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On Saturday about eight in the evening a large centipede dropped from the ceiling upon my dinner-table, and was immediatley cut in tw exact halves by one of the guests. As it isa reported in Jamaica that these reptiles when thus divided will re-unite again, or if separated will reproduce their missing members,


and continue to live as stoutly as ever, I put both parts into a plate, under a glass cover. On Sunday they continued to about their prison with considerable agility, although the tail was evidently much more lively and full of motion than the head. On Monday the head was dead, but the tail continued to run about, and evidently endeavoured to make its escape, although it appeared not to know very well how to set about it, nor to be perfectly determined as to which way it wanted to go. On Wednesday at twelve o'clock its vivacity was a little abated, but only a little : the wound was skinned over, and I was waiting anxiously to know whether it would subsist without its numskull till a good old age, or would put forth an entirely spick and span new head and shoulders, when on going to look at the plate on Thursday morning, lo and behold ! the dead head and the living tail had diappeared together. I suppose some of the negro servants had thrown them away through ignorance, but they one and all most stoutly deny having so much as toricbed the plate ; and as a paper case pierced in several places had been substituted for the glass cover, some persons are of opinion that the tail made its escape through one of these air-holes, and carried its head away with it in its forceps. Be this as it may, gone they both are, and I am disappointed beyond measure. I have proclaimed a reward for the bringing me another; but I am told that these reptiles are only found by accident.