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When War's infernal banners wide unfurl'd
Pour'd their dark wreaths throughout the bleeding world,
When o'er the field of death his Harpies flew,
And bath'd in blood, a wild insatiate crew,
Then, from the groaning Earth reluctant driv'n,
Thou fledst, sweet Peace, to seek thy native Heav'n!
But now, once more, with thy propitious hand
Thou pour'st down pleasure on this gladd'ning land,
Once more thou com'st, a “rising beam of light,”
And Want's pale cheek smiles feebly at the sight.
Welcome, thrice welcome! to our sea-girt shore!
O may Britannia mourn thy loss no more!
At thy approach may Want and Sorrow fly,
And heart-felt gladness beam from ev'ry eye,
May ev'ry British breast with rapture burn,
And joyful thousands hail thy bless'd return.
Celestial Peace! to angels ever given,
Who dwell'st serene in yon empyreal Heaven,
Where countless Suns their dazzling orbs display
And shed around an everlasting day!


Now when thou com'st to chace dark Sorrow's shade
And heal the wounds War's iron hand has made,
May Liberty and Plenty join thy train
And smile on Albion's chalky cliffs again!
Benignant Power! may thy long-wish'd-for smile
Preserve from further woes this suffering Isle,
May gentle Concord dwell in ev'ry breast,
And Party-Prejudice be lull'd to rest,
And all the angry storms of faction cease
In the sweet sunshine of returning Peace!