University of Virginia Library

July 27th. Saturday 1805—

I was verry unwell all last night with a high fever & akeing
in all my bones. My fever &c. continus, deturmind to
prosue my intended rout to the Middle fork, accordingly Set
out in great pain across a Prarie 8 miles to the Middle [fork]
this fork is nearly as large as the North fork & appears to be
more rapid, we examined and found no fresh Sign of Indians,
and after resting about an hour proceeded down to the junction
thro a wide bottom which appears to be overflown every year,
& maney parts Stoney. this river has Several Islands and
number of beaver & orter, but little timber, we could See no
fresh Sign of Indians just above the Point I found Capt
Lewis encamped haveing arrived about 2 oClock. Several
Deer killed this evening. I continue to be verry unwell fever
verry high, take 5 of rushes pills & bathe my feet & legs in
hot water