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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies
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To the most heroick, & meritoriously renowmed Lord, the Lord Mount ioy, Lord Deputy of Ireland.

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To the most heroick, & meritoriously renowmed Lord, the Lord Mount ioy, Lord Deputy of Ireland.

To praise thee (noble Lord) were but to doo
What all the world doth; and to doo the same,
Were to offend, and that extreamly too;
And al extreame offence incurrs defame.
Praise is not seemely in a wicked mouth;
The VVorld is wicked, and her mouth is worse,
Ful of detraction, false-praise, and vntruth;
Then, should I praise according to her course?
O no! thy vertue merits more regard;
Let Vertue praise thee, as thou her dost praise;
For, sacred vertue is her owne reward,
And Crowns her selfe, in spight of Fortunes Nayes:
She is thy guide, and Glory her attends,
VVhich, her in thee; and thee in her commends.
The true lover of your honor & vertue I. D.