University of Virginia Library


August 8th. Thursday 1805

We proceeded on early wind from the SW. The Thermomete[r]
at 52. a.o. at Sun rise at 5 miles by water & 4 1/2
on a derect line from the forks we passed a River on the Lard
Side 30 yards wide and navagable for Some distance takeing its
rise in the Mountains Easterly & with the waters of Madisons
River, passes thro an extensive vallie open & furtill&c. this
river we call Philanthophy. above this river (which has but
little timber) Jeffersons R is crooked with Short bends a fiew
Islands and maney gravelly Sholes, no large timber, Small
Willow Birch & Srubs &c. Encamped on the Lard Side, R
Fields joined us this eveng. & informes that he could not find
Shannon my foot yet verry Suore