University of Virginia Library

[Clark, first draft:]

November 11th Monday 1805.

a hard rain all the last night we again get wet the rain
continue[s] at intervales all day. Wind verry high from S W
and blew a storm all day sent out Jo. Fields & Collins to
hunt, at 12 oClock at a time the wind was verry high and
waves trimendeous, five Indians came down in a canoe loaded
with fish of salmon spes. called Red Charr, we purchased of
those Indians 13 of these fish, for which we gave fishing hooks
& some trifling things. We had seen those Indians at a village
behind some marshey Islands a few days ago, they are
on their way to trade those fish with white people which they
make signs live below round a point, those people are badly
clad, one is dressd in an old Salors Jawket & Trouses, the


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others Elk skin robes. we are truly unfortunate to be compelled
to be 4 days nearly In the same place at a time that our
day[s] are precious to us, The wind shifted to [blank space
in MS.] the Indians left us and crossed the river which is
about 5 miles wide through the highest sees I ever saw a small
vestle ride, Their canoe is small, maney times they were out
of sight before the[y] were 2 miles off certain it is they are
the best canoe navigators I ever saw. The tide was 3 hours
later to day than yesterday and rose much higher, the trees
we camped on was all on flote for above 2 hours from 3 untill
5 oClock PM, the great quantites of rain which has fallen
losens the stones on the side of the hill & the small ones fall
on us, our situation is truly a disagreeable one our canoes in
one place at the mercy of the waves our baggage in another
and our selves & party scattered on drift trees of emence size,
& are on what dry land they can find in the crevices of the
rocks & hill sides

November 11th.. Monday 1805

A hard rain all the last night, dureing the last tide the logs
on which we lay was all on float, Sent out Jo Fields to hunt,
he Soon returned and informed us that the hills was So high &
Steep, & thick with undergroth and fallen Timber that he
could not get out any distance; about 12 oClock 5 Indians
came down in a canoe, the wind verry high from the S. W. with
most tremendious waves brakeing with great violence against
the Shores, rain falling in torrents, we are all wet as usial
—and our Situation is truly a disagreeable one; the great
quantites of rain which has loosened the Stones on the hill
Sides; and the Small stones fall down upon us, our canoes at
one place at the mercy of the waves, our baggage in another; and
our selves and party Scattered on floating logs and Such dry
Spots as can be found on the hill sides, and crivicies of the
rocks. we purchased of the Indians 13 red charr which we
found to be an excellent fish. we have seen those Indians
above and are of a nation who reside above and on the opposit


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Side who call themselves Calt har mar. [Cath lah ma][31] they are
badly clad & illy made, Small and Speak a language much
resembling the last nation, one of those men had on a Salors
Jacket and Pantiloons. and made Signs that he got those
clothes from the white people who lived below the point &c.
those people left us and crossed the river (which is about
5 miles wide at this place) through the highest waves I ever
Saw a Small vestles ride. Those Indians are certainly the best
Canoe navigaters I ever Saw. rained all day.


Another extinct Chinookan tribe; their name and that of the Warkiacum are perpetuated
in the present Wahkiakum County, Wash., and its county seat Cathlamet
(located opposit Puget Island).—Ed.