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August 13th. Tuesday 1805—

a very Cool morning the Thermometer Stood at 52, a,
0′ all the fore part of the day. Cloudy at 8 oClock a mist
of rain we proceeded on passed enumerable Sholes obliged
to haul the boat 3/4 of the Day over the Shole water. passed
the mouth of a bold running Stream 7 yards wide on the Lar
Side below a high Point of Limestone rocks on the Star


Page 345
Side. this Creek heads in the mountains to the easte and
forms a Vallie between two mounatins. I call this stream
Mc. Neal Creek From the top of this rock the

Point of the Beaver head hill bears N. 24° E 12 Ms.

The Course of the Wisdom river is N. 25° W.
The gap at the place the river passes thro' a mountain in
advance is S 18° W. 10 Ms.

proceeded on and Encamped on the Lard. side no wood
except dry willows and them Small, one Deer killed to day.
The river obliges the men to undergo great fatigue and labour
in hauling the Canoes over the Sholes in the Cold water