University of Virginia Library


At the request of the Rector, the Secretary reported on a poll that had been taken of the members concerning meeting dates for the calendar year 1970. After discussion, the following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the tentative locations and meeting dates of the Board of Visitors for the calendar year 1970 shall be as set forth below, subject to final confirmation by the Board at its meeting in December 1969:
    Time  Place 
    5, 6, and 7 February 1970  Fredericksburg 
    9, 10, and 11 April 1970  Charlottesville 
    3, 4, and 5 June 1970  Charlottesville 
    30 September and 1 and 2 October 1970  Charlottesville 
    3, 4, and 5 December 1970  Charlottesville