University of Virginia Library


The following resolution was adopted:

  • RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that the tuition and fee schedule for George Mason College as set forth below be and it is hereby approved, effective at the beginning of the 1969 Summer Session:
    Virginia Students  Out-of-State Students 
    Application Fee  $ 10.00  $ 10.00 
    Twelve to sixteen semester hours (per semester)  240.00  600.00 
    Per semester above 16  16.00  40.00 
    Part-time students (up to 12 semester hours per semester)  20.00  50.00 
    Comprehensive Fee (per semester)  17.00[2]   17.00[2] 
    Laboratory Breakage Deposit (per semester)  5.00[3]   5.00[3] 
  • AND RESOLVED FURTHER that, effective at the beginning of the 1969 Summer Session, the Library Fee of $5.00 for the Summer Session be and it is hereby changed to a Comprehensive Fee of $5.00.


Students enrolled for six semester hours or less are required to pay one-half of the Comprehensive Fee.


The balance in the student's account for laboratory breakage deposit will be refunded by mail to the student at the end of the semester upon application to the Business Office.