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Yesterday we had the satisfaction of falling in with the trade wind, and now we are proceeding both rapidly and steadily., The change of climate is very perceptible ; and the deep and beautiful blue which colours the sea is a certain intimation of our approach to the tropic. A few flying-fish have made their appearance; and the. spears are being put in order for the reception of their constant attendant, the dolphin. These spears have ropes affixed to them,. and at one end of the pole are five barbs, at the other a heavy ball of lead: then, when the fish is speared, the striker lets the staff fall, on which down goes the lead into the sea, and up goes the dolphin into the air, who is in the utmost astonishment to find itself all of a sudden turned into a flying-fish ; so determines to cultivate the art of flying for the future, and promises itself a great many pleasant airings. The dolphin and the flying-fish are beautifully colored, and both are very good food, particularly the latter, which move in shoals like the herring, and are about the size of that fish. They are supposed to feed on spawn and sea animalcul2e, and will not take the bait; but on the shores of Barbadoes, which they frequent in great multitudes, they are caught in wide nets, spread upon the surface of the sea; then, upon beating the waters around, the fish rise in clouds, and fly till, their fins getting dry, they fall down into the nets which have been spread to receive them. The dolphin is seldom above three feet long; the immense strength which he exerts in his struggles for liberty occasions the necessity of catching him with the spear in the way before described.