University of Virginia Library

October 28th Monday 1805

a windey morning loaded our canoes and set out at 9 oClock.
A M. 3 canoes came down from the village above & 2 from
that below. in one of those canoes a Indian wore his hair cued
[queued], and had on a round hat. Wind from West

Course Distance

N. 50°. W.  miles [to a] cove in a Lard. bend Clift of rocks on each
side of 90 feet high, fiew pine
N. 10° W.  miles to an Indian village of the Cbee-luck-it-tee-quar
nation of 8 houses in the form of those above, passed
the mouth of a small creek

Those Indians have a musket & sword, and several Brass
Tea kittles which they appear to be verry fond of We purchased
of those people five small dogs, and some Dried beries
& white bread of roots, the wind rose and we were obliged to
lie by about 1 mile below on the Lard. Side

North 1 mile to a rock Island on the Stard. Side. we had
not landed long be[fo]r an Indian canoe came from below with
3 Indians in it. those Indians make verry nice canoes of Pine.
Thin with aperns & carve on the head imitation of animals &
other heads; The Indians above sacrifice the property of the
Deceased towit horses, canoes, bolds [bowls] Basquets of which
they make great use to hold water boil their meet &c. &c. great


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many Indians came down from the upper Village & sat with
us [and] smoked, rained all the evening & blew hard from
the West, encamped on the Lard Side opsd. an Rock in the
river Bad place