University of Virginia Library

Novr. 18th. Monday 1805.

a little cloudy this morning I set out at day light with 10
men & my servent. Shabono, Serjt. Pryor Odderway Jos &
R. Fields Shannon Colter, Wiser, Lebiech & york proceeded
on Down the shore from the 1st. point N. W. 6 miles to a
lodge at the enterance of a river on the Std. in the middle of
a boggey Bay S. 79°. W. 7 miles to the mouth of a River (old
cabins open bogs abound for 2 ms. back) we call after the nation
Chin-nook River from this river to camp Point is S. 64°. E to
Bluff Point (a small Island in a nitch of the Bay in the same
ground) is S. 20°. W. 1 ½ miles to Cape Disapt. is South To
point adams is S. 22°. E about 25 miles. passed a part of a
fish about 1 mile above I supposed to be a Grampass The
men killed 4 brants & Leb. killed 48 plover of 2 different


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kinds yellow & black legs had them picked cooked and we
Dined on them.

S. 80°. W.  1 mile to the bottom of a nitch at a branch from a pond 
South 8° W.  to an Isd. in the 2d nitch from this passed 2 points in the 
course To the center of the It. nitch a run is 1 mile 
To the d° of the 2 d° is 1 mile 

At a run & Island near the shore here the Traders ancher
& trade. we passed at each point a soft clifts of yellow brown
& dark soft stones here Capt Lewis myself & sevel. of the
men marked our names day of the month & by Land &c. &c.
from this S. W. 3 miles to the Iner pt. of Cape Disapointmt.
passed a point & 2 small nitches (Reuben Fields killed a Vulter)
we found a curious flat fish shaped like a turtle, with fins
on each side, and a tale notched like [ILLUSTRATION] a fish, the Internals
on one side and tale & fins flat wise This
fish (Flownder)[40] has a white belly on one side & lies
flat to the Ground passed from last nitch across to
the ocean ½ a mile low land the Cape is a high Partly bald
hill, founded on rock, I assended a high seperate bald hill
covered with long corse grass & seperated from the hight of
countrey by a slashey bottom 2 miles N. 60 W of the Cape.
thence to a 2d Grassey pt is N. 50°. W. 2 miles Those hills
are founded on rocks & the waves brake with great fury against
them, the Coast is sholey for several miles of[f] this Cape
& for some distance off to the N W a Sand bar in the mouth,
sholey some distance out from the mouth The coast from the
Cape N W is open for a short distance back then it becomes
thick piney countrey intersperced with points

Point addams is S. 20° W about 20 miles the course on that
side bears S. 45°. W. I cannot assertain the prosise course of
the Deep water in the mouth of the river, the channel is but
narrow. I proceeded on up above the 2d. point and Encamped
on the shore above the high tide, evening clear, for a short
time Supd. on Brant and pounded fish men all chearfull,
express a Desire to winter near the falls this winter


This word "Flownder" was written in later.—Ed.