University of Virginia Library

November 19th.. Tuesday 1805.

began to rain a little before day and continued raining untill
11 oCIock I proceeded on thro emencely bad thickets & hills,
crossing 2 points to a 3rd. on which we built a fire and cooked
a Deer which Jos. Field killed from this point I can see into
a Deep bend in the coast to the N. E. for 10 miles. after
Brackfast I proceeded on N. 20°. E 5 miles to commencement
[of] a large sand bar at a low part ponds a little off from the
coast here the high rockey hills end and a low Marshey
Countrey suckceeds. I proceeded up the course N. 10°. W.
4 miles & marked my name & the Day of the Month on a
pine tree, the waters which Wash this sand beach is tinged
with a deep brown colour for some distance out. The course
contd. is N. 20°. W. low coast and sand beech, saw a Dead
Sturgen 10 feet long on the sand & the back bone of a whale
as I conceived raind I then returned to the Clift & dined,
some curious Deer on this course, darker large bodi[e]d short
legs pronged horns & the top of the tale black under part
white as usial passed a nitch in the rocks below into which
falls a stream, after Dinner I set out on my return S. E.
passed over a low ridge & thro a piney countrey 2 ½ miles to

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Mouth of the Columbia River,
sketch-map by Clark.

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the Bay, thence up the Bay to the mouth of the Chinnook River
crossed in the canoe we had left there & Encamped on the
upper side The Hills in the point of this bay are not high, &
imedeately below this River the[y] present yellow Bluffs

Above the River and up for about 2 miles the land is low
slashey and contains much drift wood, the countrey up this
creek is low with Copse of high land or as I may say elevated.
The Buzzard which Ruben Fields killed from the top of one
to the top of the other wing is 9 feet 0 Inches, from the point
of the Bill to the tale is 3 feet 10 ¼ Ins. middle Toe 5 ½ Inches,
Toe nale 1 Inches 3 ½ wing feather 2 feet ½ In. Tale feathers
14 ¼ In. diameter of one feather is 1 ¼ & 1 line Head is 6 ¼
Inch long including the back