University of Virginia Library


Big Wheel Bikes is coming to
Charlottesville III *(2912)

Need a bike? Full, Frejus, Zeus,
Ficelle, Mercier, Flandria, Atala.
Bottecchia and Peugeot. Big Wheel
Bikes coming soon! *(3912)

Interior Life Seminar: Readings
from Christianity, Buddhism,
Confucianism, etc. Purpose,
method, context of personal
growth and commitment.
April-August. Eileen Epperson
977-7504, 924-5067. *(3891)

Economics men's hairstyles "only
the best" back to nature "layer
cuts" "shaggs", "pageboy", or
"conservative cuts". Wash, Dry,
Wear, any length or style, 8 bucks.
Meadowbrook Shopping Center
appointment 293-8422. *(3878)