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The offspring of a white man and black woman is a mulatto; the mulatto, and black produce a sambo; from the mulatto and white comes the quadroon; from the quadroon and white the mustee ; the child of a mustee by a white man is called a mustee - fino ; and the children of a musteefinio are free by law, and rank as white persons to all intents and purposes. I think it is Long who asserts, that two mulattoes will never have children ; but, as far as the most positive assurances can go, since my arrival in Jamaica, I have reason to believe the contrary, and that mulattoes breed together just as well as blacks and whites; but they are almost universally weak and effeminate persons, and thus their children are very difficult to rear. On a sugar-estate one black is considered as more than equal to two mulattoes. Beautiful as are their forms in general, and easy and graceful as are their movements (which, indeed, appear to me so striking that they cannot fail to excite the admiration of any one who has ever looked with delight on statues), still the women of colour are deficient in one of the most requisite points of female beauty. Young or old, I have not yet seen such a thing as a bosom.