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Every morning my agent regales me with some fresh instance of insubordination : he says nothing plainly, but shakes his head, and evidently gives me to understand that the estate cannot be governed properly without the cart-whip. It seems that this morning the women, one and all, refused to carry away the trash (which is one of the easiest tasks that can be set), and that with-out the slightest pretence: in consequence the mill was obliged to be stopped ; and when the driver on that station insisted on their doing their duty, a little fierce young devil of a Miss Whaunica flew at his throat, and endeavoured to strangle him: the agent was obliged to be called in, and, at length, this petticoat rebellion was subdued, and every thing went on as usual I have, in consequence, assured the women that, since they will not be managed by fair treatment, I must have recourse to other measures ; and that, it any similar instance of misconduct should take place, I was determined, on my return from Kingston, to sell the most refractory, ship myself immediately for England never return to them and Jamaica more. This threat, at the time, seemed to produce a great effect; all hands were clasped and all voices were raised, imploring me not to leave them, and assuring me that in future they would do their work quietly and willingly. But whether the impression will last beyond the immediate moment is a point greatly to be doubted.