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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies
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To the Right Honorable and no lesse vertuous Lady the Countesse of Clanricard.

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To the Right Honorable and no lesse vertuous Lady the Countesse of Clanricard.

Honor attend, as vertue guides thy life,
Deere Lady, lou'd of all that are belov'd,
As it hath done thee, virgin, VViddowe, VVife,
For which thou wert of all, in all, approu'd.
By Heav'n assign'd to Natures Miracles,
Mirrors of Manhood, and Heroick partes;
VVorld, Flesh, & Fiends, to such are obstacles,
But God, Saints, Angels guerdō their deserts.
In thee it is, the loue of such t'alure,
And binde them to thee with loves Gordian knott;
It is thy grace and reputation pure
That made these worthies fall so to thy Lott:
God give thee ioy of this, for in the rest
Thou seemd'st accurst, because so highly blest.
I. D.