University of Virginia Library

For Graduates.

Government D1: Politics and Jurisprudence.—Various concepts of the
state, of sovereignty, and of political obligation; American political theories;
the nature, sources, and forms of law, and its philosophical and sociological
aspect.—Hours by appointment. Adjunct Professor Rogers. Omitted in

Government D2: Constitutional Aspects of Social and Economic Problems.—The
constitutional limitations on governmental action with respect
to property and industry; labor problems, the regulation of corporations,
interstate commerce, social legislation, the extension of federal authority,
etc.—Hours by appointment. Adjunct Professor Rogers.

The following are courses of research. Competent students are guided
in the intensive and methodical investigation of selected topics, and the
results are presented for discussion. The members of the teaching staff of
the School will combine to give guidance and instruction. Hours by appointment.

Economics D1. Professor Page.

Government D3. Adjunct Professor Rogers.

Commercial Geography D1. Adjunct Professor Bardin.