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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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After T`ien Ch`ang had assassinated Duke Chien,[2] he made
a covenant with the people of the state, saying, "Those who do
not covenant with me will be put to death with their families."

Shih T`o[3] said, "Of old those who served a ruler died in their
ruler's interests. To abandon[4] one's ruler so as to preserve one's
parents is not loyal. To abandon[4] one's parents so as to die in
the interests of one's ruler is not filial. So I cannot do it. However,
if I do not covenant, it will be to kill my parents. If I do as others
do and covenant, it will be repudiating my ruler. Alas! One born
in disordered times cannot achieve upright conduct, and one
suffering violence at the hands of a cruel man cannot behave in
complete conformity with i. Too bad!" Whereupon he went up
and covenanted so as to spare his father and mother, and then
withdrew and threw himself on his sword to die for his ruler.


Those who heard of it said, "A superior man indeed! What
could he have done?[5] It was fate."

The Ode says,[6]

The people have the saying:
"To go forwards or backwards is alike impracticable."
This applies to Master Shih.


Hsin hsü 8.1a is a modification of this paragraph.


Tso chuan 840 (Ai 14), "On chia-wu Ch`ên Hêng of Ch`i [OMITTED] murdered his
ruler Jên in Shu-chou." (B.C. 481.) The details of the event are told in Shih chi 32
(Mém. hist. 4.83-6), where his name is written [OMITTED]. Hsin hsü has [OMITTED].
and [OMITTED] are often interchanged, likewise [OMITTED] and [OMITTED].


[OMITTED]. Hsin hsü adds [OMITTED]: Shih T`o-jên.


For [OMITTED] read [OMITTED] with B, C, D.


For [OMITTED] read [OMITTED] with B, C, D.


Chou punctuates after [OMITTED].


Shih 524 No. 257/9.