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Lilly, Wait, & Co. 121, Washington Street,
Publishers and Booksellers, keep a large and general
assortment of School, Classical, Law, Medical,
and Miscellaneous Books, and Stationary. They
have the earliest supply of every new and interesting
work from the European or American press. All
orders for American or Foreign books will receive
prompt attention, and be supplied on the most accommodating


CURIOSITIES of LITERATURE, by M. D'Israeli, a beautiful
edition in three volumes.

Some notices of this interesting work are subjoined.

A beautiful reprint of M. D'Israeli's well known work has
just appeared. The paper, and indeed the whole of the mechanical
part, does the publishers great credit. We have seen nothing
superior to it from the London press, unless it be some of
their very costly publications. N. Y. Cou. and In.

It is refreshing to meet with these three beautiful volumes.
Few modern works have acquired a more deserving popularity,
than those of Mr D'Israeli. The `Curiosities of Literature' have
passed through seven or eight editions in England. The author
has not skimmed the surface of things, and collected the froth,
but he has brought up pearls from the bottom. He has not been
a compiler of floating gossip, but has laboriously searched among
forgotten records, and brought together facts, which have all the
freshness and attraction of novelty. His style is lively and vigorous,
and divested of that antiquarian pedantry, which most writers,
who have delved awhile among hidden lore, seem to feel themselves
authorized in assuming. To a literary man these volumes
are invaluable; and the general reader will find much in them to
enlighten and amuse. Traveller.

The `Curiosities of Literature' are absolutely astonishing. Mr
D'Israeli appears to be master of all languages, of all sciences, and
of all books. Nothing that is useful, nothing that is useless, nothing
that is curious, nothing that is entertaining, nothing that is tedious,
seems to have escaped the author. All is displayed with a
tact and talent which are infinitely agreeable. We believe all the
libraries in the world may safely be challenged to furnish forth
a book which contains so many of the odds and ends of literature
and learning as this. It is a book which may be taken up and laid
down at any time, which will always be read with pleasure, which


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is a proper ornament to the study or the parlor, and a never failing
steamboat or stage coach (for those who can read in stage coaches)
companion. More than all, it contains nothing offensive to morality.

Curiosities of Literature constitute three volumes, printed in the
best style of cis-Atlantic workmanship.

NEW TESTAMENT, according to the common version, a new
and beautiful edition, large and clear type, printed on the best superfine
paper, and will, it is believed, be an acceptable book to
the Trade, and the Public generally.

Price, in plain morocco, $1.

Do. full gilt, elegant, $2.

Benecke and Stevens on AVERAGE and ADJUSTMENT of

These two works are comprised in one volume of between five
and six hundred pages. Some of the more theoretical parts are
omitted. The notes the editor has given make up the same number
of additional cases, (American and English,) as are comprised
in those parts omitted of the original works that are embraced in
this edition. The two works are so arranged that the chapters
of each on the same subjects are brought together. A full and
minute table of contents is given, and a common index to both
works, and also a list of Authors, Treatises, Codes and Sea-Laws
cited throughout the volume, with a reference to all the places
where they are cited.

AMERICAN JURIST and LAW MAGAZINE, published quarterly,
at $5 a year.

This work answers to both parts of its title. As the Jurist it contains
essays and opinions on a great variety of interesting questions,
and it is not too much to say, that since the commencement
of its publication it has shed at least as much light upon jurisprudence
as any work in either Europe or America. As a Law
it contains abridgments of the legislation of the United
States, the individual States, and Great Britain, of indispensable
importance to every legislator, a variety of information upon local
subjects, a list of all the law-books published, and notices of the
most important, and also (what is of most practical importance to
judges and lawyers, and indeed absolutely essential to a knowledge
of the law down to the time being) a Digest of all the important
English and American decisions. Without access to these, no
lawyer can safely advise his clients upon many subjects, very frequently
occurring in practice, and no other work will supply
them. These Digests are of themselves of sufficient practical
utility to every lawyer of any considerable practice, to render the
work very desirable, though he should read no other part of the
work. The October number for 1833 will contain a general index
to all the ten volumes which that number will complete, thus
giving at a glance, a reference to all the important English and
American decisions upon any particular subject of inquiry during
the last five years; a facility in the investigation of legal questions
not otherwise attainable.


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Volume 13 of this interesting work `just published, with beautiful
illustrations. The series is now brought up complete in 32
parts — 16 volumes.

PICTURE of BOSTON, or Citizens' and Strangers' Guide,
in a neat pocket volume, very much enlarged from the first edition,
with many improvements and illustrations. $1,75.

MELLEN'S POEMS. — The Martyr's Triumph, Buried Valley,
and Other Poems, by Grenville Mellen, in one elegant
volume, large 12mo. Price $1.

The principal poem in this collection is called the `Buried Valley,'
and is founded upon the avalanche of a portion of the White
Mountains, by which the family of Mr Willey perished, under the
most heart-rending circumstances. The subject is of uncommon
interest, and from a partial examination of the poem, we are disposed
to think it has been well treated. The author is perfectly
familiar with the scenery of the White Mountains, and has studied
every feature, in its individual character and in its groupings, with
an eye of genius and taste. To those who have visited the White
Mountains, his descriptions will revive their impressions of its
majestic scenery with vividness; and those who visit them for
the first time will find him an interesting companion and interpreter
of the language of the visible forms of nature.

`We venture to predict that this volume will add to the estimation
of the author, as a poet, founded on his present acknowledged

THE YOUNG ORATOR. A New Volume for Declamation in
Schools, called The YOUNG ORATOR, consisting of Prose, Poetry,
and Dialogues, selected from the best Authors, by Rev. J.
L. Blake.

It has been thought that most of the books designed for Declamation
are made up chiefly of Selections rather suited for persons
more advanced in years and intellectual improvement than the
great mass of boys in our schools. Scholars cannot speak well
unless they understand what they speak, and unless they feel interested
in it. The `Young Orator' consists of Short Selections,
the style and sentiments of which are on a level with the apprehensions,
and are adapted to the tone of feeling, with that
class of scholars who mostly need such a work. The publishers
feel confident that it will be highly acceptable to all interested
in the business of education; and, they earnestly request all Teachers
to examine it for themselves.

American Primary SPELLING-BOOK, by S T. Worcester.
Most admirably adapted to the use of beginners. 12½ cents.

SEQUEL to do. by the same author, on a new and improved
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bereaved of their children, second edition, price 62 cents.

Notice for this edition. The compiler has been gratified to learn
that this little book has afforded consolation to many in their affliction.
In this edition, the plan has been somewhat extended and
improved, with an original article on the uses of affliction.


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PARIS, or the Book of the One Hundred and One, being a translation
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course of publication in Paris, and to which all the distinguished
writers in France have contributed. 2 vols. $1.

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Columbus to the present day, with accounts of the most remarkable
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whale fishery; the whole interspersed with many spirited nautical
sketches, and illustrated by neat engravings on wood. Price $1.

History of INSECTS, in 3 volumes, comprising an interesting
account of their habits, embellished with nearly 500 engravings,
from life. Price $2 50

Manual for Invalids, 12mo, 62

Knowledge for the People, a new edition, in 3 vols. 18mo, with
36 engravings, glazed cloth, 1 25

Dr Alcott on Teaching Penmanship, 12

Flint's Lectures on Natural History, &c, 1 00

Buonaparte's Voyage to St Helena, glazed cloth, 50

Stenographic Guide, 42

do. Olio, in a very neat vol. 18mo, 1 00

do. Conversation Cards, 37

A collection of Italian Fables in Prose and Verse, with Grammatical
Notes, for the Use of Beginners, &c, by Pietro Bachi, Instructer
in Harvard University. 50

History of Maritime Discovery, uniform with Dr Lardner's Cyclopedia,
(by Sir James M`Intosh,) 3 vols. 1 75

New GLERK'S MAGAZINE; Containing all the most useful
forms which occur in business transactions between man and man.
Comprising many valuable Forms not before given in any collection.
Calculated for the use of the citizens of the United States.
By a Member of the Bar of Massachusetts. $1.

Treatise on breeding, rearing, and fattening all kinds of POULTRY,
COWS, SWINE, and other domestic animals. By B. Moubray,
Esq. Reprinted from the sixth London edition. With such
abridgments, and additions, as it was conceived, would render it
best adapted to the soil, climate, and common course of culture, in
the United States. By Thomas G. Fessenden, Esq. Editor of
the New-England Farmer. 62 cents.

Malte-Brun's UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY, in 8 volumes.
The only complete edition, — just finished. Subscribers not yet furnished
with the last volumes can be supplied now.

This is well known to be the best Geography ever published. A
few copies only of the edition remain on hand. $20.

Young LADY'S BOOK, being a complete Manual of Elegant
Recreations, Exercises and Pursuits. The whole embellished with
more than 700 engravings.

This beautiful volume is bound in richly embossed covers, with
gilt leaves. The lining of the covers presents the hitherto unattempted
novelty of a striking imitation of the most beautiful Mechlin
Lace. An ornamental title page, splendidly executed in burnished
gold, is also among its decorative novelties. $3,25

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