University of Virginia Library


Page 122


June 4th Tuesday 1805

Capt. Lewis & my self each with a small party of men set out
early. those who accompanied Capt Lewis were G. Drewyer,
Serjt. Pryor, J. Shields, P. Crusat J. B. de Page, R. Winser,
went up the N. side of the N. fork. those who accompanied
me were Serjt. Gass, Jos: & Ruben Fields G Shannon & my
black man york, and we set out to examine the South fork,
our first course was S. 25. W. 7 miles to the S. fork at a
Spring, at which place the little river which falls into the N.
fork is 100 yards distant only Seperated from the South fork
by a narrow ridge, our course from thence S. 20°. W. 8 miles
to the river at an Island where we dined below a small river
[that] falls in on the S E side which heads in a mountain to
the S. E. about 20 miles. North of this place about 4 miles
the little river brakes thro' a high ridge into the open Leavel
plain thro which we have passd from the point, this plain is
covered with low grass & prickley pear, emence number of
Prarie dogs or barking squirrels are thro this plain. after
eating we proceeded on N. 45°. W. Struck the river at 3
miles 5, 9 & 13 miles at which place we encamped in an old
Indian lodge made of Stiks and bark[19] at the river near our
camp we saw two white Bear, one of them was nearly catching
Joseph Field Joseph Fields could not fire, as his gun was
wet, the bear was so near that it struck his foot, and we were
not in a situation to give him assistance, a clift of rocks seperate
us the bear got allarmed at our Shot & yells & took
[to] the river. Some rain all the afternoon Saw Several
Gangues of Buffalow at a distance in the open plains on each
side, Saw Mule deer antelopes & wolves. The river is rapid
& closely hemed on one or the other side with high bluffs,
crouded with Islands & graveley bars containing but a small
quantity of timber on its bottoms & none on the high land.


The encampment must have been near the site of the government post Fort
Benton, situated at the head of steamboat navigation on the Missouri.—Ed.