University of Virginia Library


July 1st. Monday 1805.

We set out early this morning with the remaining load, and
proceeded on verry well to Capt Lewis's camp where we arrived
at 3 oClock, the Day worm and party much fatigued,


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found Capt. Lewis and party all buisey employed in fitting up
the Iron boat, the wind hard from the S.W. one man verry
unwell, his legs & thies broke out and Swelled, the hail which
fell at Capt. Lewis camp 27 Int. was 7 Inches in circumference
& waied 3 ounces, fortunately for us it was not so large in the
plains, if it had [been] we should most certainly fallen victims
to its rage as the men were mostly naked, and but few with hats
or any covering on their heads, The hunters killed 3 white
bear one large, the fore feet of which measured 9 Inches across,
the hind feet 11 Inches 3/4 long & 7 Inches wide a bear
[came] naarly catching Joseph Fields chased him into the
water, bear about the camp every night & seen on an Isld in
the day