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Page 314


August 5th. Monday 1805

a cold clear morning the wind from the S. E. the river
Streight & much more rapid than yesterday, I sent out Jo.
& R. Fields to kill some meat they killed two Deer & we
brackfast on one of them and proceeded on with great dificuelity
from the rapidity of the Current, and [in]numerable
rapids we had to encounter. at 4 oClock PM Murcery 49
ab. o, passed the mouth of principal fork which falls in on
the Lard. Side, this fork is about the size of the Stard. one less
water reather not to rapid, its Course as far as can be seen is
S.E. & appear to pass through between two mountains, the
NW. fork being the one most in our course i. e. S. 25 W. as
far as I can See, deturmind me to take this fork as the principal
and the one most proper the S E fork is of a Greenish
Colour & contains but little timber. The SW fork contains
more timber than is below for some distance, we assended
this fork about one mile and Encamped on an Island which
had been laterly overflown & was wet we raised our bead on
bushes, we passed a part of the river above the forks which
was divided and Scattered thro' the willows in such a manner
as to render it dificuelt to pass through for a 1/4 of a mile,
we were oblige to Cut our way thro' the willows. Men much
fatigued from their excessive labours in hauling the Canoes
over the rapids &c. verry weak being in the water all day.
my foot verry painfull