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An Original Collection of Songs

sung at the Theatres Royal, Public Concerts &c. &c. By W. T. Moncrieff

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Sung by the late Mr. W. J. Hammond, at the New Strand Theatre in the Drama of ‘The Ballad Singer’ Air—Girl I left behind me.

When born, I squall'd in time and tune,
So well that, blessings on her!
My mother said I very soon
Should be a Prima Donna!
I run the Gamut through and through,
Nor e'er a pitchfork wanted—


My voice was Bass and Treble, too—
So ev'ry song I've chanted.
Then buy my ballads—buy, come buy—
Here's twenty for a penny!
My voice to please you I will try—
Come buy of Singing Jenny!
Here's ‘Water parted from the sea,’
In ‘The Bay of Biscay,’
‘O Nannie wilt thou gang with me?’
‘Nor sigh for love and whiskey!’
‘I'm Jolly Dick, the Lamplighter!’
‘The sun that lights the roses.’
‘The Humours of a Country Fair,’
Along with ‘The Vicar and Moses.’
Then buy my ballads, &c.
‘In infancy our hopes and fears’—
‘Peas upon a trencher!’
‘The Flag that braved a rhousand years!’
‘The Spaniards and the French, sir!’
‘Old King Cole was a merry old soul’—
‘Beneath a weeping willow’—
‘I love the lad with a carrotty poll,’
‘He's such a charming fellow!’
Then buy my ballads, &c.
‘Mortals are but earthenware’—
‘My heart with love is breaking’—
‘When bidden to the wake or fair,’
‘I am in such a taking.’
‘Pray Goody, please to moderate,’
‘The Lad with the shilala!’
‘I am o'er young to marry yet’—
Unfortunate Miss Bailey!’
Then buy my ballads, &c.
‘I'll gang nae mair to yonder town’—
‘Come listen to my story!’


‘Giles Scroggins courted Molly Brown’—
‘They died for Love and Glory!’
‘Away, away to the mountain's brow,’
‘Ye lovers of the Angle’—
‘Let's dance and sing, and Jump Jim Crow
‘Has your mother sold her mangle?’
Then buy my ballads, &c.
‘When thy bosom heaves a sigh’—
‘Such a beauty I did grow, sir!’
‘Murphy hath a weather eye,’
‘When the stormy winds do blow, sir!’
Now to conclude, nor wrath provoke,
For I to please endeavour—
Here's ‘Rule Britannia!’ ‘Hearts of Oak l’
And ‘Our Native Land for ever!’
Then buy my ballads, &c.


That quite complete my voice might be,
On roasted larks they fed me
So I still snore, in proper key,
And sneeze as Sol Fa's bid me.
I for my meat, by way of treat,
A nightingale or two seek—
So you'll suppose, can't blow my nose
But it is perfect music.
Then buy my ballads, &c.
‘I care not what your wise ones say’—
‘Rail on, ye learned asses!’
Here's ‘Bessy Bell and Mary Gray’—
‘A health to all good lasses!’
‘I gaze upon thy form unmoved,’
‘On stormy ocean tossing’—
‘Is there a heart that never loved’
‘The man wot sweeps a crossing!’
Then buy my ballads, &c.


‘Drink to me only with thine eyes’—
‘The Lakes of sweet Killarney’—
‘List to the maxims of the wise’
Among ‘The Groves of Blarney.’
‘Moll in the Wad and I fell out’—
'Twas in the morning early’—
‘Young Lobski’—‘Mr. Peter Snout’—
‘I loved thee ever dearly!’
Then buy my ballads. &c.
‘I'm a Jolly Pensioner’—
‘Do you ever think of me, love?’
‘Oh no, we never mention her’—
‘Under the walnut tree, love!’
‘We met’—‘Deep in a forest dell,’
‘Walker, the Twopenny Postman!
‘Sweet Joe, from all he bears the belle’—
‘The Literary Dustman!’
Then buy my ballads, &c.
‘Barney, leave the girls alone!’
‘Come where the aspens quiver!’
‘O do not mingle’—‘Bob and Joan!’
‘She loves, and lovos for ever!’
‘When a little farm we keep’—
‘Moll Dodds’—‘Lord Ullin's Daughter’—
‘My baby boy, lie still and sleep’
‘On the banks of Allan Water!’
Then buy my ballads, &c.
‘All round my hat!’ ‘If thou'lt be mine’
‘I'm Figaro, the Barber!’
The cove that sports a four-and-nine—
‘Come and take tea in the arbour!’
‘Who'll buy a heart? Who'll buy a heart?’
I hear the people cry out.
Of all the girls that are so smart’—
‘There you go with your eye out!’
Then buy my ballads, &c.



Pretty little damsels, who are you?
‘How happy could I be with either?’
‘Since first this humble roof I knew,’
‘We've lived and loved together!’
‘Sich a gettin up stairs’—‘Lady Fair’—
‘Flora she loved Damon’—
‘Child of Earth with the golden hair’—
‘Barclay and Perkins's Draymen.’
Then buy my ballads, &c.
‘Bow wow—fal lal’—and ‘Paddy Whack
‘Away with melancholy’!
‘Ben Block’—‘Tom Bowling’, and ‘Poor Jack’—
‘Come, let us all be jolly!’
‘Ah, who would wed for sordid pelf?’—
‘Sweet Mary’—‘Rosy Anna.’
‘Go to the Devil, snd skake yourself’
‘Upon the Banks of Banna!’
Then buy my ballads, &c.
‘Will you come to the bower I have shaded for you?’
‘Charley over the water!’
‘Tom Starboard was a lover true’—
‘Good Lord, what are you arter?’
‘A frog he would a wooing go’
‘Sweet Poll,’ and ‘Drops of Brandy!’
‘A little old woman, how came you so?’
‘With your galloping randy dandy!’
Then buy my ballads, &c.
‘The Bridal Wreath’—‘The plain gold ring—
‘That's the time of day, sir!’
I couldn't think of such a thing,’
‘In the merry month of May,’ sir.
‘Come buy poor Sally's wooden ware’—
‘She wore a wreath of roses’—


‘O tell me when, and tell me where,
‘Fuddle all your noses!’
Then buy my ballads, &c.
‘Flare up!’ ‘March to the battle field!’
‘Merrily danced the Quaker!’
‘Oh, fly not yet!’ ‘We'll never yield!’
‘My charming Betsy Baker!’
‘The soldier tired of war's alarms’—
‘Push about the can,’ sir!
‘He was famed for deeds of arms,’
‘The Dandy Dog's—meat Man,’ sir!
Then buy my ballads, &c,
‘When Arthur first in Court began’—
‘I cannot marry Krout, sir’—
‘Young Ben he was a nice young man’—
‘Does your mother know you're out,’ sir?
‘The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone,—
‘Weep not!’ ‘The Soldier's Tear,’ sir—
‘For ninepence, Mr. Fergusson,
You really can't lodge here, sir!’
Then buy my ballads, &c.