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We are assured by Lieutenant Timothy Downing, with
whom we had a short interview, that the best spirit prevailed
in the convention; not a dissenting voice was
heard, and all the resolutions passed unanimously. We
add an extract or two from private letters.

From Ephraim Downing, to the Hon. Jack Downing.

“Well Jack, if you don't acknowledge we've done the
thing up in style, you're no gentleman and not fit for
Governor. I wish you to be very particular to keep the
Sheriff's office for me.—Father says cousin Jeremiah has
thrown out some hints that he shall have the Sheriff's
office. But butter my ristbands, if you do give it to him
you'll go out of office again next year, that's positive.
Jere's a clear factionist, you may rely upon that. No,
no, stick to your old friends, and they'll stick to you.
I'm going to start to-morrow morning on an electioneering
cruise. I shall drum 'em up about right. You only
keep a stiff upper lip, and you'll come in all hollow.”

From Joshua Downing, Esq. to the Hon. Jack Downing.

“Dear Jack, things look well here; with proper exertions
I think you may rely upon success. I am in great
haste, and write this jest to tell you to be sure and not
promise a single office to any mortal living, till I see you.


Page 94
These things must be managed very prudently, and you
will stand in need of the counsel of your old uncle. I
think I could do as much good to the State by being appointed
Land Agent, as any way; but I'll determine upon
that when I see you.

N. B. Make no promises.

Your affectionate uncle.