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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies
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To the Right right Honorable the Earle, and Countesse of Rutland.

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To the Right right Honorable the Earle, and Countesse of Rutland.

For infinite respectes to thee (sweete Lord)
My Muse doth consecrate these zealous lines;
Which is the All her nothing can afford,
Serving for nothing but for true loues signes.
To thee that do'st enioy fruite of his loines
From whose worsts parts proceeded nought but good;
(Whose weakest vvorths, brake Envies strongest foines)
These lines I send; and to his deerest blood.
Sweete couple that haue tasted sweete and sowre,
The sweetest potion worldly weale can taste;
O let each others sweetes that gaull devoure
Which with this sowre VVorlds sweetes is interlac't:
And that you may doe so, your vnknowne yours,
Will praie, so you vouchsafe to call him ours.
I. D.