University of Virginia Library

July the 4th.. Thursday 1805

A fine morning, a heavy dew last night; all hands employed
in Completeing the leather boat, gave the Party a dram which
made Several verry lively, a black Cloud came up from the
S.W, and rained a fiew drops I employ my Self drawing a
Copy of the river to be left at this place for fear of Some accident
in advance, I have left buried below the falls a Map of
the Countrey below Fort Mandan with Sundery private papers.
The party amused themselves danceing untill late when a
shower of rain broke up the amusement, all lively and Chearfull,
one Elk and a beaver kill'd to day. Our Tar kill like
to turn out nothing from the following cause. [Blank space
in MS.]

The Climate about the falls of Missouri appears to be Singular
Cloudy every day (since our arrival near them) which
rise from defferent directions and discharge themselves partially
in the plains & mountains, in Some places rain others rain &
hail, hail alone, and on the mountains in Some parts Snow. a
rumbling like Cannon at a great distance is heard to the west
of us; the Cause we can't account [for].[11]


In the weather diary of this date (Codex I, p. 23), Clark wrote: "everything
across the portage."—Ed.