University of Virginia Library

July 24th Wednesday 1805

a fine day wind from the NW. I proceeded on up a Creek
on the derection of the Indian road at 10 oClock discovered a
horse 6 miles to my left towards the river as I approached the
horse found him fat and verry wild we could not get near him,
we changed our Derection to the river for water haveing previously
Crossed 5 handsom Streams in one Vallie one only
had any timber on it one other Willows only & a number of
beaver Dams. when I struck the river turned down to kill a
Deer which we dined on & proceeded on up the river a fiew
miles an[d] Campd on th[e] river. the river much like it was
yesterday. the Mountains on either Side appear like the hills
had fallen half down & turned Side upwards the bottoms
narrow and no timber a fiew bushes only.[32]


Clark here begins a consecutive record of "Courses [and distances] of the Missouri
through the Rocky Mountains" and beyond to the head of Jefferson River,
covering his journey from July 17 to August 17. This record (given in instalments
on pp. 26, 27, 34–41, 46–49, 60–62, and 67 of Codex G) we have transferred to
"Scientific Data," in vol. v.—Ed.