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Han shih wai chuan

Han Ying's Illustrations of the didactic application of the Classic of songs
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Tradition tells about the woman in the "hsing-lu" [Ode].[2] She
had been promised in marriage, but as yet had not gone [to her
husband's house]. Seeing one present missing, one rite not perfect,
she preserved her chastity and kept her principles pure, and
would sooner have died[3] than go. The superior man regards her
as having attained that which is fitting to a woman's duty,[4] and
so he uses her as an exemplar and makes a song to disseminate it.
Thereby he does away with improper seeking and prevents immoral
acts. The Ode says,

Though you have forced me to trial,
I will still not follow you.[5]

For a similar passage cf. LNC 4.1b-2a. Legge translates this paragraph, Shih,
Proleg. 87.


Shih 27 No. 17.


LNC has [OMITTED] for [OMITTED], which latter is unusual, and Chou would change to
[OMITTED]. The [OMITTED] may have come from the preceding phrase [OMITTED].


[OMITTED], lit., "the proper way of a woman."


HSWC has [OMITTED] for the [OMITTED] of Shih and LNC. (CCSI 1b.)