University of Virginia Library

Look at those recesses in the banks of the Qi ,
With their green bamboos , so fresh and luxuriant !
There is our elegant and accomplished prince , —
As from the knife and the file ,
As from the chisel and the polisher !
How grave is he and dignified !
How commanding and distinguished !
Our elegant and accomplished prince , —
Never can he be forgotten !
Look at those recesses in the banks of the Qi ,
With their green bamboos , so strong and luxuriant !
There is our elegant and accomplished prince , —
With his ear-stoppers of beautiful pebbles ,
And his cap , glittering as with stars between the seams !
How grave is he and dignified !
How commanding and distinguished !
Our elegant and accomplished prince , —
Never can he be forgotten !
Look at those recesses in the banks of the Qi ,
With their green bamboos , so dense together !
There is our elegant and accomplished prince , —
[Pure] as gold and as tin ,
[Soft and rich] as a sceptre of jade !
How magnanimous is he and gentle !
There he is in his chariot with its two high sides !
Skilful is he at quips and jokes ,
But how does he keep from rudeness from them !