taste. I have no accounts of Capt Lewis
Sence he Set out

In walking on Shore I Saw Several rattle Snakes and
narrowly escaped at two different times, as also the Squar when
walking with her husband on Shore. I killed a Buck nothing
else killed to day. This mount.n I call rattle Snake mountain.
not one tree on either Side to day[17]


Here Clark interpolates (Codex G, pp. 60–62) his "Courses and Distances
above Wisdom River," covering their progress during August 7–16. This matter
will be found in "Scientific Data," vol. v.—Ed.