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May 28th. Tuesday 1805

a cloudy morning some fiew drops of rain and verry
smokey wind from the S.W. we set out at an early hour,
The shoaley places are verry numerous and some bad to get
around we have to make use of the cord & Poles, and our
tow ropes are all except one of Elkskin, & stretch and sometimes


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brake which indanger the Perogues or canoe, as it
imedeately turns and if any rock should chance to be below,
the rapidity of the current would turn her over [if] she should
chance to strike the rock, we observe great caution at those

I walked on shore found the countrey ruged and as described
yesterday, I saw great numbers of the Big horned animals,
one of which I killed their fauns are nearly half grown. one
of the Party saw a verry large bear, picked up on the shore
a pole which had been made use of by the nativs for lodge
poles, & haul'd by dogs it is new and is a certain sign of
the Indians being on the river above a foot ball and several
other articles are also found to substantiate this oppinion. at
1 oClock we had a few drops of rain and some thunder whic[h]
is the first thunder we have had since we set out from Fort
Mandan, at 10 miles the hills begin to widen & the river
spreds & is crouded with Islands the bottoms contain some
scattering cotton wood the Islands also contain timber. passed
a Creek of running water on the Stard. Side about 35 yards
wide and camped imedeately opposit to a small creek on the
Lard Side we call Bull Creek from the circumstance of a
Buffalow Bull swiming from the opposit side and coineing out
of the river imedeately across one of the Perogues without
sinking or injureing any thing in the Perogue, and passing
with great violence thro' our camp in the night makeing 3
angles without hurting a man, altho they lay in every direction,
and it was very dark.

The Creek below 35 yards wide I call Thompsons Creek
after a valuable member of our party. this creek contains a
Greater preportion of running water than common.

Course & Distance May 28th. 1805



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South  to a point on the Stard Side. 
S. 35°. W.  2,  to the point of a Bluff on Stard. Side 
S. 60°. W.  to a point on the Stard. Side 
N. 70°. W.  to a point on the Lard Side 
S. 65°. W.  to a point on the Stard. Side 
N. 65°. W.  to a single cotton tree on Lard point 
West  1 1/2  to a d° cotton tree on the Stard point 
N. 82°. W.  1.  to a grove of cotton trees on Lard. point 
N. 76°. W.  to a tree on Lard point 
S. 68°. W.  to a point on the Stard Side, here the Hills separate
& river widens
West  3 1/2  to the upper part of a timbered bottom in a bend to
the Stard Side, passed two small Islands, & a large
Creek Std. Side Thompsons creek
S. 20°. W.  2 1/2  to a Bluff point in a bend on Lard. passed two small
N. 64°. W.  to the upper part of the timber in a bottom on the
Stard Side at which place we camped. opsd. to a
Creek L.S.
21 1/2