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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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Yesterday how begun?

How perfected today?

You must think of reaching perfection,[1]

You must think of controlling life.

By daily concern with each day,

You will become as stout as a metal wall.[2]

The Ode says,[3]

My days are advancing;
Your months are going on.
Rising early and going to sleep late,
Do not disgrace those who gave you birth.

[OMITTED]: cf. Analects 141 (1/9): [OMITTED] "Then the virtue of the people
will resume its proper excellence."


The rhymes are [OMITTED] *sěng, [OMITTED] *di̯ěng, [OMITTED], [OMITTED] *di̯ěng, [OMITTED].


Shih 334-5 No. 196/4.