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Saturday June 8th. 1805.—

IT continue to rain moderately all last night this morning
was cloudy untill about ten OClock when it cleared
off and became a fine day. we breakfasted and set out
about sunrise and continued our rout down the river bottoms
through the mud and water as yesterday, tho' the road was
somewhat better than yesterday and we were not so often compelled
to wade in the river. we passed some dangerous and
difficult bluffs. The river bottoms affording all the timber
which is to be seen in the country they are filled with innumerable
little birds that resort thither either for shelter or to
build their nests. when sun began to shine today these birds
appeared to be very gay and sung most inchantingly; I
observed among them the brown thrush, Robbin, turtle dove
linnit goaldfinch, the large and small blackbird, wren and
several other birds of less note. some of the inhabitants of
the praries also take reffuge in these woods at night or from a
storm. The whole of my party to a man except myself were
fully pe[r]suaided that this river was the Missouri, but being
fully of opinion that it was neither the main stream, nor that
which it would be advisable for us to take, I determined to
give it a name and in honour of Miss Maria W—d.[1] called
it Maria's River. it is true that the hue of the waters of this
turbulent and troubled stream but illy comport with the pure
celestial virtues and amiable qualifications of that lovely fair


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one; but on the other hand it is a noble river; one destined
to become in my opinion an object of contention between the
two great powers of America and Great Britin with rispect
to the adjustment of the Northwestwardly boundary of the
former; and that it will become one of the most interesting
branc[h]es of the Missouri in a commercial point of view, I
have but little doubt, as it abounds with anamals of the fur
kind, and most probably furnishes a safe and direct communication
to that productive country of valuable furs exclusively
enjoyed at present by the subjects of his Britanic Majesty;
in adition to which it passes through a rich fertile and one of
the most beatifully picteresque countries that I ever beheld,
through the wide expance of which, innumerable herds of
living anamals are seen, it's borders garnished with one continued
garden of roses, while it's lofty and open forrests are
the habitation of miriads of the feathered tribes who salute the
ear of the passing traveler with their wild and simple, yet
s[w]eet and cheerfull melody. I arrived at camp about 5
OClock in the evening much fatiegued, where I found Capt.
Clark and the ballance of the party waiting our return with
same anxiety for our safety having been absent near two days
longer than we had engaged to return. on our way to camp
we had killed 4 deer and two Antelopes; the skins of which
as well as those we killed while on the rout we brought with
us. Maria's river may be stated generally from sixty to a
hundred yards wide, with a strong and steady current and
possessing 5 feet [of] water in the most sholly parts.

As the incidents which occurred Capt. C. during his rout
will be more fully and satisfactoryley expressed by himself
I here insert a copy of his journal during the days we wer[e]

I now gave myself this evening to rest from my labours,
took a drink of grog and gave the men who had accompanyed
me each a dram. Capt. Clark ploted the courses of the two
rivers as far as we had ascended them. I now began more


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than ever to suspect the varacity of Mr. Fidler or the correctness
of his instruments. for I see that Arrasmith[3] in his late
map of N. America has laid down a remarkable mountain in
the chain of the Rocky mountains called the tooth nearly as
far South as Latitude 45°., and this is said to be from the
discoveries of Mr. Fidler.[4] we are now within a hundred miles
of the Rocky Mountains, and I find from my observation of
the 3rd. Inst that the latitude of this place is 47°. 24′ 12″.8. the
river must therefore turn much to the South between this and
the rocky Mountain to have permitted Mr. Fidler to have
passed along the Eastern border of these mountains as far S.
as nearly 45°. without even seeing it. but from hence as far as
Capt. C. had ascended the S. fork or Missouri being the distance
of 55 (45 miles in straight line) Miles it's course is
S. 29°. W. and it still appeared to bear considerably to the W.
of South as far as he could see it. I think therefore that we
shall find that the Missouri enters the rocky mountains to the
North of 45°. we did take the liberty of placing his discoveries
or at least the Southern extremity of them about a degree
further N. in the sket[c]h which we sent on to the government
this spring mearly from the Indian information of the bearing
from Fort Mandan of the entrance of the Missouri into the
Rocky Mountains, and I reather suspect that actual observation
will take him at least one other degree further North.
The general Course of Maria's river from hence to the extremity
of the last course taken by Sergt. pryor is N. 69°. W. 59 Mls.


Miss Maria Wood, a cousin of Captain Lewis, who was later Mrs. Clarkson.—Ed.


Lewis here copies Clark's Journal for June 4–8; we omit his version, as being a
close transcript from the entry in Clark-Voorhis note-book No. 1, which we publish
in full.—Ed.


Aaron Arrowsmith was a London map-maker of repute. The map to which
Lewis here refers was one first published in 1795, "with additions to 1802"; it was
entitled "A map exhibiting all the new discoveries in the interior parts of North
America." Arrowsmith's dedication of this map to the Hudson's Bay Company indicates
the channel by which Fidler's discoveries were communicated to him.—Ed.


Peter Fidler was a trader and surveyor for the Hudson's Bay Co., in whose service
he was from 1791 until his death in 1822. At various times he was in charge
of important posts belonging to that Company; see sketch of his life in Bryce's Hist.
H. B. Co
., pp. 282–285.—Ed.