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Grand Democratic National Republican Convention.

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Grand Democratic National Republican Convention.

At a large and respectable meeting of the democratic
national republicans of Downingville and the neighboring
parts of the state, convened this day at the centre
school house, the meeting was called to order by the
venerable and silver-haired patriarch, old Mr Zebedee
, who had not been out to a political meeting
before for the last twenty-five years. The venerable old
gentleman stated in a few feeling remarks the object of
the meeting; that he had not meddled with politics since
the days of Jefferson; but that now in view of the awful
calamities which threatened to involve our country
in total ruin, he felt it his duty the little remaining time
he might be spared from the grave, to lift up his voice
and his example before his children, grand children, and
great grand children whom he saw gathered around him,
and encourage them to save the country for which he
had fought and bled in his younger years. After the
enthusiastic applause elicited by these remarks, the old
gentleman called for the nomination of a chairman,
and Joshua Downing, Esquire was unanimously called
to the chair, and Mr Ephraim Downing appointed Secretary.

On motion of Mr Jacob Downing, voted, that a committee


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of five be appointed to draft resolutions to lay
before this meeting. Whereupon Jotham Downing,
Ichabod Downing, Zenas Downing, Levi Downing, and
Isaiah Downing, were appointed said committee, and
after retiring about five minutes, they returned and reported
the following preamble and resolutions.

Whereas an awful crisis has arrived in the political
affairs of our country, our public men all having turned
traitors, and resolved to ruin the country, and make us
and our children all slaves forever; and whereas our
ship of state and our ship of the United States, are both
driven with tremendous violence before the fury of the
political tempest, and are just upon the point of being
dashed upon the breakers of political destruction; and
whereas, nothing short of the most prompt and vigorous
exertions of the patriotic democratic national republicans
of this state and of the United States can avert the
impending danger,

And whereas, the Jacksonites, and Adamsites, and
Huntonites, and Smithites, have so multiplied in the
land, and brought things to such a pass, that our liberties
are unquestionably about to receive their doom forever:

Therefore Resolved, that it is the highest and most
sacred duty of every patriotic Democratic National Republican
in the State, to arouse himself and buckle on
his political armour, and make one last, one mighty effort,
to save the state and the country, and place the
constitution once more upon a safe and firm foundation.

Resolved, that the awful crisis of affairs in this State
requires a firm devoted patriot, a high-minded and gifted
statesman, and a uniform unwavering Democratic National
Republican, for chief magistrate.

Resolved, that in this awful crisis, we believe the eyes
of all true patriots are turned upon



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late of Downingville, but since last winter a resident in
Portland, the capital of the State.

Resolved, that we have the fullest confidence in the
talents, integrity, moral worth, tried patriotism, and unwavering
and unchangeable sterling Democratic National
Republicanism of the Hon. Jack Downing, and that his
election to the office of Governor in September next,
and nothing else, can save the State from total, unutterable,
and irretrievable ruin.

Resolved therefore, That we recommend him to the
electors of this State as a candidate for said office, and
that we will use all fair and honourable means, and, if
necessary, will not stick at some a little dis-honourable,
to secure his election.

Resolved, That we disapprove of personal crimination
and re-crimination in political contests, and therefore
will only say of our opponents, that we think them no
better than they should be, and that they unquestionably
mean to destroy the land we live in.

Resolved, That it be recommended to all the patriotic
democratic national republicans throughout the State, to
be up and doing; to call county meetings, town meetings,
school district meetings, and village and bar-room
meetings, and proceed to organize the party as fast as
possible, by appointing standing committees, and central
committees, and corresponding committees, and bearers
and distributers of handbills; and in short by doing every
thing that the good of the cause and the salvation of
the country requires.

Resolved, conditionally, That in case General Jackson
should be likely to be re-elected, we highly and cordially
approve of his administration, and believe him to
be second to none but Washington; but in case he should
stand no chance of re-election, we resolve him to be the
ignorant tool of a corrupt faction, plotting to destroy the
liberties of the country.

Resolved, That the thanks of this convention be presented


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to Miss Abigail Downing, for the use of her school
room this afternoon, she having with a generous patriotism
dismissed her school for that purpose.

Resolved, That the proceedings of this convention,
signed by the Chairman and Secretary, be published in
the Portland Daily Courier, and the Family Reader, the
official organs of the Hon. Jack Downing's correspondence,
and any other genuine Democratic National Republican
papers in the State.


Attest: Ephraim Downing, Secretary.