University of Virginia Library


After commenting on the lack of progress at a recent conference that he and
Judge Bryan and Judge Smith had held with representatives of the Board of Control
for Alexandria-Arlington-Fairfax-Falls Church, President Darden reported that there
now exists a favorable opportunity to lease the old school building, erected about
1922 and recently vacated, at Bailey's Cross Roads. The President requested
authority to proceed with the organization of the new college in leased quarters
next fall, pending a decision regarding the permanent location.

On motion of Mr. Berkeley, seconded by Mr. Coxe, the Board resolved: (1) that
a decision regarding a site for the Northern Virginia College be deferred, and (2)
that the President be authorized to negotiate with the authorities of Fairfax
County for the lease of temporary quarters and to proceed with planning toward the
opening of the college in September, 1957.