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They flit about , the yellow birds ,
And rest upon the jujube trees .
Who followed duke Mu [to the grave] ?
Ziche Yansi .
And this Yansi ,
Was a man above a hundred .
When he came to the grave ,
He looked terrified and trembled .
Thou azure Heaven there !
Thou art destroying our good men .
Could he have been redeemed ,
We should have given a hundred lives for him .
They flit about , the yellow birds ,
And rest upon the mulberry trees .
Who followed duke Mu [to the grave] ?
Ziche Zhongheng .
And this Zhongheng ,
Was a match for a hundred .
When he came to the grave ,
He looked terrified and trembled .
Thou azure Heaven there !
Thou art destroying our good men .
Could he have been redeemed ,
We should have given a hundred lives for him .
They flit about , the yellow birds ,
And rest upon the thorn trees .
Who followed duke Mu [to the grave] ?
Ziche Qianhu .
And this Ziche Qianhu ,
Could withstand a hundred men .
When he came to the grave ,
He looked terrified and trembled .
Thou azure Heaven there !
Thou art destroying our good men .
Could he have been redeemed ,
We should have given a hundred lives for him .