University of Virginia Library

Novr. 2d. Saturday 1805.

MERIDIAN altitude 59° –45′ –45″. Made a portage
of about 1 ½ miles with half of the Baggage, and run
the rapid with the canoes without much damage,
one struck a rock & split a little, and 3 others took in some
water 7 squars came over the portage loaded with Dried fish
& Bear-grass, Soon after 4 men came down in a canoe after
takeing brackfast, & after taking a meridian altitude we set out
Passed 2 bad rapids one at 2 & the other at 4 mile below the
Isd on Lard. and upper end of Strawberry Island on the Stard.
Side from the Creek end of last Course

S. 50°. W.  miles to a timbered bottom on the Lard. Side, passed the
Lower point of Strawbery Isd. at 3 miles, a Isd. covd.
with wood below on Stard. Side a remarkable high
rock on Stard Side about 800 feet high & 400 yds
round, the Beaten Rock. The mountains and bottoms
thickly timbered with Pine Spruce Cotton and a kind
of maple Passed 2 small wooded Islands on Std. side,
below the lower Island on the Stard Side at 4 miles an
Indian village of 9 Houses, The river wider and
bottoms more extencive.
S. 47°. W.  12  miles to a Stard point of rocks of a high clift of black
rocks. passed a Stard. Point at 4 miles. here the
mountains are low on each side & thickly timbered
with pine. river about 2 miles wide, passed a rock
at 10 miles in the middle of the river this rock is
100 feet high & 80 feet Diameter, a deep bend to
Stard. Side.


Page 189

Labiech killed 14 Geese & a Brant Collins one Jos. Fields
& R[euben] 3 those gees are much smaller than common,
and have white under their rumps & around the tale, The
tide rises here a fiew 9[1] Inches, I cannot assertain the presise
hite it rises at the last rapid or at this place of camp. The
Indians we left at the portage passed us this evening one other
canoe come up

S. 58°. W.  miles to a Stard. point of a large bottom. Encamped on
the Lard. Side river about 2 miles wide country
thickly timbered we Encamped behind a large rock
in the Lard. Bend A canoe with 7 Inds came down &
encamped with us


The figure 9 was inserted later.—Ed.