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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies
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Vpon the Discoverie of the litle VVorld By Master Iohn Davies.

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Vpon the Discoverie of the litle VVorld By Master Iohn Davies.

Goe Drake of England,

Christoph. Columb.

Doue of Italie,

Vnfolde what ever Neptunes armes infolde,
Travell the Earth (as Phœbus doth the skie)
Till you begette newe Worlds vpon this olde.
Would any wonders see, yet liue at rest,
Nor hazard life vpon a dangerous shelfe?

Behold, thou bear'st a World within thy brest,
Take ship at-home, and sayle about thy selfe.

The shippe wherein Sir Fr. Dra. compassed the World.

This Paper-Bark may be thy Golden-Hinde,

Davies the Drake and true discou'rer is,
The end, that thou-thy-selfe thy-selfe maist finde;
The prize and pleasure thine, the trauell his:
See here display'd, as plaine as knowledge can,
This litle World, this wondrous Ile of Man.
Charles Fitz-Ieffry.