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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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There is a saying, "One good at government acts in accord
with human emotion and human nature and follows the sequence
of yin and yang; he understands the principle of basic and subsidiary
and brings together the spheres of Heaven and man." Under
such conditions the Heavenly breadth is nourished, and living
things are abundant.

One who does not understand government lets emotions override
human nature, and allows yin to surpass yang. He makes the
subsidiary go against the basic and causes man to cheat Heaven.
His breath being exhausted cannot be prolonged; he is depressed
and cannot give vent to his feelings. Under such conditions disasters
occur and monstrosities appear. All living things suffer
and the year's grain crops do not ripen. Thus it is that if he acts,
his power is vitiated, and if he remains quiet, he loses [any chance
of] succor. Hence he devotes himself to what is not pressing,
not recognizing what is urgent. He daily offends against right
principles, and still he hopes in that way to govern.


The Ode says,[1]

Of their degenerating into ravening thieves,
I know not the evil cause.

Shih 358 No. 204/4.