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74. On the Follies of Fashion.


74. On the Follies of Fashion.


MS. Harley 2253.

Lord þat lenest vs lyf ant lokest vch-an lede,
fforte cocke wiþ knyf nast þou none nede,
boþe wepmon & wyf sore mowe drede
lest þou be sturne wiþ strif for bone þat þou bede
In wunne,
þat monkune
shulde shilde hem from sunne.
Nou haþ prude þe pris in euervche plawe,
by mony wymmon vnwis y sugge mi sawe,
for ȝef a ledy lyne is leid after lawe,
vch a strumpet þat þer is such drahtes wl drawe;
In prude
vch a screwe wol hire shrude
þah he nabbe nout a smok hire foule ers to hude.
ffurmest in boure were boses ybroht,
leuedis to honoure, ichot he were wroht,
vch gigelot wol loure bote he hem habbe soht,
such shrewe fol soure ant duere hit haþ aboht.
In helle
wiþ deueles he shulle duelle,
for þe clogges þat cleueþ by here chelle.
Nou ne lackeþ hem no lyn boses in to beren;
He sitteþ ase a slat swyn þat hongeþ is eren.
such a ioustynde gyn vch wrecche wol weren,
al hit comeþ in declyn þis gigelotes geren.
Vp o lofte
þe deuel may sitte softe
& holden his halymotes ofte.


Ȝof þer lyþ a loket by er ouþer eȝe
þat mot wiþ worse be wet for lac of oþer leȝe,
þe bout & þe barbet wyþ frountel shule feȝe.
Habbe he a fauce filet he halt hire hed heȝe
to shewe
þat heo be kud & knewe
for strompet in rybaudes rewe.