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The Plan of St. Gall

a study of the architecture & economy of & life in a paradigmatic Carolingian monastery


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Page 168

"WHEN I first engaged in this work, I resolved to leave neither words nor things unexamined, and pleased myself with a prospect of the
hours which I should revel away in feasts of literature, with the obscure recesses of northern learning which I should enter and ransack; the
treasures with which I expected every search into those neglected mines to reward my labour, and the triumph with which I should display my
acquisitions to mankind. When I had thus enquired into the origin of words, I resolved to show likewise my attention to things; to pierce deep
into every science, to enquire the nature of every substance of which I inserted the name, to limit every idea by a definition strictly logical, and
exhibit every production of art or nature in an accurate description, that my book might be in place of all other dictionaries whether appellative
or technical.

But these were the dreams of a poet doomed at last to be a lexicographer. I soon found that it is too late to look for instruments, when the
work calls for execution, and that whatever abilities I had brought to my task, with those I must finally perform it. To deliberate whenever I
doubted, to enquire whenever I was ignorant, would have protracted the undertaking without end, and perhaps, without much improvement; for
I did not find by my first experiments, that what I had not of my own was easily to be obtained: I saw that one enquiry only gave occasion to
another, that book referred to book, that to search was not always to find, and to find was not always to be informed; and that thus to pursue
perfection was, like the first inhabitants of Arcadia, to chase the sun, which, when they had reached the hill where he seemed to rest, was still
beheld at the same distance from them.

I then contracted my design, determining to confide in myself, and no longer to solicit auxiliaries, which produced more incumbrance than
assistance: by this I obtained at least one advantage, that I set limits to my work, which would in time be ended, though not completed.

Samuel Johnson, Preface to A Dictionary of the English Language, 1755


Disorderly in life, Samuel Johnson was nonetheless among the most
articulate of scholars who have tried to make an exemplar of order, that
unruly thought might at least possess a vision of its aspirations. In the
illustrious context of the Preface to the first fascicule of the OED (A
New English Dictionary
. . . 1883) Dr. James A. H. Murray, a wise as
well as a learned man, quoted Johnson on reaching an end of matters.

The authors, having reached an end of their labors if not of their
enquiries, ponder that end and this Bibliography. Although it is very
much the creature of their footnotes and thus lacks certain airs and
graces, nevertheless its planning has been given close attention in the
awareness that this detail of book design often gets short shrift. Is this
because, coming at the end of a work, bibliographies appear merely as
lists of proper names and book titles, unworthy of the same care at times
bestowed on title and occasionally on text pages? Or did the designer,
weary of the main work and too tired to go further, decide to dismiss
himself from what seemed a mere final drudgery?

Whatever the reason, the authors hope the reader may peruse this
assembly of works, finding assorted old acquaintances but also perhaps
making many new ones. Far from being a concise literary sarcophagus, a
bibliography holds keys to minds of many men, who continue freely to
aid and sometimes to inspire us. Authors and editor consider that the
bibliography should be cut from cloth of not less quality than that of the
work itself. When Carl Purington Rollins admonished, "In the designing
of books there's no sin like complacency," he spoke well.

E.B., L.P.


Cons. Mon.

Consuetudines Monasticae, Bruno Albers, ed., 5 vols., Stuttgart and
Vienna, 1900-1912.

Corps. Cons. Mon.

Corpus Consuetudinum Monasticarum, Kassius Hallinger, ed., 5 vols.,
Sieburg, 1963-1968. Published under the auspices of the Pontifical
Institute of St. Anselm.


Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de Géographie Ecclesiastiques, A. Baudrillart
et al., eds., 13 vols., Paris, 1912-.

Migne, Patr. Lat.

Patrologiae cursus completus . . . (Series Latina), Jacques Paul
Migne, ed., 221 vols., Paris, 1844-1902.

Mon. Germ. Hist.

Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Diplomata regum Germaniae ex
stirpe Karolinorum,
4 vols., Berlin, 1934-1960.


Victoria History of the Counties of England (various titles, authors,
several publishers; from 1953 on published by Oxford University
Press for the Institute of Historical Research, University of


Page 169


Achter, Irmingard, "Zur Datierung des Alten Domes," Kölner Domblatt
XIV-XV (1958), 185-88.

Achter, Irmingard, "Die Kölner Petrusreliquien und die Bautätigkeit
Erzbischof Brunos (953-965) am Kölner Dom," Das Erste Jahrtausend,
Kultur und Kunst im werdenden Abendland an Rhein und
II (1964), 948-91.

Achter, Irmingard, "Zur Rekonstruktion der karolingischen Klosterkirche
Centula," Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte XIX (1956),

Acta sanctorum ordinis sancti Benedicti, Jean Mabillon, editor, 4 vols.,
1st ed., Paris, 1668-1672; new ed., Mâcon, 1935-1940.

Acta sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur vel a catholicis scriptoribus celebrantur,
. . . gathered, compiled and annotated by Joannes Bollandus,
in collaboration with Godefridus Henschenius, 58 vols.,
Antwerp, Brussels, Tongerloo, 1643-1867. New edition by
Johannes Carnandet, 7 vols., Paris, 1863-1940.

The great Jesuit collection of the biographies and legends of the saints, arranged
by the progression of the saints' days according to the calendar. Conceived and
begun by the Jesuit father Heribert Rosweyde (d. 1629), continued by Jesuits
Johannes Bollandus, Gottfried Henschen and Daniel van Papenbroek; discontinued
with the suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773; revived, with
the support of the Belgian government, after the Order was re-established in

"Actum praeliminarium synodi primae aquisgranensis commentationes
siue Statuta Murbacensia (816)," edited by Joseph Semmler,
Corpus Consuetudinum Monasticarum I, Siegburg, 1963, 437-50.

Ada Gospels. See Janitschek.

Adalhardus, Abbot of Corbie. See Levillain, 1900; Lesne, 1925;
Verhulst, Semmler, 1962; Peltier, 1962 and 1963; Hincmar;
Vita sancti Adalhardi . . . auctore Paschasio Radberto (editions of
1828, 1863 and 1879 and translation by Allen Cabaniss, 1967).
Also see Consuetudines Corbeiensis, ed. Semmler, 1967 and English
translation by Charles W. Jones, above, pp. 102-23.

Adamnan, Adamnan's Life of Columba, edited by A. O. Anderson and
M. Q. Anderson, Edinburgh, 1961. Also see Arculfus.

Adamy, Rudolf, Die Architektonik des muhamedanischen und romanischen
Hȧnnover, 1887.

Adrian, A. von, "Die Siebenzahl im Geistesleben der Völker,"
Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien, Mitteilungen XXXII (1901),

Adrian, Walther, So wurde Brot aus Halm und Glut, Bielefeld, 1951.

Agricola, Georgius, De Re Metallica, Libri XII, Basel, 1556.

The first systematic and richly illustrated treatise on mining and metallurgy,
written in Latin by a German mining engineer, Georg Bauer (1494-1555).
Immediately translated into German (1557) and Italian (1563), and frequently
reissued in the decades following, this work remained the authoritative handbook
on mining until the 18th century. A translation into English from the first
Latin edition, by Herbert Clark Hoover and Loo Henry Hoover, was published
in London, 1912, and reissued in a new edition in New York, 1950.

Agricola also wrote De Mensuris et Ponderibus, published in Paris, 1533, a
work of considerable importance to the history of ancient mensuration.

Albers, Bruno, editor. See Consuetudines Monasticae.

Albers, Bruno, "Une nouvelle édition des `Consuetudines Sublacenses',"
Revue Bénédictine XIX (1902), 183-204.

Albers, Bruno, "Untersuchungen zu den ältesten Mönchsgewohnheiten",
Ein Beitrag zur Benediktinerordensgeschichte des X.-XI.
Munich, 1905.

Amann, Émile, L'Epoque carolingienne, Paris, 1947. Histoire de l'Église
depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours, publiée sous la direction
d'Augustin Fliche et Victor Martin.

This volume of a standard factual and bibliographical guide to the history of the
Christian church contains special chapters on reforms in the Carolingian church
and state, the rise of intellectual centers, and the intellectual milieu.

Amerine, M. A., and V. L. Singleton, Wine, An Introduction for Americans,
Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1968.

Amerine, M. A., and M. A. Joslyn, Table Wines, The Technology of
their Production,
2nd ed., Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1970.

Annales ordinis sancti Benedicti occidentalium monachorum patriarchae,
6 vols., Paris, 1703-1739.

Annales regni Francorum . . . anno dcccxxii, H. Kurze, editor, Hannover,

Andrews, Francis B., "Medieval or 'Tithe' Barns," Birmingham
Archaeological Society, Transactions
XXVI (1901), 10-31.

Anselmus, Saint. See Vita sancti Anselmi.

Antiquiores consuetudines Cluniacensis monasterii collectore Udalrico monacho
J. P. Migne, editor, Patr. Lat. LXLIX, cols.

Appollonj Ghetti, Bruno M., "La chiesa di S. M. di Vescovio,"
Rivista di archeologia cristiana XXIII (1947), 253-303.

Arbois de Jubainville, Marie Henri d', Ėtudes sur l'état intérieur
des abbayes cisterciennes et principalement de Clairvaux au XIIe et
XIIIe siècles,
Paris, 1858.

The Archaeological Journal, published by the Royal Archaeological
Institute of Great Britain, 1844—.

Arculfus. The Pilgrimage of Arculfus (about the year A.D. 670), James
Rose MacPherson, translator, London, 1895. Palestine Pilgrims'
Text Society, III. Also see Sancti Adamnani abbatis Hiiensis. . . .

Ardonis Vita Benedicti Anianensis et Indensis, edited by G. Waitz, Mon.
Germ. Hist., Scriptorum
XV, Hannover, 1887, 198-220.

Arens, Fritz Victor, "Das Werkmass in der Baukunst des Mittelalters,
8. bis 11. Jahrhundert," dissertation, Würzburg, 1938.

A masterful, if not brilliant, and refreshingly sober analysis of medieval
systems of mensuration.

Arnold, John P., Origin and History of Beer and Brewing, Chicago,

Arutiunian, V. M., and S. A. Safarian, Pamiatniki Armianskogo
(Monuments of Armenian Architecture), Moscow,
1951 (Pamiatniki zodchestva narodov SSSR).

Arx, Ildefons von, Geschichte des Kantons St. Gallen, St. Gall, 1810.

Ash, H. B. et al., editors. See Columella.

Ashby, Thomas, co-author. See Platner.

Atkinson, Thomas Dinham, The Architectural History of the Benedictine
Monastery of St. Ethelreda at Ely,
Cambridge, 1933.

Atkinson, Thomas Dinham, A Glossary of Terms Used in English
London, 1937.

Aubert, Marcel, L'Architecture cistercienne en France, with the collaboration
of the Marquise de Maille, 2 vols., Paris, 1947.

Standard reference work on Cistercian architecture in France.

Augst, Emil, Das deutsche Möbel, Augsburg, 1950.

Augustinus Aurelius, De Civitate Dei libri XXII, 2 vols., Leipzig,

Augustinus Aurelius, De Civitate Dei, 5 vols., Latin and English,
Cambridge, 1957-1966 (Loeb Classical Library).

Augustinus, Aurelius, The City of God, edited and translated by
Walsh and Monohan, New York, 1952. Fathers of the Church
(Writings of St. Augustine, vol. VII).

This series, consisting of translations by American Catholic scholars of the
writings of the fathers of the Church, is intended for broad and not exclusively
scholarly audience. The translations are meant to be close to the spirit and
meaning of the original, yet easily read. In all, 72 volumes are projected
including some works never before translated.

Other English translation will be found in the series Ancient Christian Writers
(1946—), J. Quasten and J. C. Plumpe, eds.; and Library of Christian Classics
(1953—), J. Baillie et al., eds.

Augustinus Aurelius, Sancti Augustine de Civitate Dei, Libri I-X,
XI-XII, Bernardus Dombart and Alphonsus Kalb, eds., Turnhout,
1955. Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina. vols. 47, 48; and see
Corpus Christianorum.


Page 170

This is the most recent critical edition of the De Civitate Dei. For other editions
see Clavis patrum Latinorum, ed. E. Dekkers, Sacris erudiri, III, 1951. The only
complete edition of St. Augustine's writing is still Migne, Patr. Lat., XXIII-XLVII,

Aurelianus, Saint. S. Aureliani Regula ad Monachos, J. P. Migne, ed.,
Patr. Lat. LXVIII, Paris 1866, cols., 385-394.

Ausgrabungen in Deutschland Gefördert von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft,
1950-1975, Mainz, 1975. Vol. I: Vorgeschichte und
Vol. 2: Römische Kaiserzeit im Freien Germanien,
Vol. 3: Frühmittelalter II, Archäologie und Naturwissenschaften,
Katalog, Karten, und Modelle.
Vol. 4: Beilagen 1-50.
Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, Forschunginstitut
für Vor- und Frühgeschichte.

Ausonius, Decimus Magnus. Ausonius with an English translation by
Hugh Evelyn White, London-New York, 1919.


Baetke, Walter, translator. See Sturlanga Saga.

Bandmann, Günter, Mittelalterliche Architektur als Bedeutungsträger,
Berlin, 1951.

Bandmann, Günter, Die Werdener Abteikirche, 1256-1275, Bonn,

Bandmann, Günter, "Über Pastophorien und verwandte Nebenräume
im mittelalterlichen Kirchenbau," Kunstgeschichtliche Studien
für Hans Kauffmann,
Berlin, 1956, 119ff.

Bandmann, Günter, "Früh- und hochmittelalterliche Altaranordnung
als Darstellung," Das Erste Jahrtausend, Kultur und Kunst
im werdenden Abendland an Rhein und Ruhr,
text vol. I, Victor H.
Elbern, editor, Düsseldorf, 1962, 371-411.

Banfer, Ludwig, A. Stieren, and Alexander Klein, "Eine germanische
Siedlung in Westik bei Kamen," Westfalen (1936), 410-53.

Bannister, T. C., "The Constantinian Basilica of Saint Peter,"
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians XXVII (1968),

Bantelmann, Albert, "Warftengrabung Töfting, 1949/50" (preliminary
report), Germania XXIX (1951), 316-17.

Bantelmann, Albert, Töfting. Eine vorgeschichtliche Warft an der
Neumünster, 1955, Offa Bücher, new ser. XII.

Barsali, Isa Belli, "Problemi alto medievali," Arte Lombarda IX:1
(suppl. 1965), 19-28.

Bassermann-Jordan, Friedrich von, Geschichte des Weinbaus, 2nd
ed., 3 vols, Frankfurt, 1923.

Bastelaer, René van, Les estampes de Peter Bruegel l'ancien, Brussels,

Battelli, Giulio, Lezione di paleografia, 3rd ed., Vatican, 1949.

Bauerreis, P. Romuald, "Das frühmittelalterliche Bistum Neuberg:
Zur Verfasserschaft der `Murbacher Statuten'," Studien und
Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktiner-Ordens
LX (1946),

Beck, Theodor, Beiträge zur Geschichte des Maschinenbaues, Berlin, 1899.

Beckwith, John, "The Werden Casket Reconsidered," Art Bulletin
XL 1958, 1-11.

Bede, The Venerable, Venerabilis Baedae Historiam ecclesiasticam gentis
Anglorum, una cum Historia Abbatum, Epistolam ad Ecgberctum, una
cum Historia abbatum auctore anonymo, etc.,
Charles Plummer,
editor, 2 vols., Oxford, 1896.

A superb edition, fructified with loving appreciation and nearly impeccable
scholarship—the foundation of all subsequent studies of Bede. Contains a
detailed account of the author's life and works and a complete volume of

Bede, The Venerable, Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, with
English translation and introduction by Vida D. Scudder, New
York, 1916.

A reliable translation of wide circulation, now supplanted by Colgrave's.

Bede, The Venerable, Bedae Opera Historica, 2 vols., with English
translation by J. E. King, London, 1930.

The Loeb edition, unsatisfactory on all counts but availability.

Bede, The Venerable, Bedae Opera de Temporibus, edited by Charles
W. Jones, Cambridge, Mass., 1943. The Medieval Academy of
America Publications no. 41.

Computus, the study of time in forms varying from verse scansion to the
Christian day, year, and era, was required in all schools by Charlemagne's
orders. Bede's were the standard texts: four MSS have survived from the St.
Gall scriptorium which were written in the first half of the ninth century.
This volume contains, together with the texts, which will be republished in
the Corpus Christianorum, a history of computus and editorial comment which
will not be republished.

Bede, The Venerable, Bede's Ecclesiastical History, edited and translated
by Bertram Colgrave and R. A. B. Mynors, Oxford, 1969. Oxford
Medieval Texts.

This is now the standard text, with an excellent "Textual Introduction" by
Sir Roger Mynors; the facing translation and useful notes are by Bertram

Bede, The Venerable, Bedae Opera Venerabilis Didascalica, edited by
Charles W. Jones, Corpus Christianorum CXXIII:B, CXXIII:C

An edition of all grammatical and computistical works (including calendars,
tables, and relevant letters) and De natura rerum, together with a Carolingian
commentary on each major work prepared by Drs. Calvin Kendall, Margaret
King, Frances Lipp, and the editor. These were the basic textbooks for both
the school for novices and the external school at St. Gall.

Beenken, Hermann, "Die ausgeschiedene Vierung," Repertorium für
LI (1930), 208-31.

Beenken, Hermann, "Die Aachener Pfalzkapelle. Ihre Stellung in der
abendländischen Architekturentwicklung," Aachen zum Jahre
Düsseldorf, 1951, 67-80. Jahrbuch des Rheinischen Verein
für Denkmalpflege und Heimatschutz.

Behling, Lottlisa, Die Pflanze in der mittelalterlichen Tafelmalerei, Weimar,

Behn, Friedrich, "Die Einhartsbasilika zu Steinbach im Odenwald,"
Die Denkmalpflege (1931), 41-52.

Behn, Friedrich, Die karolingische Klosterkirche von Lorsch nach den
1927-28 und 1932-33, Berlin and Leipzig, 1934.

Behn, Friedrich, Kloster Lorsch, Mainz, 1949.

Behn, Friedrich, "Ausgrabungen in Lorsch," Laurissa Jubilans,
Festschrift zur 1200-Jahrfeier von Lorsch,
Lorsch, 1964, 115-22.

Behre, Karl-Ernst, "Untersuchungen des botanischen Materials der
frühmittelalterlichen Siedlung Haithabu (Ausgrabungen 19631964),"
Berichte über die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu, Bericht 2, Neumünster,
1969, 7-46.

Benedict, Saint. The Rule of St. Benedict. Latin and English, edited by
Abbot Justin McCann, London, 1952.

The best and handiest translation into English of the Rule of St. Benedict
displaying the Latin and English versions side by side (in this study routinely
used wherever St. Benedict is quoted in English). Good commentary.

Benedict, Saint. Die Regel St. Benedikts, translated by Father Basilius
Steidle, Beuron, 1952.

The best German translation of the Rule of St. Benedict, with extensive

Benedict, Saint. Benedicti Regula, edited by Rudolphus Hanslik,
Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum LXXXV, Vienna,

The most recent Latin edition of the authentic text of the Rule (in this study
routinely used wherever St. Benedict is quoted in Latin).

Benedict, Saint. The Rule of St. Benedict, Oxford, Bodleian Library,
Hatton 14,
edited by D. H. Farmer, Copenhagen, 1968. Early
English Manuscripts in Facsimile, vol. 15.

A superb facsimile edition although not in color, of the oldest surviving copy
of the Rule, written in England around 700 A.D. At the end of the Middle Ages
this manuscript was in the library of the Cathedral Priory at Worcester. It was
acquired in the 17th century by Lord Hatton (d. 1670) and purchased by the
Bodleian in 1671.

Benedict, Saint. Also see Vita et Regula SS. P. Benedicti, R. Mittermüller,
editor; Regula Benedicti Studia. . . .


Page 171

Bennet, Richard, and John Elton, The History of Corn Milling, 4 vols.,
London, 1898-1904.

A basic reference work.

Benoit, Fernand, "L'usine de meunerie hydraulique de Barbegal
(Arles)," Revue archéologique, 6e ser., XV (1940), I, 19-80.

Benoit, Fernand, "Le sarcophage de Lurs en Provence," Cahiers
X (1959), 49-51.

Benz, Ernst, "Fondamenti Cristiani della technica occidentale,"
Technica e casistica, Enrico Castelli, ed., Rome, 1964, pp. 241-263.

Berger, Rainer, "The Potential and Limitations of Radiocarbon Dating
in the Middle Ages: The Radiochronologist's View," in Scientific
Methods in Medieval Archaeology
(UCLA Center for Medieval and
Renaissance Studies, Contributions: IV) ed. Rainer Berger,
Berkeley-Los Angeles-London, 1970, 89-139.

Berichte über die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu, Bericht 1, Neumünster,
1969. Zwischenberichterstattung.

Berlière, Dom Ursmer, "Bulletin d'histoire Bénédictine," Revue
XVII (1900), 162-75.

Berlière, Dom Ursmer, "Les coutumiers monastiques," Revue
XXIII (1906), 260-67.

Berlière, Dom Ursmer, "Ecoles claustrales au moyen âge," Académie
royale de Belgique, classe des lettres et des sciences morales et politiques,
(1921), 550-72.

Berlière, Dom Ursmer, L'Ascèse Bénédictine, Paris, 1927.

Berlière, Dom Ursmer, "Le nombre des moines dans les anciens
monastères," Revue Bénédictine XLI (1929), 231-61; and XLII
(1930), 19-42.

Berlière, Dom Ursmer, "La Familia dans les monastères bénédictins
du moyen age," Académie royale de Belgique, classe des lettres et des
sciences morales et politiques, Mémoires
XXIX (1931), 1-123.

Bernheimer, Richard, "An Ancient Oriental Source of Christian
Sacred Architecture," American Journal of Archaeology XLIII
(1939), 647-68.

Bersu, Gerhard, "A Promontory Fort on the Shore of Ramsey Bay,
Isle of Man," Antiquaries Journal XXIX (1949), 62-79.

Bertrand, Simone, La tapisserie de Bayeux, Paris, 1966. Collection
"La Nuit des temps," Les Presses Monastiques, La Pierre-Qui-Vire.

Beseler, Hartwig, and Hans Roggenkamp, Die Michaelskirche in
Berlin, 1954.

Bessler, Hans, "Der St. Galler Klosterplan," Rorschacher Neujahrsblatt,

Bessler, Hans, "Der Plan für das Kloster St. Gallen vom Jahre 820,"
Schweizerische Beiträge zur Allgemeinen Geschichte IX (1951),

Bessler, Hans, "Massnahmen zur Sicherung des Klosterplanes," in
H. Reinhardt, Der St. Galler Klosterplan, 92. Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben
vom Historischen Verein des Kantons St. Gallen,
St. Gall,
1952, 40-41.

Bessler, Hans, "Stand der Forschung um den karolingischen Klosterplan
von St. Gallen," Schweizer Beiträge zur allgemeinen Geschichte
XVI (1958), 229-39.

Beumann, Helmut, "Topos und Gedankengefüge bei Einhard,"
Archiv für Kulturgeschichte XXXIII (1951), 337ff. Reprinted in
Ideengeschichtliche Studien zu Einhard und anderen Geschichtsschreibern
des Früheren Mittelalters,
Darmstadt, 1962.

Beumann, Helmut, and O. Grossmann, "Das Bonifaziusgrab und die
Klosterkirche zu Fulda," Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft
XIX (1949), 17-56.

Beyerle, Konrad, "Zur Einführung in die Geschichte des Klosters,
I. Von der Gründung bis zum Ende des freiherrlichen Klosters
(724-1427)," in Die Kultur der Abtei Reichenau, Erinnerungsschrift
zur zwölfhundersten Wiederkehr des Gründungsjahres des
I (1925), 53-212.

Bezold, Gustav von, "Zur Geschichte der romanischen Baukunst in
der Erzdiözese Mainz," Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft
VIII (1936), 1-88.

Bianchi Bandinelli, Rannuccio, Rome: The Late Empire, London,

Bieber, Margarete, The History of the Greek and Roman Theater,
Princeton and London, 1936; new ed., Princeton and London, 1961.

Bigourdan, G., Le système métrique des poids et mesures, Paris, 1901.

Bikel, Hermann, Die Wirtschaftsverhältnisse des Klosters St. Gallen,
Freiburg, 1914.

Bilfinger, Gustav, Die mittelalterlichen Horen und die modernen
Stunden. Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte,
Stuttgart, 1892.

Billiard, Raymond, La vigne dans l'antiquité, Lyon, 1913.

Bilson, John, "The Architecture of Kirkstall Abbey Church, with
Some General Remarks on the Architecture of the Cistercians,"
Thoresby Society XVI (1907), 73-104.

Biörnstad, Arne, "Previous Investigations of Iron Age Building
Remains on Gotland," in Vallhagar, vol. II, Mârten Stenberger,
editor, Copenhagen and Stockholm, 1955, 863-976.

Birch, Lionel, The Story of Beer, London, 1965.

Bischoff, Bernhard, "Die Entstehung des Klosterplanes in paläographischer
Sicht," in Studien zum St. Galler Klosterplan, edited
by Johannes Duft, St. Gall, 1962, 67-78. Mitteilungen zur
vaterländischen Geschichte XLII, Historischer Verein des
Kantons St. Gallen.

Republished under the same title in:

Bischoff, Bernhard, Mittelalterliche Studien, Ausgewählte Aufsätze
zur Schriftkunde und Literaturgeschichte, 2 vols., Stuttgart,

On the basis of a conclusive palaeographical analysis of the explanatory titles
of the Plan of St. Gall, Bischoff proved that the latter was a copy made in
the scriptorium of the monastery of Reichenau.

Biskupa Sögur, 2 vols., edited by Jon Sigurdsson and Gudbrandur
Vigfusson, Kaupmannahöfn, 1856-1878.

Bittel, Kurt, Guide to Boǧazköy, Ankara, n.d. Society of Friends of
Tourism, Antiquities and Museums.

Blaine, Bradford B., "The Application of Water-power to Industry
during the Middle Ages," dissertation, University of California at
Los Angeles, 1966.

Blaine, Bradford B., Water-Power in Medieval Industry (forthcoming).

Blaise, Albert, Dictionnaire Latin-Français des auteurs chrétiens, revue
spécialement pour le vocabulaire théologique par Henri Chirat,
Strasbourg, 1954. Le Latin Chrétien.

An excellent dictionary of medieval Latin, especially geared to religious
terminology, and therefore a most useful companion to Niermeyer's Lexikon
(q.v.) which is more useful for students of economic history.

Bloch, Marc, "La organizacion de los dominios reales Carolingios y
las teorías de Dopsch," Anuario de Historia del Derecho Español
III (1926), 538-61.

Bloch, Marc, "Avènement et conquête du moulin à l'eau," Annales
d'histoire économique et sociale
VII (1935), 538-61.

Bloch, Marc, "The Rise of Dependent Cultivation and Seignorial
Institutions," in The Cambridge Economic History, 2nd ed., vol. I,
Cambridge, Mass., 1966, pp. 235-89.

Bloemen, F., "Praehistorische Woningen te Wijchen," Oudheidkundige
new ser., XIV (1935), 5-9.

Blondel, Louis, "Les anciennes basiliques d'Agaune," Vallesia III
(1948), 9-57.

Blondel, Louis, "Chronique archéologique pour 1953," Genava II
(1954), 205-30, Ser. 2.

Blondel, Louis, "Le martyrium de St. Maurice d'Agaune," Vallesia
XII (1957), 283-92.

Blume, Karl, "Abbatia, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der kirchlichen
Rechtssprache," Kirchengeschichtliche Abhandlungen LXXXIII
(Stuttgart, 1914), 1-118. Reprinted in Amsterdam, 1965.


Page 172

Boeckelmann, Walter, "Das karolingische Münster zu Neustadt am
Main und sein quadratisches Schema," Die Jubiläumstagung der
Koldewey-Gesellschaft in Stuttgart
(1951), 43-45.

Boeckelmann, Walter, "Die Wurzel der St. Galler Plankirche,"
Zeitschrift für Kunstwissenschaft VI (1952), 107-14.

Boeckelmann, Walter, "Die abgeschnürte Vierung," Forschungen
zur Kunstgeschichte und christlichen Archäologie
I:2, Frühmittelalterliche
Baden-Baden, 1954, 101-13.

Boeckelmann, Walter, "Zur Interpretation des Pergamentplans
von St. Gallen," Kunstchronik 7. Jahrg. (October 1954), 277-78.

Boeckelmann, Walter, "Grundformen im frühkarolingischen Kirchenbau
des östlichen Frankenreiches," Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch
XVIII (1956), 27-69.

Boeckelmann, Walter, "Der Widerspruch im St.-Galler Klosterplan,"
Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte XVI
(1956), 125-34.

Boeckelmann was the first to suggest that the incompatibility of certain
measurements listed in the explanatory titles of the Plan were not intrinsic
dimensional inconsistencies of the drawing, but the expression of a change of
mind amongst the leaders of the monastic reform movement about the desired
length of the Church. He also observed that the recurrence of certain line or
area values of the Plan, corresponding to ten feet or multiples of ten feet,
suggested that the Plan was drawn to a definite scale.

Boeckelmann, Walter, "Von den Ursprüngen der Aachener Pfalzkapelle,"
Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch XIX (1957), 9-38.

Boeckelmann, Walter, "Zur Konstruktion der Fensterbank- und
Leibungsschrägen in der Einhartsbasilika zu Steinbach im Odenwald,"
Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte und christlichen Archäologie
III, Karolingische und ottonische Kunst, (Wiesbaden, 1957),

Boeckelmann, Walter, Die Stiftskirche zu Neustadt am Main, Berlin,
1965. Forschungen zur deutschen Geschichte, hrsg. vom
Deutschen Verein für Kunstwissenschaft.

Boeckler, Albert, Das goldene Evangelienbuch Heinrichs III, Berlin,

Boerlin, Paul Henry, Die Stiftskirche St. Gallen. Ein Beitrag zur
Geschichte der deutschen Barockarchitektur,
Bern, 1964.

Boëthius, Axel, "Remarks on the Development of Domestic Architecture
in Rome," American Journal of Archaeology XXXVIII
(1934), 158-70.

Boëthius, Axel, and J. B. Ward-Perkins, Etruscan and Roman Architecture,
Harmondsworth, 1970. The Pelican History of Art.

Boethius, Gerda, and John Nihlen, "Forsök till Rekonstruktion av
Hallen pa en Gotlandsk Gard from Första Artusendest Mitt,"
Fornvännen XXVII (1932), 342-55.

Böhner, Kurt, "Die Frage der Kontinuität zwischen Altertum und
Mittelalter im Spiegel der fränkischen Funde des Rheinlandes,"
Aus der Schatzkammer des antiken Trier, 2nd enlarged edition,
by Wilhelm Reusch, Trier, 1959, 85-109.

Bond, Francis, Fonts and Font Covers, London and New York, 1908.

Bond, S. B., An Architectural Handbook of Glastonbury Abbey, 1st ed.,
Glastonbury, 1909; 2nd ed., Glastonbury, 1925.

Bongi, P., Mysticae numerorum significationis liber, Bergamo, 1585.

Bonnard, Fourier, Histoire de l'abbaye royale et de l'ordre des chanoines
reguliers de St.-Victor de Paris,
2 vols., Paris, n.d.

Book of Kells, Evangeliorum quattuor Codex Cennanensis, facsimile edition,
3 vols., edited by Henricus Alton and Petrus Meyer, Bern,

Boon, Amand, editor, Pachomiana latina, Louvain, 1932.

Borchard, Ludwig, "Das Dienstgebäude des Auswärtigen Amtes
unter den Ramessiden," Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und
XLIV (1907-1908), 59-61.

Bordet, L., and J. Galimard, "Restes de l'ancienne basilique de
l'abbaye bénédictine de Flavigny," Bulletin d'histoire de littérature
et d'art religieux du diocèse de Dijon
XXIV (1906).

Borenius, Tancred, and John Charlton, "Clarendon Palace: An Interim
Report," The Antiquaries Journal XVI (1936), 57 and 70-77.

Born, Ernest. See Horn and Born.

Bornheim, Werner, "Die Wandbehandlung im Speyerer Dom,"
Festschrift: 900 Jahre Kaiserdom zu Speyer, edited by Ludwig
Stamer, Speyer, 1961, 123-37.

Bossert, Helmuth, and Willy F. Storck, Das mittelalterliche Hausbuch,
Leipzig, 1912.

Bouissounouse, J., Jeux et travaux d'après un livre d'heures du XVe
Paris, 1925.

Bouquet, Dom Martin, Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France,
8 vols., Paris, 1840-1904.

Bovini, Giuseppe, "Principale bibliografia su Ravenna romana paleocristiana
e paleobizantina," Bologna University, Corso di cultura
sull'arte ravennate e bizantina
VIII (1961), 13-45.

Braat, W. C., "Nieuwe opgravingen van Romeinsche villae," Oudheidkundige
new ser., XV (1934), 4-38.

Bradford, John, Ancient Landscapes, London, 1957.

Brakspear, Harold, "The Architecture of Hayles Abbey," Bristol and
Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, Transactions
XXIV (1901),

Brakspear, Harold, "Bardney Abbey," Archaeological Journal LXXIX
(1922), 1-92.

Brakspear, Harold, "The Abbot's House at Battle," Archaeologia
LXXXIII (1933), 139-66.

Brakspear, Harold, Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, London, 1936.
Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings, Official Guide.

Brakspear, Harold, "The Hundred of Battle," The Victoria History of
the County of Sussex,
vol. 9, London, 1937, 102-105.

Braun, Joseph, Der christliche Altar und seine Entwicklung, vol. I,
Munich, 1924.

Braunfels, Wolfgang, editor, Karl der Grosse, Werk und Wirkung,
Zehnte Austellung unter den Auspizien des Europarates, Aachen,
1965. Exhibition catalog.

Braunfels, Wolfgang, Charlemagne, œuvre, rayonnement et survivance,
Dixième exposition sous les auspices du conseil de l'Europe,
Aix-la-Chapelle, 1965. Exhibition catalog.

Braunfels, Wolfgang, in collaboration with Helmut Beumann, Bernhard
Bischoff, Hermann Schnitzler and Percy Ernst Schramm,
Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben, 5 vols., Düsseldorf,

Braunfels, Wolfgang, Das Lorscher Evangeliar, Munich, 1967.

A facsimile edition of superb quality (much of it in color as fine as can be
produced today) of one of the latest and most illustrious Court School manuscripts,
written and illuminated around 810, presumably at the request of
Charlemagne. Its parts are severed; one is in the National Library, Bucharest
(formerly in the Batthyaneum at Alba Julia, Roumania); the other in the
Vatican Library (Pal. Lat. 50). Its two ivory covers (one in the Museo Sacro
of the Vatican, the other in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London) were
through Braunfel's efforts reunited in the Council of Europe Exhibition "Karl
der Grosse" (Aachen, 1965), and subsequently published in this outstanding

Braunfels, Wolfgang, Die Welt der Karolinger und ihre Kunst,
Munich, 1968.

A persuasive, beautifully written and illustrated summary of historical insights
the author gained about art and culture in the Age of Charlemange in his role
as organizer of the Council of Europe Exhibition "Karl der Grosse" (Aachen,
1965) and as principal editor of the collaborative five-volume work that crowned
this brilliant display (see Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben).

Braunfels, Wolfgang, Abenländisches Klosterbaukunst, Köln, 1969.

A second, enlarged edition of this work, including a new chapter on the cathedral
monasteries of England, was published in English as Monasteries of Western
Europe: The Architecture of the Orders
(London and Princeton, 1972). It is the
first serious attempt to trace the history of monastic architecture and custom
from its beginnings in Egypt through its triumphant expansion in the Middle
Ages, its decay during the Reformation and revival in the period of the German
baroque, terminating with a discussion of Le Corbusier's Dominican House of
La Tourette.


Page 173

Brennu-Njálssaga. See Njáls Saga.

Brequigny, Louis Georges Oudart Feudrix de, Diplomata, chartae,
epistolae, leges, aliaque instrumenta ad res gallofrancicas spectantia
. . .,
2 vols., Paris, 1791. Another edition edited by J. M. Pardessus,
Paris, 1843-1849.

Brett, G., "Byzantine Watermill," Antiquity XIII (1939), 354-56.

Bréviaire Grimani. See Grimani Breviary.

Le Bréviaire du Musée Mayer van den Bergh. See Gaspar.

Brevium exempla ad describendas res ecclesiasticas et fiscales, edited by
Alfred Boretius. In Mon. Germ. Hist., Legum II, Capitularia I,
Hannover, 1883.

A specimen description for an inventory of royal property including several
monastic estates and a monastic library, presumably drawn up for the guidance
of royal agents who assessed the domain and its holdings; now available in a
facsimile edition and German translation. See Charlemagne's Capitulare de

Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, Transactions I,

Brown, G. Baldwin, The Arts in Early England, 6 vols., London, 19031937.

Bruckner, Albert Theophil, editor, Scriptoria medii aevi Helvetica,
Denkmäler schweizerischer Schreibkunst des Mittelalters, 11 vols.,
Genf, 1935-1967.

Bruckner, Albert Theophil, "Schreibschulen der Diözese Konstanz,
St. Gallen," I-III, in Scriptoria medii aevi Helvetica III, Genf,

Bruhl, Carlrichard, Fodrum, gistum, servitium regis; Studien zu den
wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen des Königtums im Frankenreich und in
den Fränkischen Nachfolgestaaten Deutschland, Frankreich und
Italien vom. 6. bis zur Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts,
Cologne, 1968.

Brunner, Heinrich, Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte, 2 vols., 1st ed., Leipzig,
1887-1892; 2nd ed., Leipzig, 1906-1928.

Brusin, Giovanni, and P. L. Zovatto, Monumenti paleocristiani di
Aquileia e di Grado,
Udine, 1957.

Bucheler, Walther, Bier und Bierbereitung in den frühen Kulturen und
bei den Primitiven
. . . with a preface by Leo Frobenius, Berlin,
1934. Gesellschaft für die Geschichte und Bibliographie des

Buchkremer, Josef, "Untersuchungen zum karolingischen Bau der
Aachener Pfalzkapelle," Zeitschrift für Kunstwissenschaft I (1947),

Buchkremer, Josef, 100 Jahre Denkmalpflege am Aachener Dom,
Aachen, 1955. Dom zu Aachen, Beiträge zur Baugeschichte III.

Buck, Carl Darling, A Dictionary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal
Indo-European Languages,
Chicago, 1949.

Buckland, A. W., "Four as a Sacred Number," Journal of the Anthropological
Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
XXV (1896), 96-102.

Buren, A. W. van, and R. M. Kennedy, "Varro's Aviary at Casinum,"
Journal of Roman Studies IX:1 (1919), 59-66.

Burnt Njal. See Njáls Saga.

Busen, Hermann, "Kloster und Klosterkirche zu Corvey," Kunst und
Kultur im Weserraum, 800-1600
(Ausstellung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen,
Corvey, 1966), Münster, 1967, 19-42.

Butler, Dom Edward Cuthbert, The Lausiac History of Palladius,
Vol. I: A Critical Discussion together with Notes on Early Egyptian
Cambridge, 1898; Vol. II: The Greek Text edited with
Introduction and Notes,
Cambridge, 1904. Texts and Studies,
Contributions to Biblical and Patristic Literature, J. Armitage
Robinson, editor, VI: 1-2.

A remarkable rectification, authentication, and editing of the book which
Palladius, bishop of Bithynia, published in A.D. 419/420 after a life of study
of and among the monks of Egypt, Palestine, and Syria—a colorful and essentially
reliable account of early monasticism by a zealous reporter.

Butler, Dom Edward Cuthbert, Benedictine Monachism: Studies in
Benedictine Life and Rule,
London-New York, 1919; 2nd ed., 1927.

Butler, Howard Crosby, Early Churches of Syria, part I, Princeton,

Byvank, A. W., and G. J. Hoogewerff, La miniature hollandaise dans les
manuscrits des 14e, 15e, et 16e siècles,
3 vols., The Hague, 1922.


Cabaniss, Allen, editor. See Vita Hludowici imperatoris and Vita
sancti Adalhardi.

Cabrol, F., and H. Leclercq, Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et
de liturgie,
15 vols. in 29, Paris, 1907-1953.

Caesarius, Bishop of Arles, S. Caesarii Arelatensis Episcopi Regula
Sanctarum Virginum,
ed. Germanus Morin, Bonn, 1933. Florilegium

Calza, Guido, "Die Taverne der Sieben Weisen," Die Antike XV
(1939), 99-115.

Calza-Bini, Alberto, "Il teatro di Marcello," Bolletino del centro di
studi per la storia dell'architettura,
VII, 1953, 1-43.

Cambridge Medieval History, planned by J. B. Bury and edited by H. M.
Gwatkin and others, 8 vols., New York, 1911-36.

Campion, M. A., "Description d'un ancien plan du monastère de
St. Gall au IXe siècle," Bulletin monumental XXXIV (1868),

Translation into French of the article "Description of the Ancient Plan of
the Monastery of St. Gall in the Ninth Century" of 1848, by Willis, whose
name by a rare sin of omission does not appear on the title page. The article
includes Willis's redrawn version of the Plan of St. Gall, annotated with
French titles. This translation forms the basis of Leclerq's treatment of the
Plan of St. Gall, in Cabrol-Leclerq (q.v.).

Canisius, Henricus, Thesaurus monumentorum, ecclesiasticorum, et
historicorum sive Henricus Canisius Lectiones Antiquae,
vols. 1-4,
Ingolstadt, 1601-1614.

The discoverer of the true character of the Plan, Canisius was the first to
identify Gozb[er]tus of the dedicatory legend as Abbot Gozbert of St. Gall
(816-836). He was not aware of the paradigmatic nature of the Plan, but
thought that it was a site plan of the monastery of St. Gall in the stage it
had reached under Gozbert, an error inherited by the learned Jean Mabillon.

Capitula qualiter, ed. D. H. Frank, O.S.B., in Corp. Cons. Mon., I, 1963,

Capitulare de villis. See Duby, Gareis, Guérard.

A document of pivotal importance for the study of the rural Carolingian
economy consisting of directives for the management of royal domaines,
maintenance of buildings and tools, the legal and social rights of workers, and
a list of more than 100 plants to be cultivated on royal estates. For an evaluation
of the controversy concerning its date and the sovereign on whose order it
was drawn up (Charlemagne before his coronation, or his son Louis while
king of Aquitania between 794 and 813?) see Ganshof, 1958, 162. For a
translation into French, see Guérard, 1853 (all 70 paragraphs of the capitulare)
and Duby, 1968, 277-80, where only 12 of the 70 paragraphs are quoted; also
translated into English in Duby, 1968, 361-62).

We have been unable to trace a facsimile edition, C. Brühl, ed., that was
announced some years ago as forthcoming.

Cappelli, Adriano, Lexicon abbreviaturarum: dizionario di abbreviature
latine ed italiane,
5th ed., Milan, 1954.

Carcopino, Jerome, Daily Life in Ancient Rome, New Haven, 1960.
Yale University Paperback.

Carettoni, Gianfilippo, Antonio M. Colini, Lucos Cozza, and
Guglielmo Gatti, La pianta marmorea di Roma antica, 2 vols.,
Rome, 1960.

Carus-Wilson, E. M., "An Industrial Revolution of the Thirteenth
Century," Economic History Review XV (1941), 39-60.

Cassiodorus. Cassiodori Senatoris Institutiones, R. A. B. Mynors,
editor, Oxford, 1937.

Cassiodorus. Cassiodorus Senator, An Introduction to Divine and
Human Readings,
translated with an introduction and notes by
Leslie Webber Jones, New York, 1946.


Page 174

"Cens et Redevances dus à l'Abbaye de Saint-Riquier," in Hariulf,
Chronique de l'Abbaye de Saint-Riquier, Ferdinand Lot, editor,
Paris, 1894, 306-308.

Charlemagne, œuvre, rayonnement et survivances. See Braunfels.

Charles, F. W. B., Medieval Cruck-Building and its Derivatives,
London, 1967. The Society for Medieval Archaeology, monograph
series no. 2.

Charles, F. W. B., The Cruck-Built Barn of Middle Littleton. See
Horn and Charles.

Charles, F. W. B., and Walter Horn, "The Cruck-built Barn of Leigh
Court, Worcestershire, England," Journal of the Society of Architectural
XXXII (1973), 5-29.

Charpentes. Ministère de l'éducation nationale, direction de l'architecture,
Centre de recherches sur les monuments historiques,
7 vols., Paris, n.d.

Chazin, Carol Anne, "The Planning of English Monastic Infirmary
Halls in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: A Topographical
Study," Master's thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 1965.

Chevalier, Ulysse, Répertoire des sources historiques du moyen âge,
2nd ed., 2 vols., Paris, 1905-1907.

Childs, Alfred W., "Metabolic Basis for Recommending How to Use
Alcohol," California Medicine, 1970, 7-11.

Childs, Alfred W., "Recommending How to Use Wine," Bulletin of
the Society of Medical Friends of Wine
XIII (1971), no. 2.

Christ, Hans, "Zur Erklärung des T-förmigen Grundrisses der
konstantinischen Peterskirche in Rom," Rivista di archeologia
XII (1935), 293-311.

Christ, Hans, Die sechs Münster der Abtei Reichenau von der Gründung
bis zum Ausgang des zwölften Jahrunderts,

Christ, Hans, "Das Mittelschiff des Domes zu Speyer, das Werk
Kaiser Heinrichs IV und seines Hofkaplans Otto," in Festschrift:
900 Jahre Kaiserdom zu Speyer,
edited by Ludwig Stamer, Speyer,
1961, 110-22.

Chrodegang, Bishop of Metz, Sancti Chrodegangi Metensis Episcopi
Regula Canonicorum,
J. P. Migne, ed., Patr. Lat. LXXXIX, Paris
1863, cols. 1053-1119; and the more recent edition published under
the same title by Wilhelm Schmitz, Hannover, 1889.

Clapham, Alfred W., "The Monastery of Cluny, 910-1155, part II:
On the Plan of the Early Churches at Cluny," Archaeologia LXXX
(1930), 166-78. Also see Graham, ibid., 143-65.

Clapham, Alfred W., St. Augustine's Abbey, Canterbury, Kent, London,
1955. Ministry of Works. Ancient Monuments and Historic
Buildings, Official Guides.

Clapham, Alfred W., and Walter Godfrey, Some Famous Buildings
and Their Story,
Westminster, 1913.

Clark, James Midgley, The Abbey of St. Gall, as a Centre of Literature
and Art,
Cambridge, 1926.

Claussen, Hilde, "Spätkarolingische Umgangskrypten im sächsischen
Gebiet," Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte und christlichen Archäologie,
III. Karolingische und ottonische Kunst, Wiesbaden, 1957,

Claussen, Hilde, and Uwe Lobbedey, "Eine vorromanische Stiftskirche
in Meschede an der Ruhr, Vorbericht," Kunstchronik XX
(1967), 337-42.

Clay, Rotha Mary, The Medieval Hospital of England, London, 1909.

Cleasby, Richard, and Gudbrand Vigfusson, An Icelandic-English
Oxford, 1874; 2nd ed., 1957.

Clemen, Paul, and Cornelius Gurlitt, Die Klosterbauten der Cistercienser
in Belgien,
Berlin, 1916.

Clemen, Paul, in cooperation with Heinrich Neu and Fritz Witte,
Der Dom zu Köln, Düsseldorf, 1937. Die Kunstdenkmäler der
Rheinprovinz, VI:3; Die Kunstdenkmäler der Stadt Köln, I:3.

Codex Lindisfarnensis, facsimile edition; Olten-Lausanne, 1956-1960.
See Lindisfarne Gospels.

Codices latini antiquiores. . . . See Lowe.

Colagrossi, P., L'Anfiteatro Flavio nei suoi venti secoli di storia,
Florence, 1913.

Colgrave, Bertram, editor and translator, The Life of Wilfrid, by
Eddius Stephanus,
Cambridge, 1927.

Colgrave, Bertram, Two Lives of St. Cuthbert; a life by an anonymous
monk of Lindisfarne, and Bede's prose life, with texts, translations,
and notes, Cambridge, 1940.

Colgrave, Bertram, and Mynors, R. A. B., editors. See Bede.

Collection "La Nuit des temps," 33 volumes published by Zodiaque
under separate titles, Les Presses Monastiques, Sainte Marie de la
Pierre-Qui-Vire, Yonne, 1956—.

Columban, Saint. See Columbanus and Vita sancti Columbani.

Columban Rule. See Columbanus.

Columbanus, Saint. "Sancti Columbani abbatis et confessoris regula
coenobialis," J. P. Migne, editor, Patr. Lat. LXXX (Paris,
1863), cols. 209-224. Also see Vita sancti Columbani.

Columella, Lucius Junius Moderatus, On Agriculture, in three
volumes with a recension of the text and an English translation by
Harrison Boyd Ash, E. S. Forster, and Edward H. Heffner,
Cambridge and London, 1954-1960.

Colvin, H. M., editor, The History of the King's Works, 3 vols.,
London, 1963.

Conant, Kenneth John, A Brief Commentary on Early Medieval Church
Baltimore, 1942.

Conant, Kenneth John, "Mediaeval Academy Excavations of Cluny,
VIII—Final Stages of the Project," Speculum XXIX (1954), 1-43.

Conant, Kenneth John, Carolingian and Romanesque Architecture, London,

Conant, Kenneth John, "Mediaeval Academy Excavations at Cluny,
IX: Systematic Dimensions in the Buildings," Speculum XXXVIII
(1963), 1-46.

Conant, Kenneth John, "Cluny II and St. Bénigne at Dijon," Archaeologia
XCIX (1965), 17-95.

Conant, Kenneth John, Cluny, les églises et la maison du chef d'ordre,
Mâcon, 1968. The Medieval Academy of America.

Constitutiones Hirsaugenses seu Gengenbacenses, J. P. Migne, editor,
Patr. Lat., CL, Paris, 1880, cols. 927-1146.

Consuetudines Beccenses, Marie Pascal Dickson, editor. See Corp. Cons.
IV, 1967.

Consuetudines Cluniacenses. Udalrici Cluniacensis monachi Cluniacenses
J. P. Migne, editor, in Patrologia Latina CXLIX,
1882, cols. 635-778.

Consuetudines Corbeienses, Joseph Semmler, editor. See Corp. Cons.
I, 1963, 355-422.

Consuetudines Farfenses, Bruno Albers, editor. See Consuetudines
I, 1900.

Consuetudines Monasticae, Bruno Albers, editor, 5 vols., Stuttgart and
Vienna, 1900-1912.

I. Consuetudines Farfenses, Stuttgart and Vienna, 1900.

II. Consuetudines Cluniacenses antiquiores necnon consuetudines
Monte Casino, 1905.

III. Antiquiora monumenta maxime consuetudines Casinenses inde
ab anno 716-817 illustrantia continens,
Monte Casino, 1907.

IV. Consuetudines Fructuarienses necnon Cystrensis in Anglia monasterii
et congregationis Vallymbrosanae,
Monte Casino, 1911.

V. Consuetudines monasteriorum Germaniae necnon S. Vitonis
Virdanensis et Floriacensis abbatiae monumenta saeculi decimi
Monte Casino, 1912.

A basic reference work to monastic customs, now superseded, for certain
sources, by the more recent and considerably more complex publication of the
Corpus consuetudinum monasticarum (q.v.).


Page 175

Cook, George H., English Monasteries in the Middle Ages, London, 1961.

Cook, Olive, and Edwin Smith, English Cottages and Farmhouses,
London, 1955.

Cook, Olive, and Edwin Smith, English Abbeys and Priories, London,

Corbie abbaye royale, Volume du xiiie centenaire, Facultés Catholiques
de Lille, 1963.

An essay on each of the Carolingian greats (Adalhard, Wala, Paschasius,
Ratramnus) as well as two excellent essays on Corvey (German Corbie, founded
by Adalhard). The contributions of Corbie to Carolingian minuscule and to
the Merovingian and Carolingian libraries are well treated.

Corpus Christianorum Series Latina, 1—, Turnhout, 1953—.

A critical edition of patristic and other early Christian texts by the Benedictine
monks of the Abbey of St. Pierre de Steenbrugge in Belgium; designed to
supercede Migne's Patrologia Latina with new critical texts or the best of those
currently extant.

Corps. Cons. Mon: Corpus Consuetudinum Monasticarum, published under
the auspices of the Pontifical Institute of Saint Anselm, Kassius
Hallinger O.S.B., general editor, Siegburg, 1963-1968.

I. Initia Consuetudinis Benedictinae: Consuetudines saeculi octavi
et noni,
with the cooperation of Doms Petrus Becker O.S.B.,
René Hesbert O.S.B., Tommaso Leccisotti O.S.B., Dr.
Joseph Semmler, Doms Hieronymus Frank O.S.B., Jean
Laporte O.S.B., Claude Morgand O.S.B., Maria Wegener
O.S.B., Jacques Winandy O.S.B., Siegburg, 1963.

II. The Customary of the Benedictine Abbey of Eynsham in Oxfordshire,
Antonia Gransten, editor, Siegburg, 1963.

III. Decreta Lanfranci monachis Cantuariensibus transmissa, David
Knowles, editor, Siegburg, 1967.

IV. Consuetudines Beccenses, Marie Pascal Dickson O.S.B., editor,
Siegburg, 1967.

V. Consuetudines et observantiae monasteriorum sancti Mathiae et
sancti Maximini Treverensium ab Johanne Rode abbate conscriptae,

Petrus Becker O.S.B., editor, Siegburg, 1968.

The projected scope of this new critical edition of all Benedictine consuetudines
(as defined by the Thesaurus, q.v.) is described, Tom. I, xiii-lxxix. Elucidated
by a superb critical apparatus, it includes in its first published volume (among
other matter) the new editions of such crucial contemporary sources as the
resolutions, preliminary and final, drawn up in 816 and 817 during the two
reform synods of Aachen, as well as that masterpiece of administrative and
managerial logistics, the so-called Statutes of Adalhard of Corbie (Consuetudines
) written in 821/22, a complete translation of which can be found here
in Appendix II, vol. III.

Councils of Tours, A.D. 461 and 567 (Concilia Galliae), C. Munier and
Carolus de Clerq, eds., Corpus Christianorum Series Latina.
Turnhout, 1963. Vol. CXLVIII, pp. 142-43 (Council of 461);
vol. CXLVIII A, pp. 175-95 (Council of 567).

Cranage, D. H. S., "The Monastery of St. Milburge at Much Wenlock,
Shropshire," Archaeologia LXXII (1922), 105-32.

Crocker, Richard L., "The Early Frankish Sequence: A New
Musical Form," Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 6
(1975), 341-50.

The article is part of a triad of interdisciplinary essays published under the
title "Toward a Medieval Aesthetic," q.v. For the other two essays see Jones,
1975 and Horn, 1975.

Crocker, Richard L., The Medieval Sequence, Berkeley, 1977.

In this first systematic exploration of Carolingian sequence, the author recovers
the musical structure of the early West Frankish sequence through an intricate
comparison of the work of Notker "Balbulus" of St. Gall (ca. 840-912) with
West Frankish sequences preserved in 10th and 11th century manuscripts of

Crosby, Sumner McKnight, The Abbey of St. Denis: 475-1122, vol.
I, New Haven, 1942.

Crosby, Sumner McKnight, "Excavations in the Abbey Church of
St. Denis 1948; the Façade of Fulrad's Church," Proceedings of the
American Philosophical Society
XCIII (1949), 347-61.

Crosby, Sumner McKnight, L'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis, Paris,

Crosby, Sumner McKnight, "Crypt and Choir Plans at Saint-Denis,"
Gesta V (1966), 4-8.

Crossley, Frederick H., Timber Building in England, London, 1951.

Crowfoot, John Winter, Early Churches in Palestine, London, 1941.

Curtel, Georges, La vigne et le vin chez les Romains, Paris, 1903.

Curtius, Ernst R., European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages,
translated by Willard R. Trask, New York, 1953. Bollingen Series

A translation of Europäische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter, Bern, 1948,
which, together with Curtius' extensive monographs which preceded it (listed
p. 600), essentially founded modern literary criticism of medieval literature
and supplied its dialectic, offering new perspectives in the transmission of
literary Topoi from Antiquity through Medieval Latin and Vernacular
literature to modern writing. The author, a great and outspoken humanist, was
as sensitive and courageous in his political views as he was brilliant in the
analysis of historical problems. The sprawling contents can best be mastered
by tracking topics through the Index (e.g., Alcuin, Louis I, art, monasticism).

Curwen, E. Cecil, "The Problem of the Early Watermills," Antiquity
XVIII (1944), 130-46.


Dalton, O. H. See Gregory of Tours.

Danzius, and P. Uffenbach, editors. See Dioscurides.

Darling, H. S., "Hopgrowing in England," Journal of the Royal
Agricultural Society of England
CXXII (1961), 82-98.

Dasent, Sir George Webbe. See Njáls Saga.

Davis, E. L., "Variation in cultivated varieties of Humulus lupulus
and its relation to the possible sources of these varieties," unpubl.
thesis; Department of Botany, Washington University, 1956, 82ff.

Decreta Lanfranci. See Lanfranc, Corp. Cons. Mon. III.

De Ghellinck, Joseph, Littérature latine au moyen âge: Vol. I:
Depuis les origines jusqu'à la fin de la renaissance carolingienne; Vol.
II: De la renaissance carolingienne à Saint Anselm, Paris, 1939.

The raw data are perceptively organized by this excellent literary critic.

De Rijk, L. M., "On the Curriculum of the Arts of the Trivium at
St. Gall from c. 850-c. 1000," Vivarium I (1963), 35-86.

Degenhard, Bernhard, "Die Schüler des Lorenzo Credi," Münchener
IX (1932), 94-161.

Dehio, Georg Gottfried, Geschichte der deutschen Kunst, 3rd ed.,
3 vols. text and 3 vols. plates, Berlin and Leipzig, 1923-26;
4th ed., 4 vols. text and 4 vols. plates, Berlin and Leipzig, 1930-34.

Dehio, Georg Gottfried, Handbuch der deutschen Kunstdenkmäler, 3
vols., Berlin, 1905-1908; [another edition] 3 vols., Berlin, 19241926.

Dehio, Georg Gottfried, Handbuch der deutschen Kunstdenkmäler,
newly revised by Ernst Gall, 11 vols., Berlin, 1949-1966.

Dehio, Georg Gottfried, and Gustav von Bezold, Die kirchliche Baukunst
des Abendlandes, historisch und systematisch dargestellt,
2 vols.,
text; 5 vols., plates; Stuttgart, 1887-1901.

Deichmann, Friedrich Wilhelm, Frühchristliche Kirchen in Rom,
Basel, 1958.

Delatte, Dom Paul, Commentaire sur la règle de Saint Benoit, Paris,

Déléage, André, La Vie rurale en Bourgogne jusqu'au début du IIe siècle,
2 vols., Paris, 1941.

Deneux, H., "L'évolution des Charpentes du XIe au XVIIIe siècle,"
L'Architecture, new ser., IV (1927), 49-53; 65-68; 73-75; 81-89.


Page 176

Descriptio positionis seu situationis monasterii Clarae-Vallensis, ed. Jean
Mabillon, S. Bernardi opera, II (Paris, 1690), c. 1306-09 (4th ed.
II:1, Paris, 1839, cols. 2529-33); ed. Migne, Patrologia latina
CLXXXV:1 (Paris, 1879), cols. 569-74; ed. Morter-Deschamps,
Recueil de textes relatifs a l'histoire de l'architecture, II (Paris,
1929), 27-29.

For a translation into French of this extraordinarily colorful, in places truly
poetic, description of the grounds and buildings of the Abbey of Clairvaux by
an unknown monk of the 13th century, see Marie Henry d'Arbois de Joubainville,
Études sur l'état interieur des abbayes cisterciennes, et principalement de
Clairvaux du XXe et au XIIIe siècle,
Paris, 1858, 329-51. Translations into
English will be found in J. T. Fowler, "An Old Description of the Site of the
Cistercian Abbey of Clairvaux," The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, XIX
(1907), 9-16; and in Life and Works of Saint Bernard by Jean Mabillon,
translated and edited with additional notes by Samuel J. Eales, II, London,
1912, 460-67.

Dewald, Ernest Theodore, editor, The Illustrations of the Utrecht
Princeton, 1932.

Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne . . . See Cabrol.

Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, published under the
direction of Alfred Baudrillart, Albert Vogt, and Urbain Ronzièz,
13 vols., Paris, 1912—.

Dietrichson, L., and H. Munthe, Die Holzbaukunst Norwegens in
Vergangenheit und Gegenwart,
Dresden, 1893.

Digot, Auguste, "Note sur le véritable auteur du plan de l'abbaye de
St. Gall," Bulletin de la société d'archéologie Lorraine IV (1853)

Dilke, O. A. W., The Roman Land Surveyors, Newton Abbot, England,

Dimier, Père M. A., and Jean Porcher, L'Art Cistercien, Collection
"La nuit des temps," Les Presses Monastiques, Saint Marie de
la Pierre-Qui-Vire, Yonne, 1962.

Dimont, Charles, "Hops and History," History Today IV (1954),

Dioscurides, Pedanius, of Anazarbos, Kräuterbuch des uralten und in
aller Welt berühmtesten griechischen Scribenten PEDANII DIOSCURIDIS
edited by Johannes Danzius and
Petrus Uffenbach, Frankfurt am Main, 1610.

Dioscurides, Pedanius, of Anazarbos, Dioscurides, Codex Vindobonensis
Med. Graec. 1 der österreichischen Nationalbibliothek.
Faksimile-Ausgabe nach der Restaurierung der Handschrift,
1961-1963. Kodologische Beschreibung von Franz Unterkirchner,
in 5 Lieferungen, mit Kommentarband, Graz, 1970.
Codices Selecti, XII.

Dioscurides, Pedanius of Anazarbos, The Greek Herbal of Dioscorides,
illustrated by a Byzantine, A.D. 812,
Englished by John Goodyer,
1655; Robert T. Gunther, ed., New York, 1959.

Diplomata, chartae, epistolae et alia documenta ad res francicas spectantis.
See Brequigny.

Diringer, David, Writing, New York, 1965. Ancient People and
Places, 25.

Diringer, David, The Alphabet: A Key to the History of Mankind,
2 vols., London, 3rd ed., 1968.

Doberer, Erika, "Studien zu dem Ambo Kaiser Heinrich II. im Dom
zu Aachen," Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte und christlichen
III, Karolingische und ottonische Kunst, Baden-Baden,
1957, 308-59.

Dölling, Hildegard, Haus und Hof in westgermanischen Volksrechten,
Münster, 1958. Veröffentlichungen der Altertumskommission im
Provinzialinstitut für Westfälische Landes- und Volkskunde, II.

Dollman, Francis Thomas, Examples of Ancient Domestic Architecture,
London, 1858.

Dollman, Francis Thomas, and J. R. Jobbins, An analysis of ancient
domestic architecture, exhibiting some of the best existing examples
in Great-Britain from drawings and measurements taken on the spot,

2 vols., London, 1861-64.

Doppelfeld, Otto, "Das germanische Dorf auf dem Bärhorst bei
Nauen," Prähistorische Zeitschrift (1937/38), 284-377.

Doppelfeld, Otto, "Der alte Dom zu Köln und der Bauriss von St.
Gallen," Das Münster, Zeitschrift für christliche Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft
II (1948), 1-12.

Doppelfeld advanced the intriguing idea that the dimensional incompatibilities
of the measurements listed in the explanatory titles of the Plan of St. Gall
are resolvable if it were assumed that the scribe, in copying these titles from
the prototype plan, inadvertently dropped a C in the Roman number CCC
of the large axial title of the Church and by a similar inadvertency changed
the word bis denos ("twice ten") to bis senos ("twice six") in the title that defines
the interstices of the nave columns. The ingenious simplicity of this theory
made it attractive to many students of the Plan, until challenged in 1956 by
Boeckelmann's (q.v.) new and even more persuasive explanation.

Doppelfeld, Otto, "Die Ausgrabungen des karolingischen Doms,"
Der Kölner Dom, Festschrift zur Siebenhundertjahrfeier, 1248-1948,
Cologne, 1948, 159-83.

Doppelfeld, Otto, "Compte-rendu sommaire des fouilles de Cologne,"
Mémorial d'un voyage d'études en Rhénanie, Paris, 1953, 137-40.

Doppelfeld, Otto, "Stand der Grabungen und Forschungen am
alten Dom von Köln," Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte und
christlichen Archäologie,
II, pt. 2, Neue Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte
des ersten Jahrtausends,
Baden-Baden, 1954, 69-100.

Doppelfeld, Otto, "More Romano, die beiden karolingischen Domgrundrisse
von Köln," Kölner Domblatt VIII/IX (1954), 33-61.

Doppelfeld, Otto, "Eine Tagung über den St. Galler Plan," Kölner
XII/XIII (1957), 141-43.

Doppelfeld, Otto, "Die Ausgrabungen unter dem Kölner Dom,"
Neue Ausgrabungen in Deutschland, Berlin, 1958, 322-28. RömischGermanische
Kommission des deutschen archäologischen Instituts.

Doppelfeld, Otto, "Zur Datierung des alten Domes," Kölner Domblatt
XIV/XV (1958), 191-95.

Dopsch, Alphons, "Das Capitulare de villis, die Brevium exempla und
der Bauplan von St. Gallen," Vierteljahrsschrift für Sozial- und
XIII (1916), 41-70.

Alfons Dopsch was the first to suggest that the word exemplare in the letter of
transmission of the Plan of St. Gall shows that the Plan was not an original
but a copy. This view was shared by Beyeble (q.v.) and Hecht (q.v.) but
disregarded by many others. Bischoff's (q.v.) masterful analysis of the paleographical
aspects of the explanatory titles of the Plan finally resolved this
problem. Dopsch suggested Reginbertus, headmaster of the scriptorium of the
monastery of Reichenau, as author of the Plan, and Reginbertus, as Bischoff's
analysis proved, appears in fact to have acted as corrector in the making of the
Plan. Dopsch also was the first to suggest that the original scheme of the Plan
might be a product of the monastic reform movement.

Dopsch, Alphons, Wirtschaftsertwicklung der Karolingerzeit vornehmlich
in Deutschland,
2 vols., Weimar, 1921-1922.

Dopsch, Alphons, "Agrarian Institutions of the Germanic Kingdoms
from the Fifth to the Ninth Century," The Cambridge Economic
2nd ed., vol. I, Cambridge, 1966, 180-204.

Dörries, Hermann, "Die Vita Antonii als Geschichtsquelle,"
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, Nachrichten, Phil. Hist.
(1949), 359-410.

Dresbek, Leroy, "The Medieval Development of Fireplace and
Chimney," dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles,

Du Cange, Dom, Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis, 3 vols., Paris,
1678. Many re-editions including 6 vols., Paris, 1733-36, and
Venice, 1736-40; 7 vols. ed. Henschel, Paris, 1840-50; 10 vols.
ed. Favre, Niort, 1883-87.

Though for three centuries Du Cange has been used as the basic dictionary of
medieval Latin, as the title shows it is rather a glossary or explanation of
unusual words. Since 1920, the Union Académique Internationale has sponsored
the preparation of a "new Du Cange," which has evolved into publication
of "national dictionaries" like Niermeyer (q.v.) and Arnaldi, based on
Forcellini-De Vit (q.v.); these are being incorporated in the Mittellateinisches
Wörterbuch bis zum ausgehenden 13. Jahrhundert


Page 177

Dubar, Luc, "Recherches sur les offices du monastère de Corbie
jusqu'à la fin du xiiie siècle," thesis, Faculté de Droit, Lille and
Paris, 1951.

With some attention to the Insular backgrounds of Corbie.

Dubreuil-Chambardel, Louis, Les médecins dans l'ouest de la France
aux XIe et XIIe siècles,
Paris, 1914. Études sur la médecine en
France du Xe au XIIe siècles.

Duby, Georges, L'Économie rurale et la vie des campagnes dans l'occident
2 vols., Paris, 1962.

Duby, Georges, Rural Economy and Country Life in the Medieval West,
translated by Cynthia Poston, Columbia, South Carolina, 1968.

In these editions, 12 paragraphs of the Capitulare de villis are translated into
French and English, respectively. For other editions, see Capitulare de villis.

Duft, Johannes, "Einfluss der Martins-Vita auf den St. Galler Klosterplan,"
Schweizerische Beiträge zur allgemeinen Geschichte IX (1951),

Duft, Johannes, "Aus der Geschichte des St. Galler Klosterplanes,"
in H. Reinhardt, Der St. Galler Klosterplan, St. Gall, 1952, 36-39.
92. Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben vom Historischen Verein des
Kantons St. Gallen.

Duft, Johannes, "St. Gallen wird befestigte Stadt," Gallus Stadt-Almanach
(1952), 24-34.

Duft, Johannes, "Die Ungarn in Sankt Gallen," Bibliotheca Sangallensis
I, Zürich and Konstanz, 1957, 43-47.

Duft, Johannes, Notker der Artzt, Klostermedizin und Mönchsartzt in
frühmittelalterlichen St. Gallen, St. Gall, 1975.

Duft, Johannes, Sankt Otmar, Die Quellen zu seinem Leben, Latin and
German, Zürich and Konstanz, 1959. Bibliotheca Sangallensis IV.

Duft, Johannes, "Aus der Geschichte des Klosterplans und seiner
Erforschung," in Studien zum St. Galler Klosterplan, edited by
Johannes Duft, St. Gall, 1962, 33-56. See Studien.

Duft, Johannes, "Gallus," Neue deutsche Biographie VI (1964), 54.

Duft, Johannes, "Gozbert," Neue deutsche Biographie VI (1964), 692.

Duft, Johannes, "Die Bregenzer St. Gallus-Glocke in St. Gallen,"
Montfort, vol. 3, 1966.

Dufty, A. R., "Place Farm, Tisbury," Archaeological Journal CIV
(1947), 168-69.

Dufy, Georges, Guérriers et paysans, VIIe-XIIe siècles, Paris, 1973.

Duizend Jaar Bouwen in Nederland, by S. J. Fockema Andreae, E. H.
ter Keule and R. C. Hecker, 2 vols. Amsterdam, 1948-1957.

Dümmler, Ernst Ludwig, "St. Gallische Denkmäler aus der karolingischen
Zeit," Mitteilungen der antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zürich,
XII (1859), 213ff.

Dümmler, Ernst Ludwig, "Rabanus," Allgemeine deutsche Biographie
XXVII (1888), 66-74.

Dunstan, Saint, Sancti Dunstani regularis concordia, J. P. Migne, ed.,
Patr. Lat. CXXVII, Paris, 1879, cols. 475-502.

Dupree, Hunter, "The Pace of Measurement from Rome to America,"
Smithsonian Journal of History III (1968), 19-40.

Dupree, Hunter, "Measure is the Measure of all Things," paper read
at the Annual Meeting of the Society of the History of Technology,
Washington, D.C., 1969.

Dupree, Hunter, "The English System for Measuring Fields,"
Agricultural History XLV:2 (1971), 121-29.

Durand, Georges, "Saint-Riquier," La Picardie historique et monumentale
IV (1911), 132-358.

Dürigen, Bruno, Die Geflügelzucht nach ihrem jetzigen rationellen
Berlin, 1886.

Dürigen, Bruno, Hand- und Lehrbuch der Rassenkunde, Zucht, Pflege
und Haltung von Haus-, Hof-, und Parkgeflügel,
2 vols., 4th ed.,
Berlin, 1923; 5th ed., Berlin, 1927.

Durliat, Marcel, L'Architecture espagnole, Toulouse-Paris, 1966.

Durm, Joseph, Die Baukunst der Etrusker. Die Baukunst der Römer,
(Handbuch der Architektur, II:2), Darmstadt, 1885.

Durrieu, Paul, Heures de Turin, Paris, 1902.

Durrieu, Paul, Les très riches heures de Jean de France, duc de Berry,
Paris, 1904.

Duru, Abbé Louis-Maximilien, Bibliothèque historique de l'Yonne, 2
vols., Auxerre, 1850-1863.

Duval, Noël, "Les Églises de Sbeitla et Haidra (Tunisie)," Studi di
Antichita Cristiana
(Pont. Ist. di Archeologia Cristiana), XXVII,
Akten des VII. internationalen Kongresses für christliche Archäologie,
2 vols., Città del Vaticano-Berlin, 1965.

Duval, Noël, Les Églises Africaines à deux absides, Recherches archéologiques
sur la liturgie chrétienne en Afrique du Nord.
Vol. I: Les
Basiliques de Sbeitla à deux sanctuaires opposés
. . ., Paris, 1971.
Vol. II: Inventaires des monuments—interpretations, Paris, 1973.
Bibliothèque des Écoles Françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, vol.

Also note Thilo Ulbert's recent work, Frühchristliche Basiliken mit Doppelapsiden
auf der iberischen Halbinsel,
1978. Studien zur Architektur und Liturgiegeschichte,

Dvořák, Max, Geschichte der italienischen Kunst im Zeitalter der
2 vols., Munich, 1927-1929.


Eadmer. See Vita sancti Anselmi.

Eales, Samuel J., Life and Works of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 2 vols.,
London, 1912.

Eckhardt, Karl August, Die Gesetze des Karolingerreiches, 714-911.
In Germanenrechte II:2, Alemannen und Bayern, Weimar, 1934.
Text and translation.

Eckhardt, Karl August, Lex Salica, with German translation. In
Germanenrechte, new ser., Westgermanisches Recht, Weimar, 1953.

Eckhardt, Wilhelm A., "Die Capitularia missorum specialia von 802,"
Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters XII (1956),

Edda Snorra Sturlusonar. See Snorri Sturluson.

Eddius Stephanus. See Colgrave.

Edelmann, Heinrich, "Baugrund und Umgelände der Gozbert-Anlage,"
in Studien zum St. Galler, Klosterplan, edited by Johannes
Duft, St. Gall, 1962, 279-89. See Studien.

Edelmann, Heinrich, "Das Klostermodell im Historischen Museum
St. Gallen," in Studien zum St. Galler Klosterplan, edited by
Johannes Duft, St. Gall, 1962, 291-95. See Studien.

Effmann, Wilhelm, Die karolingisch-ottonischen Bauten zu Werden,
2 vols., Strassburg, 1899-1922.

Effmann, Wilhelm, Centula, St. Riquier. Eine Untersuchung zur
Geschichte der kirchlichen Baukunst in der Karolingerzeit,
1912, 1-175. Forschungen und Funde II.

Effmann, Wilhelm, Die Kirche der Abtei Corvey, edited and compiled
by Alois Fuchs, Paderborn, 1929.

Egger, Rudolf, Frühchristliche Kirchenbauten im südlichen Norikum,
Vienna, 1916. Sonderschriften des österreichischen archäologischen
Institutes in Wien, IX.

Egger, Rudolf, Teurnia, die römischen und frühchristlichen Altertümer
Klagenfurt, 1948. Österreichisches archäologisches

Egger, Rudolf, Frühmittelalterliche Kunst in den Alpenländern, Olten-Lausanne,

Eginhard. See Einhard.

Egli, Johannes, editor. See Ekkehart IV, Der Liber Benedictionum . . .

Eimer, Manfred, "Zur Datierung der Basilika in Reichenau-Niederzell,
Das Münster, 1/2 Jahrg. (1949), 262-70.


Page 178

Einhard. Einhardi omnia opera, A. Teulet, editor, 2 vols., Paris,

Einhard. Einhard's Life of Charlemagne, edited with Introduction
and Notes by H. W. Garrod and R. B. Mowat, Oxford, 1915

An edition for students, eliminating from Holder-Egger's ponderous apparatus
the readings of all but four MSS; useful elementary commentary.

Einhard. Éginhard, vie de Charlemagne, edited and translated into
French by Louis Halphen, Paris, 1923.

A judicious, independent text with facing French translation and notes.

Einhard. The Life of Charlemagne by Einhard, with a foreword by
Sidney Painter, Ann Arbor, 1960.

Ekkehart iv. Ekkeharti (IV.) Casus sancti Galli, edited by Gerold
Meyer von Knonau, St. Gall, 1877. Mitteilungen zur vaterländischen
Geschichte XV, Historischer Verein in St. Gallen.

Ekkehart iv. Ekkeharts IV. Casus sancti Galli nebst Proben aus den
übrigen lateinisch geschriebenen Abteilungen der Sankt-Galler
Klosterchronik. Nach der neuen Ausgabe in den "Mitteilungen"
des Historischen Vereines von St. Gallen übersetzt von Gerold
Meyer von Knonau, Leipzig, 1878. Geschichtsschreiber der deutschen
Vorzeit, XXXVIII.

Ekkehart iv. Die Geschichte des Klosters St. Gallen, übersetzt und
erläutert von Hanno Helbling, Cologne, 1958. Die Geschichtsschreiber
der deutschen Vorzeit, 8. Gesamtausgabe, vol. 102.

Ekkehart iv. Der Liber Benedictionum Ekkeharts IV, nebst den
kleineren Dichtungen aus dem Codex Sangallensis 393 zum ersten
Mal vollständig herausgegeben und erläutert von Johannes Egli,
St. Gall, 1909. Mitteilungen zur vaterländischen Geschichte,
XXXI, 4th ser., 1, Historischer Verein in St. Gallen.

Elbern, Victor H., editor, and others, Das Erste Jahrtausend, Kultur
und Kunst im werdenden Abendland an Rhein und Ruhr,
1 vol. text,
1 vol. plates, Düsseldorf, 1962.

Emery, Antony, "Dartington Hall, Devonshire," Archaeological Journal
CXV (1958), 184ff.

Emery, Anthony, Dartington Hall, Oxford, 1970.

Engel, Franz, "Die Urformen des Niedersachsenhauses in Mecklenburg,"
Mecklenburgische Jahrbücher CIII (1939), 101-58.

Enlart, Camille, Manuel d'archéologie française II, Architecture civile
et militaire,
Paris, 1904.

Ensminger, M. Eugene, editor, Horses and Horsemanship, 3rd ed.,
Danville, 1963.

Erdmann, Wolfgang, "Die ehemalige Stiftskirche St. Peter und Paul
in Reichenau-Niederzell . . ." in Die Abtei Reichenau, Helmut
Maurer, ed., Sigmaringen, 1974, 523-39.

Erdmann, Wolfgang, "Neue Befunde zur Baugeschichte und Wandmalerei
in St. Georg zu Reichenau-Oberzell," in Die Abtei
Helmut Maurer, ed., Sigmaringen, 1974, 577-90.

Erdmann, Wolfgang, and Alfons Zettler, "Zur Karolingischen und
ottonischen Baugeschichte des Marienmünsters zu Richenau-Mittelzell,"
in Die Abtei Reichenau, Helmut Maurer, ed., Sigmaringen,
1974, 481-522.

Erixon, Sigurd, Svensk Bygnadskultur, Stockholm, 1947.

Erlingson, Thorsteinn, Ruins of the Saga Time, London, 1899.

Espérendieu, Émile, Receuil général des bas-reliefs, statues et bustes
de la Germanie romaine,
Paris and Brussels, 1931.

Essenwein, A., "Bilder aus dem bürgerlichen Haushalte des 14.-15.
Jahrhunderts," Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit XXVII
(1880), cols. 1-6.

Esterhues, Friedrich J., "Zur frühen Baugeschichte der Corveyer
Abteikirche," Westfalen XXXI (1953), 320-35.

Eusebius Pamphili, Bishop of Caesarea, The Ecclesiastical History,
with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake, 2 vols., London-Cambridge,
Mass., 1926-1932 (and various later editions).

The Greek text of this Loeb edition is copied from the definitive edition of
the Berlin Academy.

Eusebius Pamphili, The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine,
translated with an introduction by C. A. Williamson,
Harmondsworth, 1965. Penguin Classics.

Evans, Joan, The Romanesque Architecture of the Order of Cluny,
Cambridge, 1938.

Evelyn-White, H. See Ausonius.

Ewig, Eugen, "Das Trierer Land im Merowinger- und Karolingerreich,"
in Geschichte des Trierer Landes, I, edited by Richard Laufner,
Trier, 1964, 222-302. Schriftenreihe zur Trierischen Landesgeschichte
und Volkskunde X.

Expositio Hildemari. See Vita et Regula SS. P. Benedicti . . ., III, R.
Mittermüller, editor, Regensburg, 1880.


Fäh, Adolf, Die Stiftsbibliothek in St. Gallen, der Bau und seine Schätze,
St. Gallen, 1929. 69. Neujahrsblatt, herausgegeben vom Historischen
Verein des Kantons St. Gallen.

Falke, Otto von, Deutsche Möbel des Mittelalters und der Renaissance,
Stuttgart, 1924.

Farmer, D. H., editor. See Benedict, Saint.

Favre, Adrien, Les origines du système métrique, Paris, 1931.

Feldtkeller, Hans, "Eine bisher unbekannte karolingische Grosskirche
im Hersfelder Stift," Deutsche Kunst und Denkmalpflege
(1964), 1-19.

Fels, Étienne. See Reinhardt, Hans, and Étienne Fels.

Fendel, Joseph, "Ursprung und Entwicklung der christlichen Klosteranlage"
(dissertation), Bonn, 1927.

For other studies dealing with the early history of monastic architecture see
Schlosser, Hager and Sowers.

Ferruolus, Saint. S. Ferreoli Uceticensis Episcopi Regula ad Monachos,
J. P. Migne, ed., Patr. Lat. LXVI, Paris, 1866, cols. 959-73.

Festus, Sextus Pompeius, Sexti Pompeii Festi de verborum significatu,
edited by Wallace M. Lindsay, Leipzig, 1913.

Contains the Carolingian epitome of Paulus Diaconus, which is the primary
remnant of this 4th-century compendium.

Fichtenau, Heinrich, The Carolingian Empire, translated by Peter
Munz, Blackwell, Oxford, 1957. Studies in Medieval History, IX.

Translation of a part of the Viennese professor's Das karolingische Imperium,
which supplements Halphen, 1947, by accenting social history and by pointing
up stresses and unresolved problems.

Fiechter-Zollikofer, H. "Etwas vom St. Galler Klosterplan aus
der Zeit um 830," Schweizerische technische Zeitschrift (1936),

Fischer, Hermann, Mittelalterliche Pflanzenkunde, 2 vols., Munich,
1st ed., 1921; 2nd ed., 1929.

Fleckenstein, Joseph, "Karl der Grosse und sein Hof," in Karl der
Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben, I, Persönlichkeit und Geschichte,

Helmut Beumann, editor, Düsseldorf, 1965, 24-50.

Flores Musicae omnis cantus Gregoriana. See SPECHTSHART VON REUTLINGEN,

Folz, Robert, Le couronnement impérial de Charlemagne, Paris, 1964.

Fontaine, Jacques, Isidore de Seville et la culture classique dans l'Espagne
2 vols., Paris, 1959.

A comprehensive study of Isidore (q.v.), the bishop of Seville (d. 636) whose
encyclopaedia (Etymologiarum sive originum libri xx), a staple of Carolingian
schools, determined the range of commonplace science and pseudoscience.
Fontaine's bibliographies and indexes (locorum, nominum) are useful.

Fontana, Carlo, Templum vaticanum, Rome, 1694.

Forbes, R. J., "Food and Drink", and "Power," in A History of
vol. 2, edited by Singer et al., Oxford, 1955-1958,
103-46; 589-622.

Carolingian power treated pp. 608, 618.


Page 179

Forcellini, Egidio, Lexicon totius latinitatis, 1st ed. posthumously
published in 4 vols., Padua, 1771; 2nd ed., 4 vols., Padua, 1805;
3rd ed., with additions by Giuseppe Furlanetto, 4 vols., Padua,
1827-1831; 4th augmented edition by Vincenzo de Vit, 6 vols.,
Prato, 1858-1879; 5th ed., by Francesco Corradini and Giuseppe
Perin, 4 vols., Padua, 1864-1898. Perin compiled an Onomasticon
totius latinitatis,
2 vols., Padua, 1913-1920, which was incorporated
in the 6th and last edition, 6 vols., Padua, 1940.

The first comprehensive western dictionary of the Latin language and a
foundation of Latin lexicography, even today the most useful general Latin
dictionary—not counting the smaller standard dictionaries such as Lewis and
Short (q.v.)—with citations through the 7th century, and for that reason still
holding a unique position, even after the publication, in 1900- —, of the
more exhaustive Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (q.v.). Indeed, it is the foundation
of the "new Du Cange" (q.v.).

Formigé, Jules, L'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis: nouvelles recherches,
Paris, 1960.

Formulae Sangallenses, K. Zeumer, ed., Mon. Germ. Hist., Leges V,
Hannover, 1886, 378ff.

Fornmanna sögur, epitir gömlum handritum útgefnar ad tilhlutun hins
norrœna fornfrœda fèlags,
12 vols., Copenhagen, 1825-37.

Forntida Gårdar I Island. See Stenberger, 1943.

Forschungen zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte, hrsg. vom deutschen
Verein für Kunstwissenschaft. 37 vols., Berlin, 1935-1960. Later
volumes unnumbered.

Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte und christlichen Archäologie, 7 vols.,
Baden-Baden, 1952-1968.

I. Neue Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte des 1. Jahrtausends, pt. 1,
Spätantike und Bysanz, Baden-Baden, 1952., pt. 2, Frühmittelalter,
Baden-Baden, 1954.

II. Wandlungen christlicher Kunst im Mittelalter, Baden-Baden,

III. Karolingische und ottonische Kunst, Baden-Baden, 1957.
(Later volumes not quoted in this study.)

Forsyth, George H., Jr., "St Martin's at Angers and the Evolution
of Early Mediaeval Church Towers," Art Bulletin XXXII
(1950), 308-18.

Forsyth, George H., jr., "A review of Samuel Guyer's Grundlagen
mittelalterlicher abendländischer Baukunst
. . .," Art Bulletin
XXXIV (March, 1952), 54-58. (Also see Guyer.)

Forsyth, George H., jr., The Church of St. Martin at Angers, The Architectural
History of the site from the Roman Empire to the French
The excavations in collaboration with William A.
Campbell, Princeton, 1953. Princeton Monographs in Art and
Archaeology, XXVIII.

Forsyth, George H., jr., "The Monastery of St. Catherine at Mount
Sinai: The Church and the Fortress of Justinian," Dumbarton
Oaks Papers
XXII (1968), 1-19.

Forsyth, George H., Kurt Weitzmann, et al., The Monastery of St.
Catherine at Mount Sinai,
Ann Arbor, 1973. Plate volume.

A record in 450 superb plates of the architecture, mosaic and wall paintings of
this famed monastery that was surveyed and photographed during four expeditions
between 1958-1965 by scholars of the universities of Michigan and
Princeton. Several text volumes are planned.

St. Catherine's has the distinction of possessing the earliest extant ecclesiastical
timber roof. Its sixth century date is attested by a Justinian inscription
and radiocarbon tests.

Fournier, Paul, "Anségise," Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie
III (1914), cols. 447-48.

Fowler, Joseph Thomas, editor. Rites of Durham, being a description
or brief declaration of the ancient monuments, rites and customs
belonging or being within the monastical church of Durham
before the suppression. Written 1593. Durham, 1903. The Publications
of the Surtees Society, CVII.

Fox, George E., "Notes on Some Probable Traces of Roman Fulling
in Great Britain," Archaeologia LIX:2 (1905), 207-32.

Fox, S., editor, Farming, London-New York, 1963.

Fowler, Sir James K., A History of Beaulieu Abbey, London, 1911.

Franck's Etymologisch Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal, 2nd ed.,
edited by N. van Wijk, 's Gravenhage, 1929.

Frankl, Paul, Baukunst des Mittelalters: Die frühmittelalterliche und
romanische Baukunst,
Wildpark-Potsdam, 1926. Handbuch der

Franzen, A., "Hildebold," Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche V (1960),
cols., 340-41.

Fream, William, Elements of Agriculture, London, 1962.

Freudenreich, Alexander, Kako narod gradi na podruċju hrvatske,
Zagreb, 1972. Republički zavod za zašitu spomenika kulture

Fridolin, Pater Stephan, Der Schatzbehalter; ein Andachts-und
Erbauungsbuch aus dem Jahre 1491 mit 91 Holzschnitten und 2
Textseiten im Facsimile nach der Originalausgabe von Anton Koberger
Text und Bildbeschreibungen von Richard Bellm,
Wiesbaden, 1962.

Friedländer, Max J., Altniederländische Malerei, 14 vols., Leiden,
1924-1927. (Published as Early Netherlandish Painting in 19671976.).

Frison, E., "Examen anatomique des bois du puit romain no. 1
de Havelbeke," Archaeologia Belgica nr. 59, 1961.

Fructuosus, Saint. Sancti Fructuosi Bracarensis Episcopi Regula
J. P. Migne, ed., Patr. Lat. LXXXVII, Paris,
1863, cols. 1109-30.

St. Fructuosus is author of two monastic rules, one written between 630 and
635 for the monks of Compludo, and a General Rule written ca. 660 for the
aggregate of monasteries he had by then founded. Both are translated into
English by Claude W. Barlow, in The Fathers of the Church LXIII, vol. 2:
Iberian Fathers, Washington D.C., 1969, 145-76.

Frühchristliche Zeugnisse im Einzugsgebiet von Rhein und Mosel, editor
Wilhelm Reusch, Trier, 1965.

Frühmittelalterliche Studien. Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung
der Universitat Münster, Karl Hauck, editor, 4 vols.,

Führer zu vor- und Frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern, ed. Romisch-Germanisches
Zentralmuseum Mainz, 15 vols., Mainz, 1964-1969.

Fuchs, Alois, Die karolingischen Westwerke und andere Fragen der
karolingischen Baukunst,
Paderborn, 1929.

Fuchs, Alois, "Entstehung und Zweckbestimmung der Westwerke,"
Westfälische Zeitschrift, C, 1950, 227-291. Zeitschrift für vaterländische
Geschichte und Altertumskunde herausgegeben vom
Verein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde Westfalens.

Fuchs, Alois, "Zum Problem der Westwerke," Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte
und christlichen Archäologie,
III, Karolingische und
ottonische Kunst,
Wiesbaden, 1957, 109-117.

Fuchs, Alois. Also see Effmann, 1929.

Fusch, Gustav, "Über Hypokaustenheizungen und mittelalterliche
Heizungsanlagen," (dissertation), Hannover, 1910.


Galassi, G., L'Architettura protoromanica nell' Esarcato, 3rd supplement
of Felix Ravenna, Ravenna, 1928.

Gall, Ernst, Karolingische und ottonische Kirchen, Burg bei Magdeburg,
1930. Deutsche Bauten, vol. 17.

Gall, Ernst, "Zur Frage der Westwerke," Jahrbuch des römischgermanischen
I (Mainz, 1954), 245-52.


Page 180

Gall, Ernst, Dome und Klosterkirchen am Rhein, Munich, 1956.

Ganahl, Karl Hans, "Studien zur Verfassungsgeschichte der Klosterherrschaft
St. Gallen," Forschungen zur Geschichte Vorarlbergs
und Liechtensteins
VI (1931), 1-184.

Ganshof, François Louis, "Notes critiques sur Eginhard, biographe
de Charlemagne," Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire III (1924),

Ganshof, François Louis, "A propos de la cavalerie dans les armées de
Charlemagne," Académie des inscriptions et belles lettres, comptes
(1952), 531-37.

Ganshof, François Louis, "Note sur la date de deux documents
administratifs émanant de Louis le Pieux," Recueil de travaux
offerts à M. Clovis Brunel,
I, Paris, 1955, 510-26.

Ganshof, François Louis, La Belgique carolingienne, Brussels, 1958.

An excellent introduction to the subject by the leading Belgian economic

Ganshof, François Louis, "L'Église et le pouvoir royal de la monarchie
franque sous Pépin III et Charlemagne," Centro italiano di
studi sull' alto medioevo, settimane di Studio
VII (1960), 95-141.

Ganshof, François Louis, "Les traits généraux du système d'institutions
de la monarchie franque," Centro italiano di studi sull'alto
medioevo, settimane di Studio
IX (1962), 91-127.

Ganshof, François Louis, "Le programme de gouvernement impérial
de Charlemagne," Renovatio imperii Atti della giornata internazionale
di studio per il millenario,
Faenza, 1963. Symposium held
in Ravenna, Nov. 4-5, 1961.

Ganshof, François Louis, "Charlemagne et les institutions de la
monarchie franque," in Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben,
I, Persönlichkeit und Geschichte, unter Mitwirkung von Helmut
Beumann hrsg. von Wolfgang Braunfels, Düsseldorf, 1965,

Ganshof, François Louis, Feudalism, translated by Philip Grierson,
3rd English edition, London, 1964.

Ganshof, François Louis, Frankish Institutions under Charlemagne,
with a foreword by Bryce Lyon, translated from the French by
Bryce and Mary Lyon, Providence, Rhode Island, 1968.

Gantner, Joseph, "Das Schema des St. Galler Klosterplans,"
Anzeiger für schweizerische Altertumskunde (Indicateur d'antiquités
), new ser., XXXVIII (1936), 21-27.

Gantner, Joseph, Kunstgeschichte der Schweiz, 2 vols., Frauenfeld
and Leipzig, 1936-1947.

Ganz, Paul Leonhard and Theodor Seeger, Das Chorgestühl in der
Frauenfeld, 1946.

Gareis, Karl Die Landgüterordnung Karls des Grossen (Capitulare de
villis vel curtis imperii
), Text-Ausgabe mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen,
Berlin, 1895. Also see Capitulare de villis for references
to other editions.

Garrod, H. W. See Einhard.

Garscha, F., K. Hammel, and E. Schmid, "Eine Dorfanlage des
frühen Mittelalters bei Merdingen, Landkreis Freiburg," Badische
XVIII (1948-1950), 137ff.

Gaspar, Camille, Le bréviare du musée Mayer van den Bergh à Anvers,
Brussels, 1932.

Gasparri, Françoise, "Le Scriptorium de Corbie," Scriptorium XX:2
(1966), 265-72.

Discussion and census of Corbie AB MSS of the 8th century.

Gauert, Adolf, "Das Itinerar Karls des Grossen," in Karl der Grosse
Lebenswerk und Nachleben, I, Persönlichkeit und Geschichte,
by Helmut Beumann, Düsseldorf, 1965, 307-21.

Gebhard, Thorsten, "Zu den Hausangaben der lex Bajuvariorum,"
Germania XXIX (1951), 230-35.

Genrich, Albert, "Notgrabung einer Wurt am Krummen Weg bei
Wilhelmshaven," Veröffentlichungen der urgeschichtlichen Samm-
lungen des Landesmuseums zu Hannover, IX, Schriftenreihe der
Provinzialstelle für Marschen- und Wurtenforschung,
vol. 3,
Probleme der Küstenforschung im südlichen Nordseegebeit, edited by
Werner Haarnagel, Hildesheim, 1942, 35-61.

Gentili, Gino V. and R. Bianchi Bandinelli, The Imperial Villa of
Piazza Armerina,
Rome, 1956. Guidebooks to the Museums and
Monuments of Italy, no. 87.

Geoghegan, Arthur T., "The Attitude Towards Labor in Early
Christian and Ancient Culture," Washington, D.C., 1945. Studies
in Christian Antiquity
VI, 1-250.

Gerkan, Arnim von, "Der Nordmarkt und der Hafen an der Löwenbucht,"
in Milet, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen
seit dem Jahre 1899,
I:6, edited by Theodor Weigand, Berlin and
Leipzig, 1922.

Germain, Michel, editor, Monasticon gallicanum, 2 vols., Paris, 1870.

Gesta abbatum Fontanellensium, Samuel Löwenfeld, editor; in Scriptores
rerum germanicarum in usum scholarum ex Monumentis Germaniae
historicis recusi,
XX, Hannover, 1886, 1-60.

Now superseded by the more recent edition of Lohier and Laporte (see Gesta
sanctorum patrum Fontanellensi Coenobii

Gesta Adalrici episcopi Cenomanensis, ed. Waitz, Mon. Germ. Hist.,
XV, Chap. 26, Hannover, 1887, 304-27.

Gesta episcoporum Tullensium, G. Waitz, editor, in Mon. Germ. Hist.
VIII, Hannover, 1848, 631-648.

Gesta sanctorum patrum Fontanellensis Coenobii (Gesta abbatum Fontanellensium)
Dom F. Lohier and J. Laporte, editors, Rouen-Paris,
1936. Ouvrages publiés par la Société de l'histoire de Normandie.

Supersedes the 1886 edition by S. Loewenfeld (see Gesta abbatum Fontanellensium)
of this important chronicle of the Abbey of St. Wandrille (Fontanella),
one of the richest and most flourishing Carolingian monasteries. This chronicle
contains the earliest description of a large Benedictine monastery, in its
account of the building program of abbot Ansegis (823-833 A.D.; and translated
above, pp. 125-26).

Ghigi, Alessandro, Poultry Farming as Described by the Writers of
Ancient Rome,
Milan, 1939.

Giffen, Albert Egges van, "Een Systematic Onderzoek in een der
Tuinster Wierden te Leens," Jaarsverslag van den Vereeniging voor
XX-XXIV (1935-1940), 26-117.

Giffen, Albert Egges van, "Die Siedlungen in den Warfen Hollands,
besonders in dem Dorfwarf Ezinge," Forschungen und Fortschritte
XII (1936), 189-91.

Giffen, Albert Egges van, "Der Warf in Ezinge, Prov. Groningen,
Holland und seine westgermanischen Häuser," Germania XX
(1936), 40-47.

Van Giffen's epochal excavations of aisled Germanic Iron Age houses, beginning
with the spectacular dwelling mound of Ezinge (Prov. Groningen),
Holland, were pioneering works of northern archaeology. For similar accomplishments
in Germany, the Scandinavian countries and other parts of the
Netherlands, see Haarnagel, Bantelmann, Boethius, Grieg, Hatt, Roussel,
Van der Walle, Waterbolk,
and Vallhagar, edited by Stenberger and

Giffen, Albert Egges van, "Omheinde, inheemsche nederzettingen,
tumuli enz. te Rhee en Zeijen, Gem. Vries," Nieuwe Drentsche
1938, 95-101.

Giffen, Albert Egges van, "Woningsporen to den hool en Sleen,
Gem. Sleen," Nieuwe Drentsche Volksalmanak, 1938, 138-40.

Giffen, Albert Egges van, "Praehistorische Huisvormen op de Zandgronden,"
Nederlands kunsthistorisch Jaarboek V (1954), 11-40.

Giffen, Albert Egges van, "Die frühgeschichtlichen Marschensiedlungen,
die' Terpen' oder Warfen," in Jahrbuch 36 der Männer vom
Bremerhaven, 1955 (offprint).

Giffen, Albert Egges van "Prähistorische Hausformen auf den Sandböden
in den Niederlanden," Germania XXXVI (1958), 35-71.

Gilbert, Edward, A Guide to the Priory Church and Saxon Chapel,
Deerhurst, Gloucestershire,
1st ed., Tewkesbury, 1956; 2nd ed.,
Tewkesbury, 1958.


Page 181

Gille, Bertrand, "Le machinisme au Moyen Ǎge," Archives internationales
d'histoire des sciences,
1953, 281-86.

Gille, Bertrand, "Le moulin à l'eau, une révolution technique médiévale,"
Techniques et civilizations III (1954), 1-15.

Gindele, Corbinian, O.S.B., "Der Mönchschor und seine Gebetscinrichtung
nach Osten," Studien und Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des
LXXVI (1965), 22-35. Bayerische Benediktinerakademie.

Gindele, Corbinian, O.S.B., "Abwechslung und Entspannung im
Aufbau des Stundengebets," Revue Bénédictine LXXVI (1966),

Gindele, Corbinian, O.S.B., "Sic stemus ad psallendum," Studien
und Mitteilungen des Benediktinerordens
LXXVIII (1967/68),

Gjerstad, E., "The Palace at Vouni, A Study in Architectural History,"
Corolla Archaeologica II (1932), 145-71.

Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis. See DuCange.

Gnecchi, Francesco, I medaglioni romani, 2 vols., Milan, 1912.

Godfrey, Walter Hindes, Official Guide to Lewes, Lewes, 1933.

Goldscmidt, Adolf, Die Elfenbeinskulpturen aus der Zeit der karolingischen
und sächsischen Kaiser,
4 vols., Berlin, 1914-26.

Goldschmidt, Rudolf Carel, editor, Paulinus' Churches at Nola;
texts, translations and commentary, Amsterdam, 1940.

Goodchild, R. G., "T-shaped Corn-drying Ovens in Roman
Britain," Antiquaries Journal XXIII (1943), 148-53.

Goodyer, John, translator. See DIOSCURIDES Pedanius of Anazarbos,
ed. Gunther.

Gose, Erich, "Die kaiserliche Sommerresidenz in Konz, Ldkr.
Saarburg," Germania XXXIX (1961), 204-206.

Gothein, Marie Louise, A History of Garden Art, 2 vols., New York,

Gougaud, Dom Louis, Anciennes coutumes claustrales, Abbaye Saint-Martin
de Ligugé, 1930.

Gout, Paul Émile, Le Mont-Saint-Michel, Histoire de l'abbaye et de
la ville, étude archéologique et architectural des monuments,

Grabar, André, Martyrium: Recherches sur le culte des reliques et l'art
chrétien antique,
2 vols. and atlas, Paris, 1943-1946.

Grabar, André, and Carl Nordenfalk, Early Medieval Painting, New
York, 1957.

Graf, Hugo, Opus francigenum, Stuttgart, 1878.

Graf, Hugo, "Neue Beiträge zur Enstehungsgeschichte der kreuzförmigen
Basilika," Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft XV (1892),
1-18, 94-109, 306-31, 447-71.

Graf, Hugo, "Herr Professor Dehio und meine `Neue Beiträge zur
Entstehungsgeschichte der kreuzförmigen Basilika'," Repertorium
für Kunstwissenschaft
XVII (1894), 128-38.

Graham, Rose, English Ecclesiastical Studies, Being some Essays in
Research in Medieval History,
New York and Toronto, 1929.

Graham, Rose, "The Monastery of Cluny, 910-1155, Part I, The
History of the Churches and Buildings," Archaeologia LXXX,
1930, 143-65. Also see Clapham, ibid., p. 166-78.

Graham, Rose, The History of the Alien Priory of Wenlock, London,
1965. Reprinted from The Journal of the British Archaeological
3rd ser., IV, 1939.

Gregorii Episcopi Turonensis Historia Francorum, Bruno Krusch, ed.,
in Mon. Germ. Hist., Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum I, Hannover,

A revised edition, edited by Krusch and Levison, appeared in 1951.

Gregory I, The Great, Saint and Pope, Gregorii magni dialogi, libri
Umberto Moricca, editor, Rome, 1924.

Pope Gregory's sponsorship of missions among the Anglo-Saxons, resulting in
the Bonifacian tradition of the Carolingian Church, in part accounts for the
exceptional popularity of this monastic hagiography. Though the pious tales
treat many saints, the whole Second Book is devoted to St. Benedict of Nursia,
virtually our only source of knowledge about him.

Gregory I, The Great, Saint and Pope. Gregorius I, The Great,
translated by Odo Zimmermann, New York, 1959.

Gregory I, The Great, Saint and Pope. Also see Vita et Regula SS. P.
Benedicti una cum expositione regulae a Hildemaro tradita,
I, ed.
R. Mittermüller, Regensburg, 1880.

Gregory of Tours. The History of the Franks by Gregory of Tours,
translated by O. H. Dalton, 2 vols., Oxford, 1927.

Vol. I: "Introduction" is a most helpful study of Merovingian history.

Grieg, Sigurd, "The House in Norwegian Archaeology," Acta Archaeologica
XIII (1942), 169-78.

Grierson, Philip, "The Identity of the Unnamed Fiscs in the
Brevium exempla ad describendas res ecclesiasticas et fiscales," Revue
belge de philologie et d'histoire
XVIII (1939), 437-95.

Grimani Breviary. Bréviaire Grimani de la Bibliothèque de S. Marco á
a photographic reproduction completely edited by Scato
de Vries, preface by S. Morpurgo, 13 vols., Leyden, 1903-1908.

A new facsimile edition of the 111 full-page miniatures of this manuscript,
in two volumes, by Mario Salmi, with commentary by Lorenzo Mellini, and a
documentation by G. E. Ferrari, scheduled to appear in 1972, was not available
to the authors of this study.

Grimani Breviary. Das Breviar Grimani in der Markus-Bibliothek in
F. Ogania, editor, Venice, 1906.

Grimani Breviary. Also see Kelly, F. M.

Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl, and Carl Wilhelm, Deutsches Wörterbuch,
16 vols., Leipzig, 1854-1960.

Grodecki, Louis, L'Architecture ottonienne; au seuil de l'art Roman,
Paris, 1958.

Grossmann, Ursula, "Studien zur Zahlensymbolik," Zeitschrift für
katholische Theologie
LXXXVI (1954), 19-54.

An excellent introduction to Carolingian number symbolism.

Groszmann, Dieter, Die Abteikirche zu Hersfeld, Kassel-Basel, 1955.

Groszmann, Dieter, "Wesen und Wirken des Bonifatius, besonders
in Hessen und Thüringen," Hessisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte
XI (1956), 232-53.

Groszmann, Dieter, "Zum Stand der Westwerkforschung," Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch
XIX (1957), 253-64.

Groszmann, Dieter, "Kloster Fulda und seine Bedeutung für den
frühen deutschen Kirchenbau," Das Erste Jahrtausend, Kultur und
Kunst im Werdenden Abendland an Rhein und Ruhr,
Victor H.
Elbern, editor, text vol. 1, Düsseldorf, 1962, 344-70.

Gruber, Karl, Die Gestalt der deutschen Stadt, Ihr Wandel aus der
geistigen Ordnung der Zeiten,
1st ed., Munich, 1937; 2nd ed.,
Munich, 1952.

Gruber, Karl, "Das Mass-System des St. Galler Klosterplans,"
Bericht über die Tagung der Koldewey-Gesselschaft, in Xanten vom
19.-23. Mai, 1959,
Bonn (1959), 47-52.

Gruber, Karl, "Der karolingische Klosterplan von St. Gallen,"
Bodenseebuch (1960), 15-19.

Gruber, Otto, Deutsche Bauern- und Ackerbürgerhäuser, Karlsruhe,

Gruber, Otto, "Westwerk," Zeitschrift des Vereins für Kunstwissenschaft
III (1936), 149-73.

Grundrisse und Bausteine zur Staats- und zur Geschichtslehre, collected in
honor of Gustav Schmollers, etc., by Kurt Breysig, Fritz Wolters,
Berthold Vallentin and Friedrich Andreae, Berlin, 1908.

Gsell, Stephane, Les Monuments antiques de l'Algérie, 2 vols., Paris,

Gudmundsson, Valtýr, Privatbolingen på Island i Sagotiden, Copenhagen,

A brilliant and exemplary attempt to define the layout, design and constructional
make-up of the Nordic house of the Saga period by means of a painstaking
compilation and analysis of architectural terms used in the Icelandic
sagas—only decades later confirmed by new archaeological discoveries.


Page 182

Guérard, Benjamin Edmé Charles, Explication du Capitulaîre de villis,
Latin and French translation, Paris, 1853. Also see Capitulare de
for references to other editions. Also see Irminon.

Guignard, P., editor, "Les Monuments primitifs de la règle cistercienne,
publiés d'après les manuscrits de l'Abbaye de Citeaux,"
Analecta Divionensia X (Dijon, 1878), 1-650.

Gull-Poris Saga. Die Gull-Poris Saga; oder Porskfirdinga Saga, Konrad
Mauer, editor, Leipzig, 1858.

Gunther, Robert, editor. See Dioscurides Pedanius of Anazarbos.

Guyer, Samuel, "Beiträge zur Frage nach dem Ursprung des kreuzförmigen
basilikalen Kirchenbaus des Abendlandes," Zeitschrift
für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte
VII (1945),

Guyer, Samuel, Grundlagen mittelalterlicher abendländischer Baukunst.
Beiträge zu der vom antiken Tempel zur kreuzförmigen Basilika
des abendländischen Mittelalters führenden Entwicklung, Einsiedeln,


Guyer, Samuel, and E. Herzfeld, Meriamlik und Korykos, zwei
christliche Ruinenenstätten des rauhen Kilikiens,
1930. Publications of the American Society for Archaeological
Research in Asia Minor II.


Haarnagel, Werner, "Die frühgeschichtliche Siedlung in der schleswig-hollsteinschen
Elb-und Stormarsch, insbesondere die Siedlung
Hodorf," Offa II (1937), 31-78.

Haarnagel, Werner, "Der Ursprung des Niedersachsenhauses,"
in Urgeschichtsstudien beiderseits der Niederelbe, G. Schwantes,
editor, Hildesheim, 1939, 256-77. Darstellungen aus Niedersachsens
Urgeschichte IV.

Haarnagel, Werner, Das Alluvium an der deutschen Nordseeküste
auf Grund neuer geologischer und urgeschichtlicher Untersuchungen
im Jade-Wesergebiet.
Schriftenreihe der niedersächsischen Landesstelle
für Marschen- und Wurtenforschung IV (Hildesheim,

Haarnagel, Werner, "Das nordwesteuropäische dreischiffige Hallenhaus
und seine Entwicklung im Küstengebiet der Nordsee,"
Neues Archiv für Niedersachsen IV (1950), 79-91.

Haarnagel, Werner, "Die Flachabdeckung auf der Wurt Hessens
am Jadebusen bei Wilhelmshaven und ihr vorläufiges Ergebnis,"
Germania XXIX (1951), 223-25.

Haarnagel, Werner, "Die frühgeschichtliche Handels-Siedlung
Emden und ihre Entwicklung bis ins Mittelalter," Friesisches
1955, 9-78.

Haarnagel, Werner, "Vorläufiger Bericht über die Wurtengrabung
auf der Feddersen-Wierde bei Bremerhaven," Germania XXXIV
(1956), 125-41.

Haarnagel, Werner, "Vorläufiger Bericht über das Ergebnis der
Wurtengrabung auf der Feddersen-Wierde bei Bremerhaven im
Jahre 1956," Germania XXXV (1957), 275-317.

Haarnagel, Werner, "Die spätbronze-früheisenzeitliche Gehöftsiedlung
Jemgum b. Leer auf dem linken Ufer der Ems," Die
new ser., VIII (1957), 1-44.

Haarnagel, Werner, "Die Ergebnisse der Grabung auf der Wurt
Feddersen-Wierde bei Bremerhaven in den Jahren 1955-1957,"
Neue Ausgrabungen in Deutschland, Berlin, 1958, 215-28.

Haarnagel, Werner, "Zur Grabung auf der Feddersen-Wierde
1955-1959," Germania XXXIX (1961), 42-69.

Haarnagel, Werner, "Die Ergebnisse der Grabung Feddersen-Wierde
im Jahr 1961," Germania XLI (1963), 280-317.

Haarnagel, Werner, "Die Untersuchung einer spätbronze-ältereisenzeitlichen
Siedlung in Boomborg/Hatzum, Kreis Leer, in den
Jahren 1963 und 1964 und ihr vorläufiges Ergebnis," Neue Ausgrabungen
und Forschungen in Niedersachsen
II (1965), 132-64.

Haarnagel has the merit of having extended our knowledge of the history of
the aisled and bay-divided Germanic house in northwestern Germany, through
a series of briliant excavations from the great landmark of Ezinge (4th and
3rd century B.C., see Van Giffen, 1936) backward in history to the Early Iron
Age and forward through every century after the birth of Christ into the
Carolingian period.

Haarnagel, Werner, "Die Wurtensiedlung Feddersen Wierde im
Nordsee-Kunstengebiet," Ausgrabungen in Deutschland II, 1975,

Häberle, Alfred, "Ein uralter Brauch auf dem St. Galler Klosterplan,"
Die Ostschweiz (St. Gall, no. 168, 8 April 1952).

Hablitzel, Joh. Bapt., Hrabanus Maurus. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte
der mittelalterlichen Exegese.
Biblische Studien VII, 1906.

Hafner, P. Wolfgang, Der Basiliuskommentar zur Regula S. Benedicti:
Ein Beitrag zur Autorenfrage karolingischer Regelkommentare,

Münster, 1959. Beiträge zur Geschichte des alten Mönchtums
und des Benediktinerordens XXIII.

Hafner was the first to draw attention to this important Carolingian commentary
to the Rule of St. Benedict as a source of reference to the internal conditions
prevailing in a Benedictine monastery of the middle of the 9th century.

Hafner, P. Wolfgang, "Der St. Galler Klosterplan im Lichte von
Hildemars Regelkommentar," in Studien zum St. Galler Klosterplan,
Johannes Duft, editor, St. Gall, 1962, 177-92. Mitteilungen
zur vaterländischen Geschichte XLII, Historischer Verein des
Kantons St. Gallen.

Hager, Georg, "Zur Geschichte der abendländischen Klosteranlage,"
Zeitschrift für christliche Kunst XIV (1901), cols. 97-102 (Gemeticum,
St. Gallen); cols. 139-46 (Fontanella); cols. 167-86 (Die

Hahn, Heinrich, "Die Ausgrabungen am Fuldaer Domplatz 1953,"
Bonifatius-Festschrift, Fulda, 1954.

Hale, William Hale, The Domesday of St. Paul's of the Year MCCXXII
. . . and other original documents relating to the manors and churches
belonging to the Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's in London, in the
twelfth and thirteenth centuries,
London, 1858. Printed for the
Camden Society.

Hallinger, Kassius, "Woher kommen die Laienbrüder?" Analecta
sacri ordinis Cisterciensis
XII (1956), 1-105.

Hallinger, Kassius, editor. See Corpus Consuetudinum Monasticarum.

Halphen, Louis, Études critiques sur l'histoire de Charlemagne, Paris,

Halphen, Louis, Charlemagne et l'empire carolingien, new ed., Paris,

This standard treatment of the politico-religious origin, rise, and fall of the
Carolingian Empire devotes Livre II, c. i-ii, to the politics of the Councils of
Aachen, A.D. 816-817, and to the restoration of Adalhard of Corbie.

Halphen, Louis, editor. See Einhard.

Hanftmann, B., "Die Benediktiner als Architekten," Studien und
Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Benediktinerordens
XLVIII (1930),

Hannah, Ian C., "Bishop's Palace, Chichester," Sussex Archaeological
LII (1909), 1-3.

Hanslik, Rudolphus, editor, Benedicti regula, Vienna, 1960. Corpus
scriptorum ecclesiasticarum latinorum, LXXXV.

Haralds Hardrada Saga, Porgeir Gudmundsson, editor, in Fornmanna
VI (Copenhagen, 1831).

Hardegger, August, "Die alte Stiftskirche und die ehemaligen
Klostergebäude in St. Gallen," (dissertation), Zurich, 1917.

Hardegger, August, Salomon Schlatter, and Traugott Schiess,
Die Baudenkmäler der Stadt St. Gallen in Die Baudenkmäler des
Kantons St. Gallen,
I, St. Gall, 1922. Ed. Historischer Verein
des Kantons St. Gallen.


Page 183

These rich and penetrating studies are pioneering works in the architectural
history of the monastery of St. Gall. They have not found the full measure of
praise they deserve.

Hariulf. Chronique de l'Abbaye de Saint-Riquier, Ferdinand Lot,
editor, Paris, 1894. Collection de textes pour servir à l'étude et
à l'enseignement de l'histoire XVII.

One of the great monastic chronicles of the Middle Ages; the source for
Effman's (q.v.) brilliant reconstruction of the church of this illustrious Carolingian

Hartig, Michael, "Die Klosterschule und ihre Männer," Die Kultur
der Abtei Reichenau
II (Munich, 1925), 621ff.

Hartshorne, Albert, "The Great Barn at Harmondsworth," London
and Middlesex Archaeological Society Transactions
IV (1875), 417ff.

Haskins, Charles Homer, The Renaissance of the Twelfth Century,
Cambridge, 1928.

Hatt, Gudmund, "To Bopladsfund fra aeldre Jernalder fra Mors og
Himmerland," Aarbøger for nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, 3rd
ser., XVIII (1928), 254ff.

Hatt, Gudmund, "Dwelling Houses in Jutland in the Iron Age,"
Antiquity II (1937), 162-73.

Hatt, Gudmund, "Nørre Fjand, an early Iron-Age village site in
West Jutland," Det kongelige danske Videnskabernes Selskab,
Arkaeologisk-kunsthistoriske Skrifter
II:2 (Copenhagen, 1957),

Hatt's excavations are fundamental for the Iron Age history of the aisled
Germanic house in Denmark.

Hauck, Albert, Kirchengeschichte Deutschlands, 5 vols. in 6, Leipzig,

A classic among the great works in ecclesiastical history, the separate volumes
of this standard work have been reissued in as many as five editions.

Hecht, Josef, Die romanischen Kirchen des Bodenseegebietes, von seinen
Anfängen bis zum Ausklingen,
2 vols., Basel, 1928.

One of the first scholars to express the view that the Plan of St. Gall was not an
original, but a copy; with many interesting observations about the Plan of St.

Hecht, Konrad, "Der St. Galler Klosterplan—Schema oder Bauplan?",
Abhandlungen der braunschweigischen wissenschaftlichen
XVII (1965), 165-206.

Hecht arrives independently from the present study at the conclusion that the
Plan of St. Gall was drawn at a scale of 1:192.

Heer, Gall, O.S.B., "Johannes Mabillon und das Kloster St. Gallen. Ein
Beitrag zur Geschichte der historischen Quellenforschung im 17.
und 18. Jahrhundert," dissertation, Fribourg, 1938.

Hehn, Victor, Kulturpflanzen und Housthiere in ihrem Übergang aus
Asien nach Griechenland und Italien sowie das übrige Europa,
1874 (and later editions). Historisch-linguistische Skizzen.

Heimskringla: See Snorri Sturluson.

Heitz, Carol, Recherches sur les rapports entre architecture et liturgie a
l'époque carolingienne,
Paris, 1963. Bibliothèque generale de l'Ecole
Pratique des Hautes Études, vie section.

Hekker, R. C., "De Ontwikkeling van de Boerderijvormen in Nederland,"
Duizend Jaar Bouwen in Nederland, II, De Bouwkunst na de
by S. J. Fockema Andreae, E. H. ter Kuile, and
R. C. Hekker, Amsterdam, 1957, 197ff.

Helbing, Hanno. See Ekkehart.

Héliot, Pierre, "Die Abtei Corbie vor den normannischen Einfallen,"
Westfalen XXXIV (1956), 133-41.

Notes how the Directives of Adalhard and the Plan of St. Gall complement
each other. Lists all buildings alluded to by Adalhard, and gives evidence for
external school.

Héliot, Pierre, L'abbaye de Corbie, ses églises et ses bâtiments, Louvain,
1957. Bibliotheque de la Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, 29.

The data from Corbie are regularly related to the data of the Plan of St. Gall.

Helmers, Menne Feiken, Das Gulfhaus. Entstehung und Entwicklung,
Oldenburg, 1943.

Henggeler, Rudolf, Professbuch der fürstlichen Benediktinerabtei der
hl. Gallus und Otmar zu St. Gallen,
Zug, 1926.

Henning, Rudolf, "Das deutsche Haus in seiner historischen Entwicklung,"
Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte
der Germanen
XLVII (1882), 1-183.

Henning was the first to propose that the Guest and Service buildings of the
Plan of St. Gall should be interpreted in the light of the northern rather than
the classical building tradition.

Hergott, Marquardus, Vetus disciplina monastica, seu collectio auctorum
ordinis S. Benedicti maximam partem ineditorum qui . . . de monastica
disciplina tractarunt,
Paris, 1726.

Herrade de Landsberg, Hortus Deliciarum, edited by A. Straub
and G. Keller, Strassburg, 1901.

A new two-volume edition of the tracings, soon to be published by the Warburg
Institute, London, is being prepared under the direction of Rosalie Greene.

Herrnbrodt, Adolf, "Der Husterknupp, eine niederrheinische
Burganlage des frühen Mittelalters," Bonner Jahrbücher, Beiheft
VI, Graz, 1958 (with contributions by A. Zippelius, W. Herre,
and G. Siewing); and Idem, same title, in Neue Ausgrabungen in
(Berlin, 1958), 542-63.

Hertig, Louis, "Entwicklungsgeschichte der Krypta in der Schweiz,"
dissertation, University of Zurich, Biel, 1958. Studien in der
Baugeschichte des frühen und hohen Mittelalters.

Herwegen, Ildefons von, "Geschichte der benediktinischen Professformel,"
in Beiträge zur Geschichte des alten Mönchtums und des
III (Münster, 1912), 57-67.

Herwegen, Ildefons von, Sinn und Geist der Benediktinerregel, Einsiedeln-Köln,

Heusinger, Bruno, "Servitium regis in der deutschen Kaiserzeit,"
Archiv für Urkundenforschung VIII (1923), 26-159.

Heyne, Moritz, Über die Lage und Konstruktion der Halle Heorot im
angelsachsischen Beowulfliede,
Paderborn, 1864. Also see Brühl,

Heyne, Moritz, Fünf Bücher deutscher Hausaltertümer, 3 vols., Leipzig,
1899-1903. Vol. I, Das deutsche Wohnungswesen, 1899; vol. II,
Das deutsche Nahrungswesen, 1901; vol. III, Körperpflege und

Heyse, Johann Christian August, Handwörterbuch der deutschen Sprache,
3 vols., Magdeburg, 1833-1849.

Hildemar. Expositio Hildemari. See Vita et regula SS. P. Benedicti. . . .
Also see Schroll.

Hilpisch, Stephanus, Geschichte des benediktinischen Mönchtums,
Freiburg, 1929.

Hilpisch, Stephanus, "Oblaten" in Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche
VII, cols. 1083-85, Freiburg, 1962.

Hilton, A. R., A Medieval Society, The West Midlands at the End of
the Thirteenth Century,
London, 1966.

Hincmar. Pro institutione carlomanni regis, ed. M. Prou, Paris, 1885.
Bibliothèque de l'école des hautes études, 58.

The same work as above, copied largely from the work of abbot Adalhard.

Hincmar. Hincmarus de ordine palatii, edited by Victor Krause, in
Fontes iuris germanici antiqui in usum scholarum ex Monumentis
Germanicis separatim editi,
Hannover and Leipzig, 1894. Reprinted
in Mon. Germ. Hist., Capitularia, Legum Reg. Franc, II:2, 517-30.

Hingst, H., "Sächsische Burgen und Siedlungen im Südteil des
Kreises Rendsburg," Heimatkundliches Jahrbuch für den Kreis
(1962), 122-34.

Hoddinott, R. F., Early Byzantine Churches in Macedonia and Southern
London, 1963.

Hodges, Charles Clement, Guide to the Priory Church of Hexham,
Hexham, 1913.

Hodges, George, Fountains Abbey, London, 1904.

Hodges, Margaret T., "Domesday Watermills," Antiquity XIII,
(1939), 261-79.

Holmqvist, Wilhelm, "Kunstprobleme der Merowingerzeit," Kungl.
Vitterhets, Historie, och Antikvitetsakademiens Handlingar


Page 184

Holwerda, J. H., "Opgravningen van Dorestad," Leiden, Rijksmuseum,
Oudheidkundige Mededeelingen
XI (1930), 32-96.

Hoover, Herbert Clark and Loo Henry, translators. See Agricola,

Hope, William Henry St. John, "The Cluniac Priory of St. Pancras
at Lewes," Sussex Archaeological Collections XXIV (1886), 71-107.

Hope, William Henry St. John, "Castle Acre Priory," Norfolk
XII, 1895, 105-157.

Hope, William Henry St. John, "Notes on the Benedictine Abbey of St.
Peter at Gloucester," Archaeological Journal, LIV (1897), 77-119.

Hope, William Henry St. John, "St. Mary of Fountains," Yorkshire
Archaeological Journal
XV (1900), 269-402.

Hope, William Henry St. John, and John Bilson, "Architectural Description
of Kirkstall Abbey," Thoresby Society Publications XVI (1907).

Hopper, Vincent Foster, Medieval Number Symbolism, its sources, meaning
and influences on thought and expression,
New York, 1938.

Horn, Walter, "Das Florentiner Baptisterium," Mitteilungen des
kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz
V (1938), 99-151.

Horn, Walter, "Romanesque Churches in Florence, A Study of Their
Chronology and Stylistic Development," Art Bulletin XXV (1943),

Horn, Walter, "On the Origins of the Mediaeval Bay System," Journal
of the Society of Architectural Historians
XVII (1958), 2-23.

In this study, which deals with the historical roots of the medieval bay system,
the claim was first advanced that the Guest and Service Buildings of the
Plan of St. Gall are a Carolingian variant of the aisled and bay-divided Germanic
timber house, the origins of which can now be traced back to the 14th
century B.C. This theory formed the basis of the reconstructions of these
buildings in the model displayed at the Council of Europe Exhibition "Karl
der Grosse" (Aachen, 1965; see Horn, 1965). Reprinted in a slightly abbreviated
form in Readings in Art History, I, Ancient Egypt through the Middle
edited by Harold Spencer, New York, 1969, 217-50.

Horn, Walter, "Two Timbered Mediaeval Churches of Cheshire,"
Art Bulletin XLIV (1962), 263-78.

Horn, Walter, "The Plan of St. Gall—Original or Copy?" in Studien
zum St. Galler Klosterplan,
Johannes Duft, editor, St. Gall, 1962,
79-102. See Studien.

Establishes, on the basis of a purely technical analysis, that the Plan is a copy,
made by the process of tracing from a contemporary master plan of earlier
date; a view independently proposed by Bernhard Bischoff (see Bischoff,
1962) on purely palaeographical grounds.

Horn, Walter, "On the Author of the Plan of St. Gall and the Relation
of the Plan to the Monastic Reform Movement," in Studien zum
St. Galler Klosterplan,
Johannes Duft, editor, St. Gall, 1962,
103-27. See Studien.

Proposes, in confirmation of a suggestion made by Alfons Dopsch (see Dopsch,
1916) that the Plan was conceptually a product of the monastic reform movement
and argues in favor of Haito, Bishop of Basel and simultaneously Abbot
of the Monastery of Reichenau, as the maker of the surviving Plan.

Horn, Walter, "The Great Tithe Barn of Cholsey, Berkshire," Journal
of the Society of Architectural Historians
XXII (1963), 13-23.

Horn, Walter, "Les Halles de Questembert (Morbihan)," Bulletin de
la société polymathique du Morbihan
(1963), 1-16.

Horn, Walter, "Das Modell eines karolingischen Idealklosters," in
Karl der Grosse, Werk und Wirkung, Zehnte Austellung unter den
Auspizien des Europarates,
Wolfgang Braunfels, editor, Aachen,
1965, 402-410 and figs. 124-125.

A catalogue entry, giving an account of the reasoning that led to the reconstruction
(in collaboration with Ernest Born) of the buildings shown on the Plan
of St. Gall in a model displayed at the Council of Europe Exhibition Karl der
(Aachen, 1965); also exhibiting the authors' views on the scale and
construction methods used in designing the Plan (more extensively treated in
a subsequent article; see next entry).

Horn, Walter, "La maquette d'après le plan de St. Gall (cat. no.
570)," in Charlemagne, oeuvre, rayonnement et survivances, 10e
Exposition sous les auspices de Conseil de l'Europe, ed. Wolfgang
Braunfels, Aix-la-Chapelle, 1965, 391-400.

Slightly enlarged translation into French of Horn, 1965, "Das Modell. . . ."

Horn, Walter, "The Potential and Limitations of Radiocarbon Dating
in the Middle Ages: The Art Historian's View," in Scientific
Methods on Medieval Archaeology,
Rainer Berger, editor, Berkeley-Los
Angeles-London, 1970, 23-87. U.C.L.A. Center for Medieval
and Renaissance Studies, Contributions IV. Also see Berger.

Horn, Walter, "Two Early Medieval Monasteries—One Insular, The
Other Continental," Festschrift Hanns Swarzenski, Berlin, 1973,

Horn, Walter, "On the Origins of the Medieval Cloister," Gesta
(1973), 13-52.

Horn, Walter, "On the Selective Use of Sacred Numbers and the
Creation in Carolingian Architecture of a New Aesthetic based on
Modular Concepts," Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies,
6 (1975), 351-390.

The article is part of a triad of interdisciplinary essays published under the
title "Toward A Medieval Aesthetic," q.v. For the other two essays see Jones,
1975, and Horn, 1975.

Horn, Walter, "The Architecture of the Abbey of Fontanella, from the
Time of its Foundation by St. Wandrille (A.D. 649) to the Rebuilding
of its Cloister by Abbot Ansegis (823-833)," Speculum

Horn, Walter, and Ernest Born, "Les Halles de Crémieu," Evocation,
Bulletin du groupe d'études historiques et géographiques du BasDauphiné

XVII (1961), 66-90.

Horn, Walter, and Ernest Born, The Barns of the Abbey of Beaulieu at
its Granges of Great Coxwell and Beaulieu-St. Leonards,
and Los Angeles, 1965.

Horn, Walter, and Ernest Born, "The `Dimensional Inconsistencies'
of the Plan of St. Gall and the Problem of the Scale of the Plan,"
Art Bulletin XLVIII (1966), 285-308.

Horn, Walter, and Ernest Born, "The Cistercian Grange of Vaulerent
(Seine-et-Oise), France," Festschrift Ulrich Middeldorf, Berlin,
1968, 24-31.

Horn, Walter, and Ernest Born, "A Victim of Fire: The 15th Century
Manor Barn of Nettlestead Place, Kent," Aachene Kunstblätter
XXXIX (1969), 160-78.

Horn, Walter, and Ernest Born, "New Theses about the Plan of St.
Gall: A Summary of Recent Views," Die Abtei Reichenau, Sigmaringen,
1974. Neue Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur des
Inselklosters, H. Maurer, ed.

Horn, Walter, and Ernest Born, "On the Selective Use of Sacred
Numbers and the Creation in Carolingian Architecture of a New
Aesthetic in Carolingian Architecture," Viator, 1975.

Horn, Walter, and F. W. B. Charles, "The Cruck-built Barn of Middle
Littleton in Worcestershire, England," Journal of the Society of
Architectural Historians
XXV (1966), 221-39.

Also see Charles and Horn, 1973.

Horses and Horsemanship, edited by M. H. Ensminger, 3rd edition, Danville,
Kentucky, 1963.

Huber, Engelbert, "Die Völker unter babylonischem Kultureinfluss.
Auftreten des gehopften Bieres," in Bier und Bierbereitung bei
den Völkern der Urzeit,
II, Berlin, 1926. Veröffentlichungen der
Gesellschaft für die Geschichte und Bibliographie des Brauwesens.

Hubert, Henri, The Greatness and Decline of the Celts, London, 1934.

Hubert, Jean, "Germigny-des-Prés," Congrès archéologique, vol. 93
(1930), 534-68.

Hubert, Jean, L'Art pré-Roman, Paris, 1938.


Page 185

Hubert, Jean, "L'Avant-nef-carolingienne de St. Germain d'Auxerre,"
Cahiers archéologiques V (1951), 151-62.

Hubert, Jean, " `Cryptae inferiores' et `cryptae superiores' dans
l'architecture religieuse de l'époque carolingienne," Mélanges d'histoire
du moyen âge dédiés à la mémoire de Louis Halphen,
1951, 351-57.

Hubert, Jean, L'Architecture religieuse du haut moyen âge en France,
Paris, 1952.

Hubert, Jean, "Le Baptistère de Poitiers et l'emplacement du premier
Groupe Episcopal," Cahiers archéologiques VI (1952), 135-43.

Hubert, Jean, "Les Églises à rotonde orientale," Frühmittelalterliche
Kunst in den Alpenländern,
Olten, 1954, 309-20.

Hubert, Jean, "Saint-Riquier et le monachisme bénédictin en Gaule à
l'époque carolingienne," in Il Monachismo nel alto medio evo e la
formazione della civiltà occidentale,
Spoleto, 1957, 392-309. Centro
Italiano de studi sull' alto medioevo IV, (1957), 293-309.

Hubert, Jean, "Les `cathédrales doubles' de la Gaule," Geneva XI
(1963), 105-25.

Hubert, Jean, "Architecture and decorative carving," in Europe of the
by J. Hubert, J. Porcher, and W. F. Volbach, New
York, 1969, 1-104.

Hubert, Jean, J. Porcher, and W. F. Volbach, Europe of the Invasions,
New York, 1969. Arts of Mankind, vol. 12.

Hubert, Jean, J. Porcher, and W. F. Volbach, Carolingian Art,
London, 1970. Arts of Mankind, vol. 13.

Like the preceding volume a superb example of modern bookmaking combining
impeccable scholarship with a rich repertory of illustrations of the highest

Huelsen, Christian Carl Friedrich, "Piante iconographiche di
marmo," Römische Mitteilungen V (1890), 46-63.

Hughes, Dom Anselm, Early Medieval Music up to 1300, Oxford, 1954.
New Oxford History of Music, II.

Chapters III and IV on Gallican and Gregorian Chant, by Mons. Higini
Anglès, and Chapter V on Trope and Sequence, by Prof. Jacques Handschin,
are relevant.

Hugot, Leo, "Benediktinerkloster St. Cornelius in Inda, heute
Kornelismünster," in Karl der Grosse, Werk und Wirkung, Wolfgang
Braunfels, editor, Aachen, 1965, 410-12. Zehnte Ausstellung
unter den Auspizien des Europarates.

Hugot, Leo, "Die Pfalz Karls des Grossen in Aachen," in Karl der
Grosse Werk und Wirkung,
Zehnte Austellung unter den Auspizien
des Europarates, ed. Wolfgang Braunfels, Aachen, 1965, 395-400.

Hugot, Leo, "Le palais de Charlemagne à Aix-la-Chapelle," in
Charlemagne, oeuvre, rayonnement et survivances, 10e Exposition
sous les auspices du Conseil de l'Europe, ed. Wolfgang Braunfels,

Hugot, Leo, "Die Pfalz Karls des Grossen in Aachen," Karl der
Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben,
III, Karolingische Kunst,
edited by Wolfgang Braunfels and Hermann Schnitzler, Düsseldorf,
1966, 534-72.

Hugot, Leo, "Untersuchungen über die baugeschichtliche Entwicklung
der ehemaligen Benediktiner Klosterkirche zu Kornelismünster"
(dissertation, Technische Hochschule), Aachen, 1967.

Hultsch, Friedrich, Griechische und römische Metrologie, 1st ed.,
Berlin, 1862; 2nd ed., 1882.

Hunt, Edmund, translator, St. Leo the Great, Letters, New York,
1957. The Fathers of the Church, vol. 34.

Husmann, Heinrich, "Die St. Galler Sequenz-Tradition bei Notker
und Ekkehard," Acta Musicologica XXVI (1954), 6-18.

Hyams, Edward, Dionysus, A Social History of the Wine Vine, New
York, 1965.

An intriguing, but poorly annotated book.


Irminon. Polyptyque de l'abbé Irminon; ou dénombrement des manses,
des serfs et des revenues de l'abbaye de Saint-Germain-des-Prés sous
le règne de Charlemngae,
edited by Benjamin Edmé Charles Guérard,
2 vols., Paris, 1844.

The so-called Polyptique of Irminon, drawn up by Irminon, abbot of St.
Germain-des-Prés (A.D. 812-817), is an inventory of the estates and revenues of
this rich monastery—the earliest and most complete document of its kind, and
therefore an incomparable source for the history of agrarian society in the
Age of Charlemagne. It analyzes the constituent parts of each estate, gives a full
account of the tenants and registers the burdens of all their holdings.

The Polyptique was brilliantly edited and exhaustively annotated by B. E. C.
Guèrard (q.v.), in 1844; he spent most of his life preparing the work. A new
edition by Lognon was published in Paris in 1886, under the auspices of the
Société de l'histoire de Paris. For a map of the vast landed possessions of the
abbey of St. Germain-des-Prés, see Duby, 1962, 285; and idem, 1968, 367.

Irminon. Polyptyque de l'abbaye de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, redigé au
temps de l'abbé Irminon,
edited and published by Auguste Lognon,
2 vols., Paris, 1886-1895.

Isidorus, Saint. Isidori Hispalensis episcopi etymologiarum sive originum
libri XX,
edited by W. M. Lindsay, 2 vols., Oxford, 1911.

The last and principal work of the great Spanish encyclopedist and historian
of the 7th century, of prime importance for its transmission to the Middle
Ages of the cultural legacy of the ancient world.

Isidorus, Saint, Sancti Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Regula Monachorum,
J. P. Migne, ed., Patr. Lat. CIII, Paris, 1864, cols.


Jacono, Luigi, "Piede," in Enciclopedia italiana XXVII, Rome, 1935

James, Montague Rhodes, The Canterbury Psalter, Canterbury, 1935.

Janitschek, Hans, Die Trierer Ada-Handschrift, Leipzig, 1889.

Jeulin, Paul, "Les transformations topographiques et architecturales
de l'Abbaye de Clairvaux," in Mélanges Saint Bernard, Association
bourguignonne des sociétés savantes, Congrès. Communications,
IV (Dijon, 1953), 325-40.

Jobson, Allan, "Domestic Brew," Country Life CV (4 March, 1949),

Jonas (monachus Bobiensis). See Vita sancti Columbani.

Jones, Charles W., "The (Lost) Sirmond Manuscript of Bede's `Computus',"
English Historical Review (1937), 204-19.

Description of content and sources of a typical Carolingian computus.

Jones, Charles W., Bedae Pseudepigrapha: Scientific Writings Falsely
Attributed to Bede,
Ithaca, 1939. Also see Bede.

A bibliographical and paleographical analysis of the sources and authenticity
of all works gathered in Patrologia Latina, Tom. XC, and some works in Tom.

Jones, Charles W., Saints' Lives and Chronicles in Early England, together
with first English translation of The Oldest Life of Pope
St. Gregory the Great
by a monk of Whitby and The Life of St.
Guthlac of Crowland by Felix,
Ithaca, 1947.

A study of the origin, development, and literary conventions of northern
saints' lives and chronicles.

Jones, Charles W., Medieval Literature in Translation, New York,

An anthology of representative western literature including patristic and
Carolingian authors.

Jones, Charles W., "An Early Medieval Licensing Examination,"
History of Education Quarterly, III (1963), 19-29.

Text and translation of an examination for Masters of Computus administered
A.D. 809, in which Adalardus venerabilis abbas is mentioned as authority.


Page 186

Jones, Charles W., "Bede's Place in Medieval Schools," in Famulus
ed. Gerald Bonner, London, 1973, 261-85. Society for
the Promotion of Christian Knowledge.

Jones, Charles W., "Carolingian Aesthetics: Why Modular Verse?"
Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies 6 (1975), 309-40.

Jones, Charles, W., editor, Bedae Opera Didascalica, Corpus Christianorum.
See Bede.

Jones, Sir Harold Spencer, "The Calendar," in Singer, et al, A History
of Technology
III, Oxford, 1957, 558-81.

Jones, Horace Leonard, editor and translator. See Strabo.

Jones, Leslie Webber, "The Scriptorium of Corbie," Speculum XXII
(1947), 191-204; 375-94.

Though primarily a palaeographical study, it contains valuable historical data
for the Adalhard period.

Jones, Leslie Webber, translator. See Cassiodorus.

Jones, S. R., and J. T. Smith, "The Great Hall of the Bishop's Palace
at Hereford," Medieval Archaeology IV (1960), 69-80.

Jongkees, J. H., "Studies on Old St. Peter's," Archaeologica Traiectana
VIII (1966), 1-59.

Jonnson, Finnur. See Njáls Saga.

Jouven, Georges, "Fouilles des cryptes des l'abbatiale Saint-Pierre de
Flavigny" and "Note additive à la suite des fouilles d'avril 1960,"
Les Monuments Historiques de la France VI (1960), 9-26 and

Joyce, James Gerald, "XV. Account of further Excavations at Silchester,"
Archaeologia XLVI:2 (1881), 329-365.

Jung, Hermann, Wein in der Kunst, Munich, 1961.

Jung, P. "Das Infirmarium im Bauriss des Klosters von St. Gallen vom
Jahre 800," Gesnerus VI (1949), 1-8. Schweizerische Gesellschaft
für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften.


Kaegi, Werner, Jacob Burckhardt, Eine Biographie, 4 vols., 1947-1967.

Kähler, Heinz, Rom und seine Welt, 2 vols., Munich, 1958; supplement,
1960. Bilder zur Geschichte und Kultur.

The Kalevala, or Poems of the Kaleva District, compiled by Elias Lönnrot,
including prose translation with Foreword and Appendices by
Francis Peabody Magoun, Jr., Cambridge, Mass., 1963.

Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben. In collaboration with Helmut
Beumann, Bernhard Bischoff, Hermann Schnitzler, and
Percy Ernst Schramm, edited by Wolfgang Braunfels, 5 vols.,
Düsseldorf, 1965-1968. The five volumes are:

I. Persönlichkeit und Geschichte, Helmut Beumann, editor, Düsseldorf,

II. Das geistige Leben, Bernhard Bischoff, editor, Düsseldorf,

III. Karolingische Kunst, Wolfgang Braunfels and Hermann
Schnitzler, editors, Düsseldorf, 1965.

IV. Das Nachleben, Wolfgang Braunfels and Percy Ernst Schramm,
editors, Düsseldorf, 1967.

V. Registerband, Wolfgang Braunfels, editor, Düsseldorf, 1968.

A magnificent publication, issued in the wake of the Council of Europe Exhibition
Charlemagne (Aachen, 1965). Its penetrating studies, by experts in various
fields of Carolingian history, summarize the most recent state of research in all
areas of Carolingian life.

Karl der Grosse, Werk und Wirkung (exhibition catalogue). See Charlemagne,
oeuvre, rayonnement et survivances.

Kauffmann, Hans, Der Kölner Dom, Festschrift zur Siebenhundert-
jahrfeier, 1248-1948, Cologne, 1948. Published by the Zentral-Dombau-Verein.

Kaufmann, Carl Maria, Die Menasstadt und das Nationalheiligtum der
altchristlichen Aegypter in der westalexandrinischen Wüste.
der Frankfurt-Expedition am Karm Abu Mina, 19051907,
I, Leipzig, 1910.

Keil, H. See Priscianus.

Keil, Joseph, "Vorläufiger Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Ephesos,"
Jahreshefte des österreichischen archäologischen Institutes in
XXVII (1932), Beiblatt, 6-71.

Keller, Ferdinand, Bauriss des Klosters St.-Gallen vom Jahr 820,
Zurich, 1844.

The first scholarly description of the Plan illustrated with a lithograph reproduction
that formed the basis for all later studies till the appearance in 1952
of an eight-color offset facsimile print (see Reinhard). Keller was the first to
interpret the Guest and Service Buildings as "court-yard houses" and thus
may be considered the founder of what in this study is referred to as the Classical

Keller's so-called facsimile reproduction rendered the outlines of the buildings
and their explanatory titles with a high degree of accuracy (although,
inexplicably, it failed to include the dedicatory note), but it was not a facsimile
in the modern sense of the term. The Plan and its legends were completely redrawn
for a stone that matched the size of the original. But in the preparatory
phases of the work this stone broke, and since no substitute stone of the same
size could be found, the final reproduction turned out to be one fifth smaller
than the drawing of the original Plan. The reproduction was nevertheless a
masterpiece of its kind (considering its early date) and highly superior to the
imperfect copper engraving published in 1704 by Jean Mabillon (q.v.). It
was reprinted at a reduced scale and not quite as successfully in Willis' (q.v.)
study of 1848 and in Cabrol-Leclerq (q.v.), VIII, 19.

Keller, Ferdinand, "Notes on the Ancient Plan of the Monastery of
St. Gall," Archaeological Journal XVII (1860), 48-92.

Deals only with the question of the pestles (pilae) in the Mortar House of the
Plan of St. Gall, for which Keller cites interesting hand-operated parallels
from Beltis, near Wesen on Lake Wallenstadt, Switzerland.

Kelly, François M., The Seasons of the Year, London, n.d.

Kemble, John M., Codex diplomaticus aevi Saxonii, 6 vols., London,

Kennelly, Arthur Edwin, Vestiges of Pre-metric Weights and Measures
Persisting in Metric-system Europe,
New York, 1928.

Kenney, James Francis, The Sources for the Early History of Ireland,
An Introduction and Guide,
New York, 1929.

Vol. I, Ecclesiastical; Vol. II, Secular, has never appeared. A most judicious
descriptive bibliography, which devotes full attention to Irish migrants to
Britain and the Continent.

Keyser, Charles E., A List of Norman Tympana and Lintels, London,

Khatchatrian, A., "Notes sur l'architecture de l'église de Germignydes-Prés,"
Cahiers archéologiques VII (1954), 161-69.

Kirschbaum, Engelbert, S. J., The Tombs of St. Peter and St. Paul,
London, 1959.

Klemm, Friedrich, A History of Western Technology, translated by
Dorothea Walley Singer, New York, 1929.

Klewitz, Hans-Walter, "Cancellaria, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des
geistlichen Hofdienstes," Deutsches Archiv zur Geschichte des
(1937), 44-79.

Kluge, Friedrich, Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache,
17th ed., Berlin, 1957.

Knoblauch, Richard, Baugeschichtliches aus dem alten Kloster St.
Berlin, 1926.

Knoepfli, Albert, "Die Probsteikirche Wagenhausen," Zeitschrift für
schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte
XIII (1952),

Knoepfli, Albert, Die Kunstgeschichte des Bodenseeraumes, von der
Karolingerzeit bis zur Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts,

Knögel, Elsmarie, "Schriftquellen zur Kunstgeschichte der Merowingerzeit,"
Bonner Jahrbücher CXL/CXLI, Darmstadt, 1936.

For other collections of source materials for the history of art see Schlosser,
and Lehmann-Brockhaus.


Page 187

Knowles, David, The Monastic Constitutions of Lanfranc. See Lanfranc.

Knowles, David, Monastic Sites from the Air, Cambridge, 1952.

Knowles, David, The Monastic Order in England, a history of its
development from the times of St. Dunstan to the Fourth Lateran
Council, 943-1216, Cambridge, 1940 (and later editions).

Knowles, W. H., "Deerhurst Priory Church: Including the Result of
Excavations Conducted during 1926," Archaeologia LVIII (1928),

Koch, K., "Die erste Kirche zu Werden an der Ruhr," Annalen des
historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein
CXXXVII (1940), 154-59.

Koehler, Wilhelm, Die karolingischen Miniaturen, 3 vols., Berlin,
1930-1968. Im Auftrage des deutschen Vereins für Kunstwissenschaft.

Kohlhaussen, Heinrich, Geschichte des deutschen Kunsthandwerks,
Munich, 1955. Deutsche Kunstgeschichte, V.

Kraeling, Carl H., Gerasa, City of the Decapolis, New Haven, 1938.

Kramer, Werner, "Frühmittelalterliche Siedlung bei Burgheim, Ldkr.
Neuberg a.d. Donau," Germania XXIX (1951), 139-41.

Kramer, Werner, "Die frühmittelalterliche Siedlung von Burgheim
in Schwaben," Bayerische Vorgeschichtsblätter XVIII/IX (19511952),

Krause, Victor, editor. See Hincmar.

Krautheimer, Richard, Corpus basilicarum christianarum Romae,
The Early Christian Basilicas of Rome: IV-IX centuries,
vols. 1-5,
Vatican City, 1937-1977. Published by the Pontificio istituto di
archeologia christiana (vols. 2-4 in collaboration with Spencer
Corbet and Wolfgang Frankl).

A comprehensive monographic account of the Early Christian basilicas of Rome
from the beginnings of Christian architecture until the middle of the 9th
century. The buildings are dealt with in alphabetical order.

Krautheimer, Richard, "San Pietro in Vincoli and the tripartite
transept in the Early Christian Basilica," American Philosophical
Society Proceedings
LXXXIV (1941), 353-429.

Krautheimer, Richard, "The Carolingian Revival of Early Christian
Architecture," Art Bulletin XXIV (1942), 1-38; reprinted in
Krautheimer 1969.

A masterful account of the interaction of the forces of tradition and innovation
in the genesis of Carolingian architecture.

Krautheimer, Richard, "The Crypt of Sta. Maria in Cosmedin and
the Mausoleum of Probus Anicius," in Essays in Memory of Karl
New York, 1964, 171-75.

Krautheimer, Richard, Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture,
Baltimore, 1965. The Pelican History of Art.

Krautheimer, Richard. Studies in Early Christian, Medieval, and
Renaissance Art,
New York-London, 1969 (a Festschrift for the
author's 70th birthday).

Kreusch, Felix, "Kirche, Atrium und Portikus der Aachener Pfalz,"
in Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben, III, Karolingische
edited by Wolfgang Braunfels and Hermann Schnitzler,
Düsseldorf, 1966, 463-533.

Kubach, Hans Erich, "Zur Baugeschichte des Domes," in Festschrift
900 Jahre Kaiserdom zu Speyer,
Ludwig Stamer, editor, Speyer,
1961, 71-109.

Kubach, Hans Erich, Der Dom zu Speyer, Darmstadt, 1974.

Kubach, Hans Erich and Walter Haas, Der Dom zu Speyer, 3 vols.,
Berlin and Munich, 1972. Die Kunstdenkmäler von Rheinland-Pfalz.

Kubach, Hans Erich, and Albert Verbeek, "Die vorromanische und
romanische Baukunst in Mitteleuropa: Literaturbericht 1938 bis
1950," Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte XIV (1951), 157-98.

Kubitschek, Wilhelm, Grundriss der antiken Zeitrechnung, Munich,
1928. In Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, vol. I, part 7,
Walter Otto, editor.

Die Kultur der Abtei Reichenau, Erinnerungsschrift zur zwölfhundersten
Wiederkehr des Gründungsjahres des Inselklosters 724-1924,
Beyerle, editor, 2 vols., Munich, 1925.

Kunssberg, Eberhard Otto Georg Freiherr, Der Sachsenspiegel, Leipzig,

Kunstmann, Friedrich, Hrabanus Magnentius Maurus, Mainz, 1841.

Kunze, Hans, "Die Einhards-Basilika zu Steinbach im Odenwald:
Der Bauliche Erhaltungszustand," Die Denkmalpflege V (1930/31),

Kutsch, Ferdinand, "Die St. Egidienkirche zu Mittelheim," Der
I (1928), 94ff.


Ladeuze, Paul, "Étude sur le cénobitisme pakhomien pendant le
IVe siècle et la première motié du Ve," dissertation, University of
Louvain, Louvain-Paris, 1898.

Lambert, Elie, "L'Ancienne abbaye bourguignonne de Flavigny et
le chevet de son église," Les Monuments historiques de la France VI
(1960), 1-22.

Landolt, Hanspeter, Schweizer Barockkirchen, Frauenfeld, 1948.

Lanfranc, Decreta Lanfranci: The Monastic Constitutions of Lanfranc,
Latin and English, edited and translated by David Knowles,
New York, 1951.

Lanfranc, Decreta Lanfranci monachis cantuariensibus transmissa,
edited by David Knowles. In Corpus Consuetudinum Monasticarum
III (1967), 1-149.

Lanfry, Georges, "L'Église carolingienne Saint-Pierre de l'abbaye de
Jumièges," Bulletin monumental XCVIII (1939), 47-66.

Lanfry, Georges, L'Abbaye de Jumièges, plans et documents, Rouen,

Lantier, Raymond, and Jean Hubert, Les origines de l'art français,
Paris, 1947.

Lapeyre, P. G., "La Basilique de Tunisie," Atti del IV Congresso
internazionale di archeologia cristiana
I, Rome, 1940, 169-244.

Lasteyrie, Robert de, "L'Eglise de Saint-Philibert-de-Grandlieu
(Loire-Inférieure)," Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres,
XXXVIII, 1911, 1-82.

Latouche, Robert, The Birth of Western Economy: Economic Aspects
of the Dark Ages,
London, 1961.

Translation of Les Origines de l'économie occidentale, Paris, 1956.

Laurissa Jubilans, Festschrift zur 1200-Jahrfeier von Lorsch, Lorsch,

Leask, Harold G., Irish Churches and Monastic Buildings, 3 vols.,
Dundalk, 1955-1960.

Leben des heiligen Gallus und des Abtes Otmar von Sanktgallen, translated
by A. Potthast, 2nd ed., Leipzig, 1888, 1-86. Translation after the
edition of Mon. Germ. Hist.; Geschichtschreiber der deutschen
Vorzeit XII. Also see Vita Galli . . . and Vita sancti Otmari. . . .

Leclerq, H., Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne. . . . See Cabrol.

Leclerq, H. Article "GALL (Saint)", in Cabrol, F., and H. Leclerq,
Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne (q.v.), VI:1, Paris, 1924, cols.

For the Plan of St. Gall see Chap. IV, "Le Plan," cols. 86-106.

Leclerq, Jean, "L'Humanisme bénédictin du VIIIe au XIIe siècle,"
Analecta monastica, Studia Anselmiana XX (Vatican City, 1948), 5.

Lehmann, Edgar, Der frühe deutsche Kirchenbau: Die Entwicklung seiner
Raumanordnung bis 1080,
Berlin, 1938. Forschungen zur deutschen
Kunstgeschichte, XXVII.

Lehmann, Edgar, "Die entwicklungsgeschichtliche Stellung der karolingischen
Klosterkirche zwischen Kirchenfamilie und Kathedrale,"


Page 188
in Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Universität, Jena, 1952-1953,
131-44; and in Kunstchronik, 6. Jahrg. (September, 1953), 261-62.

Lehmann, Edgar, Die Bibliotheksräume der deutschen Klöster im Mittelalter,
Berlin, 1957.

Lehmann, Edgar, "Von der Kirchenfamilie zur Kathedrale," in
Festschrift Friedrich Gerke, Baden-Baden, 1962, 21-37.

Lehmann, Edgar, "Die Architektur zur Zeit Karls des Grossen," and
"Die Anordnung der karolingischen Klosterkirche zu Centula,"
in Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben, III, Karolingische
Wolfgang Braunfels and Hermann Schnitzler, editors,
Düsseldorf, 1965, 301-19, and 374-83.

Lehmann, Paul, "Eine Martinsvita vom karolingischen Bauplan des
Klosters St. Gallen," Mélanges Joseph de Ghellinck S.J., Gembloux,
1951, 745-51.

Lehmann-Brockhaus, Otto, Die Kunst des 10. Jahrhunderts im
Lichte der Schriftquellen,
Strassburg, 1935. Akademische Abhandlungen
zur Kulturgeschichte, 3rd ser., VI.

Lehmann-Brockhaus, Otto, Schriftquellen zur Kunstgeschichte des
11, und 12. Jahrhunderts für Deutschland, Lothringen und Italien,

2 vols., Berlin, 1938.

Lehmann-Brockhaus, Otto, Lateinische Schriftquellen zur Kunst
in England, Wales und Schottland vom Jahre 901 bis zum Jahre
5 vols., Munich, 1955-1960.

The last three entries constitute the richest collection of source materials on
medieval art available today and are fundamental reference works. For other
earlier collections of source materials on art see Schlosser, Knögel and

Lejard, André, La Tapisserie de Bayeux, Paris, 1946.

Lenoir, Albert, Architecture monastique, 2 vols. Paris, 1852-1856.
Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France, 3rd ser.,
Archéologie VII:6 1/2.

Leo, the Great, Saint and Pope. See Sancti Leonis Magni Epistolae
. . . .

Lesne, Emile, Histoire de la propriété ecclésiastique en France, 6 vols.,
Lille, 1910-1943.

Lesne, Emile, L'Origine des menses dans le temporel des églises et des
monastères de France au IXe siècle,
Paris and Lille, 1910. Mémoires
et travaux des Facultés Catholiques de Lille, VII.

A storehouse of knowledge, harboring a wealth of information on the monastery
as a legal, manorial, administrative and educational institution.

Lesne, Emile, "La dime des biens ecclésiastiques au ixe et xe siècles,"
Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique XIII (1912), 477-503, 659-73; and
XIV (1913), 97-112, 487-510.

Lesne, Emile, "Les Ordonnances de Louis le Pieux," Revue d'histoire
de l'église de France
VI (1920), 449-93.

Lesne, Emile, "L'Économie domestique d'un monastère au IXe
siècle d'après les Statuts d'Adalhard, abbé de Corbie," in Mélanges
d'histoire du moyen âge offerts à M. Ferdinand Lot,
Paris, 1925,

A correction and discussion of Levillain's edition of Adalhard's Directives;
nearly all the suggestions have been accepted by Semmler.

Lesne, Emile, "Le sens primitif du terme `prébende'," in Mélanges
Paul Fournier,
Paris, 1929, 443-53.

Lesueur, Pierre, "Les Fouilles de la Cathédrale de Blois, l'église carolingienne
Saint-Solenne," Bulletin monumental LXXXIX (1930),

Levillain, Leon, "Les Statuts d'Adalhard," Le Moyen Ǎge, 2nd
ser., IV (1900), 333-86.

An edition of Adalhard's Directives superseding that of Guérard's in vol. II of
Irminon (pp. 306-35), itself now superseded by Semmler's edition in Corp.
Cons. Mon.
I, 1963, 355-422.

Levillain, Leon, Examen critique des chartes mérovingiennes et carolingiennes
de l'abbaye de Corbie,
Paris, 1902. Mémoires et documents
publiés par la Société de l'École des Chartes, V.

Levillain, Leon, "Études sur l'abbaye de St. Denis," Bibliothèque
de l'École des Chartes LXXXVI (1925), 35-37.

Lewis, Charleton T., and Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary, Oxford
[various editions].

Lewis, Suzanne, "Function and Symbolic Form in the Basilica Apostolorum
at Milan," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians,
XXVIII (1969), 83-98.

Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 8 vols., 2nd ed., Freiburg, 1957-1963.

Der Liber Benedictionum Ekkeharts IV. See Ekkehart.

Le Liber pontificalis, edited by Abbé L. Duchesne, 3 vols., Paris, 18861957.
Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, ser.
2, vol. 3:1-3.

Liddell, H. G., and R. Scott, A Greek-English Dictionary, Oxford,

The Life of Wilfrid by Eddius Stephanus. See Colgrave.

The Life of . . . [various saints]. See under Vita . . . Benedicti, Bernardi,
Columbani, Galli, Hludowici, Otmari,

Linderbauer, Benno, editor, Benedicti regula monachorum, Metten,

Lindisfarne Gospels, facsimile edition. Evangeliorum quattuor Codex Lindisfarnensis
Musei Britannici Codex Cottonianus Nero D. IV permissione
Musei Britannici totius codicis similitudo expressa,
T. D. Kendrick,
editor; with contributions by T. J. Brown, R. L. S. Bruce-Mitford,
H. Rosen-Runge, A. S. C. Ross, E. G. Stanley and E. A. A.
Werner, 2 vols., Olten-Lausanne, 1956-1960. Also see Millar,
Eric George.

Lindsay, Wallace Martin, editor. See Festus, Sextus Pompeius.
Also see Palaeographia Latina; Isidore.

Editor of Adalhard's (?) Glossaria Ansileubi.

Lloyd, Nathaniel, The History of the English House, London, 1931.

Loggan, David, Oxonia Illustrata, sive omnium celeberrimae istius
universitatis collegiorum, aularum, bibliothecae Bodleianae,
scholarum publicarum, Theatri Sheldoniani; necnon urbis totius
scenographia, n.p., 1675.

Lognon, Auguste, editor. See Irminon.

Lohier, F., editor, and J. Laporte. See Gesta sanctorum patrum Fontanellensis

Loose, Walter, Die Chorgestühle des Mittelalters, Heidelberg, 1931.

Lot, Ferdinand, "Conjectures Démographiques sur la France au IXe
siècle," Le Moyen Ǎge XXIII (1921), 1-27 and 109-37.

Lot, Ferdinand, editor. See Hariulf.

Lotz, Wolfgang, "Zum Problem des karolingischen Westwerks,"
Kunstchronik V (1952), 65-71.

Louis, René, and Etienne Fels, Les Églises d'Auxerre des origines au
XIe siècle,
Paris, 1952.

Lowe, Elias Avery, Codices latini antiquiores, 11 vols., Oxford, 1934-66.

A paleographical description and facsimile for every Latin MS. copied before
the 9th century.

Löwenfeld, Samuel, editor. See Gesta abbatum Fontanellensium.

Luebbers, F., "Untersuchungen zur Baugeschichte des Westwerks
und der Klosterkirche in Corvey," dissertation, Technische
Hochschule, Stuttgart, 1946.

Lutz, H. F., Viticulture and Brewing in the Ancient Orient, Leipzig,


Mabillon, Jean, editor, Acta sanctorum ordinis sancti Benedicti, 4
vols., 1st ed., Paris, 1668-1672; new ed., Paris, 1935-1940.

The first comprehensive and still basic collection of the lives of the saints of the
Order of St. Benedict, prepared by the erudite Jean Mabillon (son of a peasant
from near Reims) of the congregation of St. Maur who was for twenty years
of his life a member of the great literary workshop of the Maurists at St.
Germain-des-Près in Paris, and who died in 1707 working on the last volumes
of his monumental edition of the Benedictine Annals.


Page 189

Mabillon, Jean, Annales ordinis sancti Benedicti occidentalium monachorum
. . ., 6 vols., Paris, 1703-1739.

Volume 2 (1704) of this history of the Order of St. Benedict contains the first
graphic reproduction of the Plan of St. Gall (facing p. 570), a copper engraving
made after the drawing presented to Mabillon by Hermann Schenk, then head
of the Library of St. Gall. The drawing is not free of errors and many of the
explanatory titles are omitted. Mabillon, like Canisius (q.v.), thought the Plan
was a contemporary portrayal of the actual monastery of St. Gall as it appeared
at the time of Gozbert ("tabula quaedam . . . in qua basilicae sancti Galli,
totiusque monasterii ichonographica delineato repraesantur
"). He was not aware
of the paradigmatic nature of the Plan and attributed its authorship to Einhard.
On Mabillon's relation to St. Gall, see Heer.

Mabillon, Jean, Iter Germanicum, Hamburg, 1717.

Mabillon, Jean, Sancti Bernardi . . . opera omnia, 2 vols., 1st ed.,
Paris, 1690; 4th ed., 2 vols., Paris, 1839.

Mabillon, Jean. Also see Vita sancti Columbani.

McCann, Abbot Justin, editor, The Rule of St. Benedict, Latin and
English, London, 1952 and later editors.

MacDonagh, Oliver, "The Origins of Porter," Economic History Review
XVI (1963/64), 530-35.

MacKinney, Loren Carey, Early Mediaeval Medicine, Baltimore,

MacKinney, Loren Carey, Medical Illustrations in Medieval Manuscripts,
Berkeley, 1965.

MacPherson, James Rose, translator. See Arculfus.

Madan, F., Books in Manuscripts, New York, 1927.

Mahn, Jean-Berthold, L'Ordre Cistercien et son gouvernement des
origines au milieu du XIIIe siècle,
Paris, 1945. Bibliothèque des
écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, CLXI.

Mahr, August C., "Origin and Significance of Pennsylvania Dutch
Barn Symbols," The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly
LIV (1945), 1-32.

Mâle, Émile, La Fin du paganisme en Gaul et les plus anciennes basiliques
Paris, 1950.

Malget, Eugène, and R. Malget, "Une villa romaine de la Haute
Sûre, 2e and 3e siècles de notre ère," Institut archéologique du
Luxembourg, Annales
XLV (1910), 354-66.

Malone, Carolyn Marino, "Monastic Planning after the Plan of St.
Gall; Tradition and Change," master's thesis, University of
California, Berkeley, 1968.

Markham, Gervase, Cheape and Good Husbandry for the Well-Ordering
of all Beasts and Fowles, and for the generall Care of their Diseases,

1st ed., London, 1614, and many later editions.

Marmol, Eugène de, "Villa d'Anthée," Société archéologique de Namur,
XIV (1877), 165-94; and XV (1881), 1-40.

Martin du Gard, Roger, L'Abbaye de Jumièges, étude archéologique
des ruines,
Montdidier, 1909.

Maspero, Gastin Camille Charles, Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria,
New York and London, 1914.

Mathews, Thomas F., The Early Churches of Constantinople, Architecture
and Liturgy,
University Park, Pennsylvania, 1971.

Matt, Leonard von, Rom, I, Die Kunst in Rom, Zurich, 1950.

Mattingly, Harold, Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum,
6 vols., London, 1923-1962.

Mau, August, Pompeii, Its Life and Art, London and New York, 1899;
2nd ed., 1904.

Mau, August, Pompeii in Leben und Kunst, Leipzig, 1900; 2nd ed.,

Mayer, Theodor, "Konstanz und St. Gallen in der Frühzeit,"
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte II (1952), 473-524.

Mazzotti, M., "Le cripte delle chiese ravennati," Corsi di cultura
sull'arte ravennate e bizantina
II (1955), 44-45.

Mazzotti, M., "I campanili di Ravenna," Corsi di cultura sull'arte
ravennate e bizantina
V (1958), 85-93.

Meer, Frederic van der, and Christine Mohrman, Atlas of the Early
Christian World,
London, 1959.

Meier, P. Gabriel "Geschichte der Schule von St. Gallen," Jahrbuch
für schweizerische Geschichte
X (1885), 33-127.

Meier, P. J., Die Kirchen in Quedlinburg, Burg, 1932. Deutsche Bauten,
vol. 20.

Mellinkoff, Ruth D., "The `Rosette-motif' in Syrian, Coptic, and
North African Early Christian Art: An Iconographic Study,"
master's thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 1962.

Meng, Heinrich, "Mittelalterliche Klöster," Schweizerische pädagogische
LXXVIII, Zurich, 1951.

Meringer, Rudolf, "Wörter und Sachen V," Indogermanische Forschungen
XXI (1907), 277-314.

Meringer, Rudolf, "Die Werkzeuge der pinsere Reihe und ihre
Namen," Wörter und Sachen I (1909), 3-28; and 164-68.

Merton, Adolf, Die Buchmalerei in St. Gallen vom neunten bis zum
elften Jahrhundert,
Leipzig, 1923.

Mettler, Adolf, Zur Klosteranlage der Zisterzienser und zur Baugeschichte
Maulbronns," Württembergische Vierteljahrshefte für Landesgeschichte,
N.F. XVIII (1909, 1-159).

Mettler, Adolf, Mittelalterliche Klosterkirchen und Klöster der Hirsauer
und Zisterzienser in Würtemberg,
Stuttgart, 1927.

Metz, Wolfgang, "Das Problem des Capitulaire de villis," Zeitschrift
für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie
II (1954), 96-104.

Metz, Wolfgang, "Die Entstehung der Brevium exempla," Deutsches
Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters
X (1954), 395-416.

Metz, Wolfgang, Das karolingische Reichsgut. Eine verfassungs- und
verwaltungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung,
Berlin, 1960.

Metzger, Bruce M., "Historical and Literary Studies, Pagan, Jewish,
and Christian," New Testament Tools and Studies VIII (Leiden),
1968, 1-170.

Meyer-Barkhausen, Werner, "Die Kapitelle der Justinuskirche zu
Höchst am Main," Jahrbuch der preussischen Kunstsammlungen
LIV (1933), 69-90.

Meyer-Barkhausen, Werner, "Die `Ecclesia triplex' des Klosters
Lorsch," Zeitschrift des deutschen Vereins für Kunstwissenschaft II
(1935), 351-60.

Meyer-Barkhausen, Werner, "Karolingische Kapitelle und ihre
Vorbilder: Zur Frage der karolingischen Renaissance," Kunstchronik,
6 Jahrg. (September, 1953), 262-63.

Meyer-Barkhausen, Werner, "Die Ausgrabungen auf dem Fuldaer
Domplatz in neuer Sicht," Zeitschrift des Vereins für hessische Geschichte
und Landeskunde,
67 (1956), 23-38.

Meyer-Barkhausen, Werner, "Die frümittelalterlichen Vorbauten
am Atrium von Alt St. Peter in Rom, zweitürmige Atrien, Westwerke
und karolingisch-ottonische Königskapellen," Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch
XX, 1958, 7-40.

Meyer von Knonau, Gerold, editor and translator. See Ekkehart,
and Vita et miracula sancti Galli.

Meyer von Knonau, Gerold, "Gozbert," Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie
IX (1879), 523-24.

Michon, Louis-Marie, and Roger Martin du Gard, L'Abbaye de
Paris, 1927. Petites monographies des grands édifices de
la France.

Mickelthwaite, J. T., "The Cistercian Order," Yorkshire Architectural
XV (1900), 420ff.

Migne, Jacques-Paul, editor. See Columbanus, Saint, and Patrologiae
cursus completus
. . . (see Patrologia Latina).

Millar, Eric George, The Lindisfarne Gospels, London, 1923.


Page 190

Millar, Eric George, The Luttrell Psalter, London, 1932.

Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch bis zum ausgehenden 13. Jahrhundert, redigiert
von Otto Prinz unter Mitarbeit von Johannes Schneider,
Munich, 1965—. In Gemeinschaft mit den Akademien der
Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Heidelberg, Leipzig, Mainz, Wiesbaden
und der schweizerischen Geisteswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft
herausgegeben von der bayerischer Akademie der Wissenschaften
und der deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu
Berlin. Only Vol. 1 (A-B) has so far appeared.

Mittermüller, R., editor. See Vita et regula SS. P. Benedicti . . ..

Möbius, Friedrich, Westwerkstudien, Jena, 1968.

Modderman, P. J. R., "Woonsporen uit de bronstijd en de ijzertijd
op de margijnen enk onder Deventer, Overijssel," Berichten van
de Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek
VI (1955),

Monastic Constitutions of Lanfranc. See Lanfranc.

Monasticon Cisterciense. See Paris, Julianus.

Monsen, Erling, translator. See Heimskringla.

Mon. Germ. Hist: Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Diplomata regum
Germaniae ex stirpe Karolinorum,
4 vols., Berlin, 1934-1960.

Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Epistolae, 8 vols., Berlin, 1887-1939.

Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Legum Sectio II, Capitularia regum
2 vols., Hannover, 1883-1897. Vol. I edited by Alfred
Boretius; Vol. II edited by Alfred Boretius and Victor Krause.

Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Legum Sectio II, Concilia, II, 2 parts,
1-2, edited by Albert Werminghoff, Hannover, 1906-1908.

Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Libri confraternitatum Sancti Galli,
Augiensis, Fabariensis,
edited by Paulus Piper, I, Berlin, 1884.

Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Poetae Latini medii aevi, 6 vols.,
Berlin, 1881-1964. Vols. 1-5 have additional title: Poetae latini
aevi Carolini.

Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores, 32 vols, Hannover, 18261934.

Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum, 7
vols., Hannover, 1885-1919.

Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in
usum scholarum ex Monumentis Germaniae Historicis recusi,
63 vols.,
Hannover, 1841-1928.

This is the most comprehensive and most carefully planned 19th-century
collection of critically edited historical sources from the end of the Roman
empire to the middle of the 13th century—a remarkable achievement of
German scholarship. Conceived by men of great foresight and vision, at a time
when Germany was divided into a heterogeneous array of autonomous states
(and boldly carried on under these conditions throughout the major part of
the 19th century) this great collective enterprise is now coming close to reaching
its ultimate goal. When its plan was first announced in 1824, the series was to
consist of five principal sections: 1) authors, 2) laws, 3) imperial ordinances,
4) letters, and 5) antiquities, a division that was retained in the implementation
of the project. The first volume came out in 1826. The volumes most important
for our study are those of the series Leges which contain the administrative
directives issued by the Carolingian rulers.

For a full review of the purpose, history and contents of this great source
collection see Wattenbach-Levison, Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelalter,
Vorzeit und Karolinger,
1. Heft, Die Vorzeit von den Anfängen bis zur
Herrschaft der Karolinger,
Weimar, 1952, 17-27.

Morison, E. F., St. Basil and His Rule, A Study in Early Monasticism,
Oxford, 1952.

Moritz, L. A., Grain-Mills and Flour in Classical Antiquity, Oxford,

Morrison, Hugh, Early American Architecture, New York, 1952.

Morrison, Karl Frederick, The Two Kingdoms, Ecclesiology in Carolingian
Political Thought,
Princeton, 1964.

Mortet, Victor, Recueil de textes relatifs à l'histoire de l'architecture
en France au moyen âge, XIe-XIIe siècles,
Paris, 1911.

Mortet, Victor, and Paul Deschamps, Recueil de textes relatifs à
l'histoire de l'architecture en France au moyen âge, XIIe-XIIIe
Paris, 1929.

For other collections of source materials for the history of art see Schlosser,
and Lehmann-Brockhaus.

Mühlberg, Fried, "Die Frühzeit von Sankt-Pantaleon und die vorgotischen
Domkirchen von Köln," Kölner Domblatt XVIII (1960),

Müller, Iso, "Die Altar-Tituli des Klosterplanes," Studien zum St.
Galler Klosterplan,
edited by Johannes Duft, 1962, 129-76. See

Müller, Joseph, "Das Bier in den ältesten Geschichtsquellen des
Klosters St. Gallen," Schweizerische Brauerei-Rundschau LII
(1941), 78-81.

Müller, Otto, Die Einharts-Basilika zu Steinbach bei Michelstadt im
Inaugural dissertation, Leipzig (Seligenstadt, 1936).

Müller, Otto, "Die Einhartsbasilika zu Selingenstadt am Main,"
Forschungen und Fortschritte, XII (1936), 282-84; XIII (1937),

Müller, Otto, "Instandsetzung der Basilika in Seligenstadt," Deutsche
Kunst und Denkmalpflege
(1954), 26-32.

Müller, Otto, "Was geschieht für die Einharts-Basilika in Steinbach?"
Deutsche Kunst und Denkmalpflege (1954), 33-38.

Müller-Christensen, Sigrid, Alte Möbel, 2nd ed., Munich, 1950.

Mumford, Lewis, The City in History, New York, 1961.

Mumford, Lewis, Technics and Civilization, New York, 1962.

Munro, Dana Carleton, editor, "Selections from the Laws of Charles
the Great," Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources
of European History
VI:5 (London, 1900), 1-33. Also see Vita
sancti Columbani.

Murphy, Sister Margaret Gertrude, St. Basil and Monasticism,
Washington, D.C., 1930. Patristic Studies, XXV.

Murray, Sir James Augustus Henry, A New English Dictionary on
Historical Principles,
11 vols., Oxford, 1888-1933.

Musset, Louis, "Observations historiques sur une mésure agraire: le
bonnier," Mélanges d'histoire du moyen age dédié a la mémoire de
Louis Halphen,
Paris 1951, 535-41.

Mütherich, Florentine, "Die Buchmalerei am Hofe Karls des Grossen,"
in Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben, III, Karolingische
Wolfgang Braunfels and Hermann Schnitzler, editors,
Düsseldorf, 1965, 9-53.

Mynors, R. A. B., editor. See Cassiodorus and Bede.


Naeher, J., "Die römischen Bauanlagen in den Zehntlanden badischen
Antheiles," Jahrbücher des Vereins von Alterthumsfreunden im
LXXIX (1885).

Näf, Werner, editor. See Strabo.

Nagel, Kurt, "Zur Baugeschichte der Stiftskirche in Pfalzel," Trierer
IX (1934), 88-99.

Narberhaus, Joseph, Benedikt von Aniane. Werk und Persönlichkeit,
Münster, 1930. Beiträage zur Geschichte des alten Mönchtums und
des Benediktinerordens, CLXI.

Needham, Joseph, Science and Civilization in China, 4 vols. in 5,
Cambridge, England, 1954-1967.

Neue Ausgrabungen in Deutschland. Den Teilnehmern am V. Internationalen
Kongress für Vor-und Frühgeschichte Hamburg 24.-30.
August 1958 gewidmet. Werner Kramer, editor, Berlin 1958.
Deutsches archäologisches Institut, römisch-germanische Kommission.

Neue Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in Niedersachsen, vols. 1-5, Hildesheim,
1963-70. Issued by Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Ur-und
Frühgeschichtsforscher in Niedersachsen.


Page 191

Das Neue Bild der Alten Welt, Katalog des Römisch-Germanischen
Museums in Köln. Behandelt Ausgrabungen in Deutschland von

Neuss, Wilhelm and Friedrich Wilhelm Oediger, Das Bistum Köln von
den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts,
Cologne, 1964.
Geschichte des Erzbistums Köln, vol. I.

Neuwirth, Joseph, "Die Bautätigkeit der alemanischen Klöster St.
Gallen, Reichenau und Petershausen," Wiener Akademie der
Wissenschaften, philologisch-historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte,

CVI (1884), 5-116.

Niermeyer, Jan Frederick, Mediae latinitatis lexicon minus: A Medieval
Latin-French-English Dictionary,
Leiden, 1954-1964.

The most useful of all the regional medieval Latin dictionaries for our period,
especially for economic terms, and thus distinguished from the dictionary of
Albert Blaise (q.v.), which is more valuable to students of religious history.
N.B.: fascicule 12 (vaccaricius—fin.) was never published.

For a considerably more exhaustive dictionary of medieval Latin, written
wholly in Latin, see Du Cange.

Nihlen, John, "En gård från äldre järnaldern på Gotland, ett preliminärt
meddelande," in Arkeologiska Studier tillägnade H.K.H.
Kronprinz Gustav Adolf,
Stockholm, 1932, 79-91.

Nihlen, John, and Gerda Boethius, Gotländska gårdar ock byar undre
äldre järnaldern,
Stockholm, 1933.

Nissen, Heinrich, Pompejanische Studien zur Städtekunde des Altertums,
Leipzig, 1877.

Njáls Saga. Brennu-Njálssaga (Njála), Finnur Jónsson, editor, Halle,

Njáls-Saga, Brennu-Njáls saga, Einar Öl. Sveinsson, editor, Reykjavik,
1954. Hid Islenska fornritafélag, XII.

Njáls-Saga. The Story of Burnt Njál, translated by George Webbe
Dasent, 1st ed., Edinburgh, 1861; 2nd ed., New York, 1900;
3rd ed., London-New York, 1911.

Nomasticon Cisterciense. See Paris, Dom Julianus.

Norberg, Dag, Introduction à l'étude de la versification latine médiévale,
Stockholm, 1958. Studia Latina Stockholmiensis, V.

A most useful manual, clearly illustrating prosodic changes from Ambrose to
Aquinas, but centering in the growth of rhythms in the Merovingian and Carolingian
periods. This work has almost singly effected a generally clear view of
medieval Latin verse structure.

Nordenfalk, Carl, Die spätantiken Zierbuchstaben, text and plates,
Stockholm, 1970.

Nørlund, Paul, Trelleborg, Copenhagen, 1948. Nordiske Fortidsminder,

Noth, Gerhard, "Frühformen der Vierung im östlichen Frankenreich,"
(dissertation), Göttingen, 1967.

Noth, Gerhard, "Das Querhaus der St. Galler Plankirche," Zeitschrift
für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte
(1969), 61-66.

Notker (Monachus Sangallensis Notkerus Balbulus). De Carlo Magno,
Gerold Meyer von Knonau, editor, in Mitteilungen zur vaterländischen
XXXVI (St. Gall, 1918), 1-67.

In A.D. 883 the emperor Charles the Fat stopped at St. Gall, where Notker,
the abbey's foremost teacher and author, edified him with tales of his Carolingian
forebears, especially Charlemagne. The emperor requested Notker to
put the stories in writing. Though overwhelmingly legendary, they reveal the
tastes and interests of the 9th-century community.

Notker. Notkeri Gesta Karoli. Notker Taten Karls, Reinhold Rau,
editor, in Quellen zur karolingischen Reichsgeschichte III (1960),

"La nuit des temps." See Collection "La nuit des temps."

Nussbaum, Otto, Der Standort des Liturgen am christlichen Altar vor
dem Jahre 1000.
Eine archäologische und liturgiegeschichtliche
Untersuchung, 1 vol. text, 1 vol. plates, Bonn, 1965, in Theophaneia,
Beiträge zur Religions-und Kirchengeschichte des Altertums,


Odegard, Charles Edwin, Vassi and Fideles in the Carolingian Empire,
Cambridge, Mass., 1945.

Oelmann, Franz, "Zur Kenntnis der karolingischen und omajadischen
Spätantike," Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts,
Römische Abteilung
XXXVIII-XXXIX (1923-1924), 193-248.

In this study the guest and service buildings of the Plan of St. Gall are defined
as descendants of a presumptive Gallo-Roman house of basilican elevation.

Oelmann, Franz, "Ein gallorömischer Bauernhof bei Mayen," Bonner
CXXXIII (1928), 51-140.

Ongania, F. See Grimani Breviary.

Orlandos, Anastasios K., ξξυλοστεγος Παλαιοχριστιανικη βασιλικη
της Μεσογειακης Δεκανης, 2 vols. (Athens, 1952-1954).

Ostendorf, Friedrich, Die Geschichte des Dachwerks, Leipzig and
Berlin, 1908.

Ostendorf, Friedrich, Die deutsche Baukunst im Mittelalter, I,
Aufnahme und Differenzierung der Bautypen, Berlin, 1922.

Oswald, Arthur, Country Houses of Kent, London, 1933.

Oswald, Friedrich, editor. See Vorromanische Kirchenbauten . . . .

Otte, Heinrich, Glockenkunde, 2nd ed., Leipzig, 1884.

Overbeck, Johannes, and August Mau, Pompeji in seinen Gebauden,

Ovidius Naso, P. Die Fasten, text, translation and commentary by
Franz Bomer, 2 vols., Heidelberg, 1957-1958.


Paatz, Walter, "Le Heiligenberg près de Heidelberg," Mémorial d'un
voyage d'études en Rhénanie,
Paris, 1953, 53-56.

Paatz, Walter and Elisabeth Die Kirchen von Florenz, 6 vols.,
Frankfurt, 1952-1955.

Palaeographia Latina, Wallace Martin Lindsay, editor, 6 vols., Oxford,

Pallas, D., "Lechaion, Basilike," To Ergon tis Arkhaiologikis Etairias
kato to 1961,
Athens, 1962, 141-48.

Paor, Maire, and Liam De, Early Christian Ireland, London and New
York, 1958.

Parė, G., A. Brunet, and P. Tremblay, La renaissance du XIIe siècle des
écoles et de l'enseignement,
Ottawa, 1933.

An excellent substantial account of the transition from Carolingian to Romanesque

Paris, Dom Julianus, editor, Nomasticon Cisterciense; seu antiquiores
ordinis Cisterciensis constitutiones,
Paris, 1664; 2nd ed., 1670; new
ed. by Hugon Séjalon, Solesmes, 1892.

Parker, John Henry, A Glossary of Terms Used in Grecian, Roman,
Italian, and Gothic Architecture,
5th ed., 2 vols., Oxford, 1850.

Parker, John Henry, Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England
from Edward I to Richard II,
1st ed., Oxford, 1853; 2nd ed., 1882.

A continuation of Thomas Hudson Turner, Some Account of Domestic
Architecture in England
. . . (see Turner, Thomas Hudson).

Parrot, André, Mission archéologique de Mari, II, Le Palais, architecture,
Paris, 1958.

Parson, Arthur W., "A Roman Watermill in the Athenian Agora,"
Hesperia V (1936), 70-90.

Paschasius Ratpertus. See Vita sancti Adalhardi Corbeiensis
. . . .

Patrologia Latina. Patrologiae cursus completus; sive bibliotheca universalis,
integra, uniformis, commoda, oeconomica, omnium SS. patrum,


Page 192
doctorum scriptorumque ecclesiasticorum, etc., edited by Jacques
Paul Migne, 221 vols., Paris, 1844-1902.

Matthew Arnold's well-known laudation was only one of many of this
tremendous library, which has been for more than a century the standard
source for all Christian-Latin texts composed before A.D. 1200. Because Abbé
Migne and his editors only copied pre-existent texts (with typographical
fidelity varying greatly from volume to volume), the reliability of the texts is no
stronger than Migne's sources. Several 20th-century ventures are now replacing
it (notably the Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, Turnholt: Brepols, edited
by the Benedictine brothers of St. Peter's Abbey, Steenbrugge, Belgium).
Yet it is still unique in its vast scope and indispensable where other more recent
and more critical editions of special works do not exist. For indices to individual
writings see the last three volumes of the series.

Patroni, Giovanni, Architettura preistorica generale e italica, architettura
Rome, 1941.

Pauly, August Friedrich von, and Georg Wissowa et al., Paulys RealEnzyclopädie
der classischen Altertumswissenschaft,
24 vols., Stuttgart,

The standard and exceptionally scholarly encyclopaedia of classical knowledge,
widely defined enough to include Carolingian topics.

Le paysage français de Poussin à Corot à l'exposition du Petit Palais,
Mai-Juin 1925, eds. Hourtieg, Wildenstein, Jamot, Brière and
Bricon, Paris, 1926.

Peers, Sir Charles, Rievaulx Abbey, Yorkshire, London, 1934. Ministry
of Works Official Guide Book; reprinted in 1952.

Peers, Sir Charles, Byland Abbey, Yorkshire, London, 1934. Ministry
of Works Official Guide Book; reprinted 1952.

Peers, Sir Charles, and W. Page, "Cashio Hundred," in Victoria
History of the Counties of England, Hertfordshire,
II, 1908, 507-10.

Pelt, Jean Bapiste, Ėtudes sur la cathédrale de Metz, vol. IV., La
I, Metz., 1928—.

Peltier, H., Histoire religieuse de la Picardie, 2 vols., Abbeville, 1961,

Corbie is extensively treated.

Peltier, H., "Saint Adalhard, abbé de Corbie," in Corbie abbaye
(q.v.), 61-94.

The author died before he could publish his projected book on Adalhard but
this essay doubtless contains most of its substance.

Peltier, H., "Wala, disciple d'Adalhard," in Corbie abbaye royale
(q.v.), 95-104.

Count Wala, brother of Adalhard and therefore cousin of Charlemagne and a
prominent courtier and politician, became abbot of Bobbio and succeeded his
brother as abbot of Corbie. Unfortunately Canon Peltier died before this
essay was finally shaped, and the documentation is somewhat incomplete.

Perry, John, The Story of Standards, New York, 1955.

Petermeise, Paul, "Die Stiftskirche zu Herdecke und die Verwandten
der Steinbacher Baugruppe," Westfalen, 10 (Sonderheft, Münster,

Petrikovits, Harald von, "Das Fortleben römischer Städte an Rhein
und Donau im frühen Mittelalter," in Aus der Schatzkammer des
antiken Trier, Neue Forschungen und Ausgrabungen,
edited by
Wilhelm Reusch, 2nd enlarged edition, Trier, 1959, 74-84.

Petrovic, Nevenka, Proportions architecturales dans les plans des basiliques
de la préfecture de l'Illyricum,
Belgrade, 1971. Institut
archaéologique, Monongraphies, no. 7.

This study was not available in time to be used for this book.—W.H.

Petrovic, Nevenka, "Rapports et proportions dans les plans des
basiliques du Vème et VIème siècles de Ravenne et du littoral
septentrional de l'Adriatique," Felix Ravenna LXXXV (1962),

Peyer, H. C., "Das Reisekönigtum des Mittelalters," Vierteljahrsschrift
für Sozial-und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
LI (1964), 1-21.

Pezius, Bernardus, editor, Thesaurus novissimus anecdotorum, II,
Augsburg, 1721.

Pfeilstücker, Suse, Spätantikes und germanisches Kunstgut in der
frühangelsächsischen Kunst nach lateinischen und altenglischen
Berlin, 1936.

Pfitzner, C., "Studien zur Verwendung des Schwibbogensystems
unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Abteikirche von Jumièges,"
Architectura I (1933), 161-70.

This study proposed that the nave of the abbey church of Jumièges is divided
into a sequence of bays by diaphragm arches, rising from half half columns attached
to every alternate pier—an observation overlooked by all subsequent students
of this important building.

Picht, Werner, Trier, Geist und Gestalt, Düsseldorf, 1966.

Pinder, Wilhelm, Die Kunst der deutschen Kaiserzeit bis zum Ende der
staufischen Klassik,
Leipzig, 1937.

Piper, Otto, Burgenkunde, Munich, 1895.

Pirenne, Henri, Mahomet et Charlemagne, Paris, 1937.

A posthumous statement (edited by F. Vercauteren) of what came to be known
as the "Pirenne thesis" of the end of Antiquity and the beginning of the
Middle Ages, by a great Belgian economic historian. It supplies a rationale,
challenged in whole or in part, for the Carolingian volte face which resulted in
economies like that of St. Gall.

Pirenne, Henri, Mohammed and Charlemagne, translated by Bernard
Miall, London, 1939. Meridan Books M42 (paperback reprint).

Pirenne, Henri, Geburt des Abendlandes, translated by P. E. Hübinger,
Amsterdam, 1942 (a translation into German of Mahomet et

Platner, Samuel Ball, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
compiled and reissued by Thomas Ashby, London, 1929; reprinted
in Rome, 1965.

Pliny (Plinius), Historia naturalis, with an English translation by H.
Rackham, Cambridge, Mass., 1952.

Plummer, Charles, editor. See Bede.

Poeschel, Erwin, "Liturgische Marginalien zum St. Galler Klosterplan,"
Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte,
XVI (1956), 135-39.

Poeschel, Erwin, "Um den karolingischen Klosterplan in Sankt
Gallen," Neue Zürcher Zeitung, No. 2756 (September 29, 1957).

Poeschel, Erwin, Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz, Kanton St. Gallen
III, Stadt St. Gallen, Basel, 1961.

Poeschel, Erwin, "Bericht über die Studientagung von 1957,"
Studien zum St. Galler Klosterplan, Johannes Duft, editor,
St. Gall, 1962, 23-32. Mitteilungen zur vaterländischen Geschichte
XLII, Historischer Verein des Kantons St. Gallen.

Polyptique de l'abbé Irminon. See Irminon.

Pontus, Paul, Silvacane Abbey, Paris, 1966. Caisse nationale des
monuments historiques.

Poole, Rachel L., "A Monastic Star Time Table of the Eleventh
Century," The Journal of Theological Studies XVI (1914-1915),

Porcher, Jean, 1969, 1970. See Hubert, J., J. Porcher, and W. F.

Powell, A. C., The Hospital of the Blessed Mary, Chichester, Chichester,

Preisendanz, Karl, "Erdkundliche Spuren im Kloster Reichenau,"
Festgabe der badischen Landesbibliothek zur Begrüssung des XXII.
deutschen Geographentages,
Karlsruhe, 1927, 7-31.

Price, Derek J. de Solla, "Precision Instruments: to 1500," in Charles
Singer, E. J. Holmyard and A. R. Hall, A History of Technology,
III, 1957, 582-619.

Price, Derek J. de Solla, "Portable Sundials in Antiquity, Including an
Account of a New Example from Aphrodisias," Centaurus XIV
(1969), 242-66.

Prinz, Friedrich, "Die Entwicklung des altgallischen und merowingischen
Mönchtums," in Das erste Jahrtausend, Kultur und Kunst
im werdenden Abendland an Rhein und Ruhr,
edited in collaboration
with many others by Victor H. Elbern, I, Düsseldorf, 1962,

Prinz, Friedrich, "Abriss der kirchlichen und monastischen Entwicklung
des Frankenreiches," in Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und
II, Bernhard Bischoff, editor, Düsseldorf, 1965, 290-99.


Page 193

Prinz, Friedrich, Frühes Mönchtums in Frankenreich. Kultur und
Gesellschaft in Gallien, den Rheinlanden und Bayern am Beispiel der
monastichen Entwicklung
(4.-5. Jahrhundert), Munich-Vienna, 1965.

Prinz, Friedrich, "Heiligenkult und Adelsherrschaft im Spiegel
merowingischer Hagiographie," Historie Zeitschrift CCIV (1967),

Prinz, Friedrich, Klerus und Kreig im Früheren Mittelalter, Untersuchungen
zur Rolle der Kirche beim Aufbau der Königsherrschaft,

Stuttgart, 1971. Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters, II.

Prinz, Friedrich, "Aristocracy and Christianity in Merovingian Gaul,
An Essay," Gesellschaft, Kultur Literatur, Rezeption und Originalitat
im Wachsen einer Europäischen Literatur und Geistigkeit,
Luitpold Wallach gewidmet, ed. Karl Bosl, Stuttgart, 1975,

Priscianus Caesariensis, De figuris numerorum liber, Heinrich
Keil, editor, Leipzig, 1860, reprinted Hildesheim, 1961, 403-17.
Grammatici Latini III.

Pudelko, Georg, Romanische Taufsteine, Berlin, 1932.

Puig y Cadafalch, Jose, L'art wisigothique, Paris, 1961.

Puig y Cadafalch, Jose, L'arquitectura romànica a Catalunya, 3
vols., Barcelona, 1909-1918.

Puttfarken, Thomas, "Ein neuer Vorschlag zum St. Galler Klosterplan.
Die originalen Massinschriften," in Frühmittelalterliche
Studien, Jahrbuch des Institutes für Frühmittelalterforschung der
Universität Münster,
II (1968), 78-95.


Quellen zur karolingischen Reichsgeschichte, Neubearb. von Reinhold
Rau. See Rau, editor.


Raby, F. J. E., and P. K. Bailly Reynolds, The Cluniac Priory, Thetford,
London, 1935. Ministry of Works, Ancient Monuments
and Historic Buildings, Official Guides.

Raby, F. J. E., and P. K. Bailly Reynolds, Thetford Priory, London,

Raby, F. J. E., and P. K. Bailly Reynolds, Castle Acre Priory, London,
1936. Reprinted in 1952. Ministry of Works, Ancient Monuments
and Historic Buildings, Official Guides.

Rackham, H., editor. See Pliny.

Rahn, J. R., Geschichte der bildenen Künste in der Schweiz von den
ältesten Zeiten bis zum Schlusse des Mittelalters,
Zürich, 1876.

Rahn, J. R., Das Psalterium aureum von St. Gallen, St. Gall, 1878.

Rahtz, Philip, "The Saxon and Medieval Palaces at Cheddar, Somerset—An
interim Report of Excavations, 1960-1962," Medieval
VI-VII (1962-1963), 53-66.

Rahtz, Phillip, "Buildings and Rural Settlements," Anglo-Saxon
ed. David Wilson, London, 1976.

Rait, R. S., English Episcopal Palaces (province of Canterbury), London,

Ramsey, Sir W. M., and G. L. Bell, The Thousand and One Churches,
London, 1909.

Rank, Christian, Kulturgeschichte des deutschen Bauernhauses, Leipzig,

Ratpert, Ratperti casus sancti Galli, edited by Gerold Meyer von
Knonau, St. Gall, 1872, 28ff. St. Gallische Geschichtesquellen,
Mitteilungen zur Vaterländischen Geschichte, N.F. XIII,
Historischer Verein des Kantons St. Gallen.

Rau, Reinhold, editor, Quellen zur karolingischen Reichsgeschichte, 3
vols., Berlin, 1956-1960. Also see Notker.

Rave, Wilhelm, "Die Achse in der Baukunst" (dissertation) Technische
Hochschule, Berlin, 1929.

Rave, Wilhelm, "Sint Servaas zu Maastricht und die Westwerkfrage,"
Westfalen XXII (1937), 49ff.

Rave, Wilhelm, "Gedanken über den St. Gallener Klosterplan," Das
IX (1956), 46-47.

Rave, Wilhelm, 1957. See next entry, Rave, 1958.

Rave, Wilhelm, Corvey, Ein geschichtlicher Überblick, Münster, 1958.

Regimen sanitatis salernitanum, translated into English by Sir John
Harrington. "History of the School" by Francis R. Packard and
a note of the prehistory of the Regimen sanitatis by Friedrich
H. Garrison, London-New York, 1920.

Regula Magistri Auctor Incertus, Cognomine Magister, ad Monachos
J. P. Migne, ed., Patr. Lat. LXXXVIII, Paris, 1863, cols.

The name of the author of this 6th-century Rule and its precise date of
composition are unknown. Formerly believed to be a reworking of the Rule of
St. Benedict, it is now considered to be its predecessor. Others believe that
both may descend from a common source, perhaps a lost Rule from the
monastery of Lerins.

Regula Monachorum . . . See under various saints, e.g., AURELIANUS,

Regula Virginum. See CAESARIUS, Bishop of Arles.

Reguli Benedicti Studia, Annuarium Internationale, edited by Bernd
Jaspert and Eugene Manning, O.C.R., Hildesheim, 1972.

A new periodical intended to serve as forum for international research on the
Rule of St. Benedict and earlier monastic rules. The annual will include articles
by experts throughout the world in philology, theology, palaeography, history,
education, psychology, music and art. It will also serve as the official organ of
the International Congress on the Rule of St. Benedict, which is held every five
years. Only volume 1, recording the agenda of the first International Congress
(held in Rome, 4-9 October, 1971), has so far been published. It was not
available in time to be used in this study.

Reichter, W., Der Weinbau des römischen Altertums, Schaffhausen,

Reinerth, Hans, Das Federseemoor als Siedlungsland des Vorzeitmenschen,
2nd ed., Leipzig, 1936.

Reinerth, Hans, Die Vorgeschichte der deutschen Stämme, 3 vols.,
Leipzig-Berlin, 1940.

Reinhardt, Hans, "Comment interpréter le plan carolingien de
Saint-Gall," Bulletin monumental XCVI (1937), 265-79.

Reinhardt, Hans, "Die Kirche von Riehen. Das karolingische
Bauwerk," Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte
V (1943), 142-48.

Reinhardt, Hans, Der St. Galler Klosterplan, St. Gall, 1952. 92.
Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben vom historischen Verein des
Kantons St. Gallen.

This work accompanied the publication, in 1952, of the 8-color facsimile
offset print of the Plan of St. Gall. Without claiming to treat the subject
exhaustively, it contains an excellent description of the Plan and a competent
summary of the state of research at the time of its writing and together with
the facsimile gave a fresh impetus to the study of problems raised by the Plan.

Reinhardt, Hans, "Bemerkungen zum Klosterplan und zur Studientagung,"
in Studien zum St. Galler Klosterplan, Johannes Duft,
editor, St. Gall, 1962, 57-64. Mitteilungen zur vaterländischen
Geschichte, XLII, Historischer Verein des Kantons St. Gallen.

Reinhardt, Hans, and Étienne Fels, "Étude sur les églises-porches
carolingiennes et leur survivance dans l'art roman," Bulletin
XCII (1933), 331-65.

Reinle, Adolf, "Neue Gedanken zum St. Galler Klosterplan," Zeitschrift
für schweizerische Arcäologie und Kunstgeschichte
(1963/64), 91-109.

Offers a new interpretation of the dimensional inconsistencies of the Plan of
St. Gall not shared by the authors of the present study.

Reisser, Emil, "Die Grabungen im Münster zu Reichenau," Deutsche
Kunst und Denkmalpflege
(1933), 163ff.


Page 194

Reisser, Emil, Die frühe Baugeschichte des Münsters zu Reichenau,
Berlin, 1960. Forschungen zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte

Posthumously published.

Remark, Peter, Der Weinbau im Römerreiche, Munich, 1928. Tusculum-Schriften
Heft 13/15.

Renaud, J. G. N., "Een Middeleeuwse Hoeve in de Polder Boudewijn
Hartsland, Zuid-Holland," Berichten van de rijksdienst voor het
oudheidkundig bodemonderzoek
VI (1955), 140-50.

Reusch, Wilhelm, "Die Kaiserliche Palastaula (`Basilica'), Archäologisch-historischer
Beitrag," in Die Basilika in Trier, Festschrift
zur Wiederherstellung, 9. Dez, 1956,
Trier, 1956.

Reusch, Wilhelm, editor, Frühchristliche Zeugnisse im Einzugsgebiet von
Rhein und Mosel,
Trier, 1965.

Ricci, Conrado, La Cultura delle vite e la fabricazione del vino nell'
Egitto greco-romano,
Milano, 1924.

Rice, David Talbot, editor, The Dark Ages: The Making of European
London, 1965.

Richter, Gregor, Die ersten Anfänge der Bau- und Kunsttätigkeit des
Klosters Fulda,
Fulda, 1900. Zweite Veröffentlichung des Fuldaer

Richter, Gregor, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Gabeskirche des hl.
Bonifazius in Fulda,
Fulda, 1905.

Riek, Gustav, "Ein Fletthaus aus der Wende ältere-jüngere Hunsrück-Eiffel-Kultur
bei Befort, Luxembourg," Germania XXVI (1942),

Robinson, David M., and Walter Graham, Excavations at Olynthos,
Part VIII, The Hellenistic House, Baltimore, 1938.

Robinson, Joseph Armitage, "The Church of Edward the Confessor
at Westminster," Archaeologia LXII, pt. 1 (1910), 81-100.

Rogerius Salernitanus. See Saint-Marc.

Romanelli, Pietro, "La basilica cristiana nell'Africa settentrionale
Italiana," Atti del IV Congresso internazionale di archeologia
I, Rome, 1940, 245-89.

Rondelet, Jean Baptiste, Traité théorique et pratique de l'art de bâtir,
7th ed., 6 vols., Paris, 1864-1867.

Roover, Florence Elder de, "The Scriptorium," in J. W. Thompson,
The Medieval Library, Chicago, 1939, 594-612.

Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrich, "Zur Bedeutung der Siebenzahl im
Kultus und Mythus der Griechen," Philologus LX (1901), 360-73.

Roscher, Wilhelm Heinrich, "Die Zahl 40 im Glauben der Semiten,"
Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
XXVII (1909), 105ff.

Rosenberg, Carl Frederick V. M., Traek af livet paa Island i FristatsTiden,
Copenhagen, 1894.

Rothkirch, W. Graf von, "Die Bedeutung des quadratischen Schematismus
für die Entwicklung der abendländischen Sakralarchitektur
bis zur Mitte des 13. Jahrhunderts," (dissertation, Munich),
Altenburg, 1933.

Roussel, Aage, "Utgrävda Gårdar 1939," in Forntida Gårdar i
Mårten Stenberger, editor, Copenhagen, 1943, 53-72.

Roussel, Aage, Farms and Churches in the Mediaeval Norse Settlements
of Greenland,
Copenhagen, 1941. Meddelelser om Grønland,
vol. 89, No. 1. Kommission fur Videnskabelige Undersøgelser i

Both works are fundamental for the study of the aisled Germanic timber house
of the Saga period on Iceland and Greenland and confirm the findings of
Valtyr Gudmundsson (q.v.) based exclusively on literary evidence.

Rudolph, Martin Viktor, "Der Gebindebau von Bucholtwelten,"
Bonner Jahrbücher CXLV (1940), 19-32.

Rudolph, Martin Viktor, Germanischer Holzbau der Wikingerzeit, vol.
I: Die baugeschichtlichen Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen auf der
Stellerburg in Dithmarschen,
Neumünster, 1942.

Rule, Martin, The Life and Times of St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury
and Primate of the Britains,
2 vols., London, 1883.

Ruodlieb: The Earliest Courtly Novel (after 1050), with introduction,
text, translation, and textual notes by Edwin H. Zeydel, Chapel
Hill, 1959. University of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic
Languages and Literatures, no 23.

Ruprich-Robert, Victor Marie Charles, L'Architecture normande aux
XIe and XIIe siècles en Normandie et en Angleterre,
2 vols., Paris,


Sage, Walter, "Frühmittelalterlicher Holzbau," in Karl der Grosse,
III, Karolingische Kunst, Wolfgang Braunfels and Hermann
Schnitzler, editors, Düsseldorf, 1966, 573-90.

Sagui, C. L., "La meunerie de Barbegal (France) et les roues hydrauliques
chez les anciens et au moyen âge," Isis XXXVIII (1948),

Saint-Marc, Charles Meaux, L'École de Salerne, translated into
French, with Latin text, and introduction by C. Daremberg, Paris,

Salis, Arnold von, "Imagines illustrium," in Eumusia, Ernst Howald
zum sechzigsten Geburtstag,
Erlenbach-Zürich, 1947, 11-29.

Salmi, Mario, L'architettura romanica in Toscana, Milan-Rome,

Salmon, P., "Le silence religieux, pratique et théorie," Mélanges
St.-Wandrille, 1947, 11-58.

Salzmann, Louis Francis, Building in England Down to 1540, A Documentary
Oxford, 1952.

A prodigiously rich collection of documentary sources pertaining to medieval
architecture in England.

San Fructuoso y su tiempo (Estudios de divulgaciòn sobre el creador de
la Tebaida Leonesa y Patriarca del monacato español, publicados
con motivo del XIII Centenario de su muerte, año 665) by
Florentino-Agustin Diez Gonzáles, Justiniano Rodriguez Fernández,
Francisco Roa Rico and Antonio Viñayo Gonzáles, Leon,

Sancti Adamnani abbatis Hiiensis de locis sanctis ex relatione Arculfi
episcopi Galli libri tres,
J. P. Migne, editor, Patr. Lat., LXXXVIII,
Paris, 1844, cols. 779-815. Also see Arculfus.

Sancti Leonis Magni Epistolae, J. P. Migne, editor, Patr. Lat., LIV,
Paris, 1881, cols. 552-1262. Also see Hunt, Edmund.

Sawyer, E. H., "The First Monasteries," Antiquity IV (1930), 316-26.

Schaeffer, Leo. See Vorromanische Kirchenbauten.

Schäfer, Heinrich, Von ägyptischer Kunst. Eine Grundlage, 4th ed.,
annotated by Emma Brunner-Traut, Wiesbaden, 1963.

Schäfer, Thomas, Die Fusswaschung im monastischen Brauchtum und
in der lateinischen Liturgie,
Beuron, 1956. Texte und Arbeiten, 1.
Abt.: Beiträge zur Ergründung des älteren lateinischen christlichen
Schrifttums und Gottesdienstes, Heft. 47.

Schaff, David, "The Carolingian Church at Mittelzell on the Island
of Reichenau," Master's thesis, University of California, Berkeley,

Schaffran, Emerich, "Die frühchristlichen und frühmittelalterlichen
Kirchenbauten der Abtei St. Maurice im Schweizer Rhonetal,"
Das Münster XI (1958), 427-31.

Schalkenbach, Joseph, "Die Erlöserkirche Sturms," in Die Gründung
des Klosters Fulda und seine Bauten bis zum Tode Sturms: Festschrift
edited by Joseph Vonderau, Fulda, 1944.

Der Schatzbehalter; ein Andachts- und Erbauungsbuch aus dem Jahre
1491 . . . See Fridolin.

Schedel, Hartmann, Liber chronicarum, Nuremberg, 1493.


Page 195

Scheller, Robert, W., "Opmaak en mise-en-page. Een onderzoek
naar de beginselen der vroegste boekkunst," (dissertation), Amsterdam,

Schepers, Joseph, Das Bauernhaus in Nordwestdeutschland, Münster,
1943. Schriften der Volkskundlichen Kommission im Provinzialinstitut
für Westfälische Landes- und Volkskunde, vol. 7.

Schepers, Joseph, "Ofen und Kamin," Festschrift Jost Trier, Meisenheim,
1954, 339-77.

Scherrer, Gustav, Verzeichnis der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek
von St. Gallen,
Halle, 1875.

Schiedlausky, Günther, Essen und Trinken, Munich, 1956.

Schieffer, Theodor, Winfrid-Bonifatius und die christliche Grundlegung
Freiburg, 1954.

Schietzel, Kurt, "Die archäologischen Befunde der Ausgrabungen
Haithabu 1963-64," Berichte über die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu,
Bericht 1,
Neumünster, 1969, 9-59.

Schlosser, Julius von, Die abendländische Klosteranlage des früheren
Vienna, 1889.

The first monographic treatment of the early history of the claustral plan,
masterful for its time, and even today fundamental for anyone interested in
the origins of monastic architecture in Western Europe. Von Schlosser's thesis
has a modern counterpart in an unpublished dissertation submitted at Columbia
University by Ossa Raymond Sowers (q.v.). For other studies dealing with the
history of the layout of the medieval monastery see Fendel, and Hager, the
former likewise a dissertation.

Schlosser, Julius von, "Eine Fuldaer Miniaturenhandschrift der
K. K. Hofbibliothek," Jahrbuch der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen
des allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses
XIII (1892), 1-36.

Schlosser, Julius von, Quellenbuch zur Kunstgeschichte des Abendländischen
Vienna, 1896. Quellenschriften für Kunstgeschichte,
new ser., VII.

Schlosser, Julius von, Schriftquellen zur Geschichte der karolingischen
Vienna, 1896.

The books by Julius von Schlosser cited in the last two entries were the first
in a now-rich series of publications of source materials for the history of art.
For others published later see Knögel, Mortet-Deschamps, and Lehmann-Brockhaus.

Schlunk, Helmuth, "Arte Visigodo," in Ars Hispaniae II (1947),

Schmidt, Adolf, "Westwerke und Doppelchöre. Höfische und liturgische
Einflüsse auf die Kirchenbauten des frühen Mittelalters,"
Westfälische Zeitschrift CVI (1956), 347-438.

Schmidt, Erich F. R., Kirchliche Bauten des frühen Mittelalters in
Mainz, 1932.

Schmidt, Johann Hermann Heinrich, Synonymik der griechischen
4 vols., Leipzig, 1876-1886.

Schmidt, Robert, Möbel, 2nd ed., Braunschweig, 1962.

Schmithals, Hans, and Friedrich Klemm, Handwerk und Technik
vergangener Jahrhunderte,
Tübingen, 1958.

Schmitt, Otto, and other editors, Reallexikon zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte,
5 vols., Stuttgart, 1937.

Schmitz, Dom Philibert, "St. Benoit-La Règle," Dictionnaire de
spiritualité ascétique et mystique, doctrine et histoire,
edited by
Marcel Viller, S. J., 3 vols., Paris, 1932-1957.

Schmitz, Dom Philibert, Die Geschichte des Benediktinerordens,
translated into German by Ludwig Räber, 4 vols., Zürich, 1947-60.

Schmitz, Dom Philibert, Histoire de l'Ordre de Saint-Benoit, 7 vols.,
Maredsous, 1948-1956.

Schmitz, Dom Philibert, "L'Influence de Saint Benoit d'Aniane dans
l'histoire de l'Ordre de Saint-Benoit," Settimane di studi del centro
Italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo
IV (1957), 400-15.

Schmitz, Hermann, The Encyclopedia of Furniture, 2nd ed., New York,

Schnitzler, Hermann, Der Dom zu Aachen, Düsseldorf, 1950.

Schnitzler, Hermann, editor. See Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und

Schoepflin, Johannes Daniel, Alsatiae aevi merovingici, carolingici,
saxonici, salici, suevici diplomatica,
2 vols., Mannheim, 1772-1775.

Schöne, Wolfgang, "Das Verhältnis von Zeichnung und Massangaben
im Kirchengrundriss des St. Gallener Klosterplans," Zeitschrift
für Kunstwissenschaft
XIV (1960), 147-54.

Interprets—incorrectly in our opinion—the scale of the Plan of St. Gall in the
light of the explanatory title in the axis of the Church of the Plan.

Schroll, Sister M. Alfred, O.S.B., Benedictine Monasticism as Reflected
in the Warnefrid-Hildemar Commentaries on the Rule,
York, 1941.

Schubert, Hans von, Geschichte der christlichen Kirche im Frühmittelalter,
Tübingen, 1921.

Schuchert, August, Die Gruftanlage der Märtyrer Marcellinus und
Petrus zu Rom und zu Seligenstadt,
Mainz, 1938.

Schuchert, August, "La basilica dei SS. Marcellino e Pietro a
Seligenstadt sul Meno," Rivista di archeologia cristiana XV (1938),

Schuchhardt, Carl, Die Burg im Wandel der Weltgeschichte, Wildpark-Potsdam,

Schuchhardt, Carl, Vorgeschichte von Deutschland, 4th ed., Munich
and Berlin, 1939.

Schulte, Aloys, "Der Adel und die deutsche Kirche im Mittelalter,"
Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen LXIII-LXIV, Stuttgart, 1910;
2nd ed., 1922.

Schulte, Aloys, "Anläufe zu einer festeren Residenz der deutschen
Könige im Hochmittelalter," Historisches Jahrbuch der Görresgesellschaft
LV (1935), 131-42.

Schulz, Ernst, "Über die Dichtungen Ekkeharts IV. von St. Gallen,"
Schriften des Reichsinstituts für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde VI,
Leipzig, 1941, 199-235. ("Corona Quernea," Festgabe Karl

Schuster, Dom Ildefonse, "L'Abbaye de Farfa et sa restauration au
XIe siècle sous Hughes I," Revue Bénédictine XXIV (1902), 17-35
and 374-402.

Schwantes, Gustav, Urgeschichtsstudien beiderseits der Nierderelbe,
Hildesheim, 1939. Darstellungen aus Niedersachsens Urgeschichte,

Schwarz, Dietrich, "Zur ehemaligen Faltung des St. Galler Klosterplanes,"
in Hans Reinhardt, Der St. Galler Klosterplan, St. Gall,
1952, 35. 92. Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben vom Historischen
Verein des Kantons St. Gallen.

Scriba, W., Der karolingisch-romanische Bau der Justinuskirche in
Höchst a. M. Ein entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Versuch,
Frankfurt am
Main, 1930.

Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum ex Monumentis Germaniae
historicis recusi,
various editors, 63 vols., Hannover,

Handy versions of historical texts appearing in Mon. Germ. Hist., sometimes
improved, prepared for classroom use.

Seebach, C. H., "Freilegung einer frühmittelalterlichen Heissluftheizung
auf der sächsischen Königspfalz Werla," Mannus XXXIII
(1941), 256-73.

Seebass, Otto, "Über die Statuta Murbacensia," Zeitschrift für
XII (1891), 322-32.

Seesselberg, Friedrich Wilhelm, Die früh-mittelalterliche Kunst der
germanischen Völker, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der
skandinavischen Baukunst,
etc., Berlin, 1897.

Ségogne, Henry de, and La Marquise de la Maillé, Abbayes cisterciennes,
Paris, 1946.

Segre, Angelo, Metrologia e circolazione monetaria degli antichi,
Bologna, 1928.

Selzer, Wolfgang, Das karolingische Reichskloster Lorsch, Basel, 1955.

Selzer, Wolfgang, "Die Gesamtanlage des Klosters Lorsch," in
Laurissa Jubilans, Festschrift zur 1200-Jahrfeier von Lorsch, Lorsch,
1964, 123-28.


Page 196

Semmler, Joseph, "Studien zum Supplex Libellus und zur anianischen
Reform in Fulda," Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, LXIX (1958),

Semmler, Joseph, "Zur handschriftlichen Überlieferung und Autorschaft
der Statuten von Murbach," Jahrbuch für das Bistum Mainz,
VIII (1958/60), 273-85.

Semmler, Joseph, "Reichsidee und kirchliche Gesetzgebung,"
Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte LXXI (1960), 37-65.

Semmler, Joseph, "Zur Überlieferung der monastischen Gesetzgebung
Ludwigs des Frommen," Deutsches Archiv für die Erforschung des
XVI (1960), 309-88.

Semmler, Joseph, "Die Beschlüsse des Aachener Konzils im Jahre
816," Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte LXX (1963), 15-82.

Semmler, Joseph, editor. See Corpus Consuetudinum Monasticarum.

Sennhauser, Hans Rudolf, "Zu den Ausgrabungen in der Kathedrale
der ehemaligen Klosterkirche von St. Gallen," Festschrift zum
70. Geburtstag von Architekt Hans Burkhard St. Gallen,
1965, 109-16.

A full and final report on this important excavation is not available at this date.

Sennhauser, Hans Rudolf, co-editor. See Vorromanische Kirchenbauten.

Servii Grammatici qui feruntur in Vergilii Carmina commentarii, Georg
Thilo and Hermann Hagen, editors, 3 vols. in 4, Leipzig, 18811902.

Now being supplanted by the "Harvard Servius," 1946—.

Sharpe, Edmund, The Architecture of the Cistercians, Part I, General
London, 1874; Part II, The Domus conversorum, London,

Sheridan, Paul, "Les inscriptions sur ardoise de l'abbaye de Villers,"
Annales de la Société d'archéologie de Bruxelles X (1896), 203-15;

Sieg, Hilde, Gottessegen der Kräuter, Berlin, 1953.

Sierp, Hermann, "Walahfrid Strabos Geschicht über den Gartenbau,"
in Die Kultur der Abtei Reichenau I, 1925, 756-72.

Singer-Holmyard-Hall. See Singer, Charles.

Singer, Charles, E. J. Holmyard, A. R. Hall and other editors, A
History of Technology,
5 vols., Oxford, 1955-1958.

A gathering of contributed essays dealing with technology from earliest times
to the end of the 19th century. Vol. 2: The Mediterranean Civilization and the
Middle Ages.

Sinos, S., Die vorklassichen Hausformen in der Ägäis, Mainz am Rhein,

Sloane, Eric, American Barns and Covered Bridges, New York, 1954.

Smital, O., and E. Winkler, Herzog René von Anjou, Livre cuer d'amours
2 vols., Vienna, 1926.

Smith, J. T., "Medieval Aisled Halls and Their Derivatives," Archaeological
CXII (1956), 76-94.

Smith, J. T., "Medieval Roofs: A Classification," Archaeological
CXV (1960), 111-49.

Smith, William, A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 2 vols.,
3rd ed., London, 1890-1901.

Snorri Sturluson. Edda Snorra Sturlusonar, Icelandic and Latin,
edited by Jón Sigurtson and Finnur Jónsson, 3 vols., Copenhagen,
1848-1887. Arnamagnaeanske Legat.

Snorri Sturluson. Heimskringla eller Norges Kongesagær of Snorre
C. R. Unger, editor, Christiania, 1868.

Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla; or The Lives of the Norse Kings,
by Snorre Sturlason, edited with notes by Erling Monsen and
translated into English with the assistance of A. H. Smith, Cambridge,

The American-Scandinavian Foundation and the University of Texas Press,
Austin, 1964, published a translation with Introduction and notes by L. M. Hollander that has recently been recommended by N. B. Farquhar as the
most up-to-date edition of Heimskringla.

Sogliano, Antonio, Pompei nel suo sviluppo storico, Rome, 1937.

Sombart, Werner, Der moderne Kapitalismus, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1902;
2nd ed., 3 vols. in 6, Munich and Leipzig, 1928.

Sommerfeld, Ernst von, "Der Westbau der Palastkapelle Karls des
Grossen zu Aachen und seine Einwirkung auf den romanischen
Turmbau in Deutschland," Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft
XXIX (1906), 195-222.

Sörrensen, Wolfgang, "Gärten und Pflanzen im Klosterplan," in
Studien zum St. Galler Klosterplan, Johannes Duft, editor, St.
Gall, 1962, 193-277. See Studien zum St. Galler Klosterplan.

Southern, R. W., The Making of the Middle Ages, London, 1953.

Hutchinson's University Library; often reprinted.

The title of this popular and lucid synthesis is somewhat deceptive, since it
centers in the period from Archbishop Gerbert to the Sack of Constantinople,
contrasting with the Carolingian age rather than supplementing it.

Sowers, Ossa Raymond, "Mediaeval Monastic Planning: Its Origins
in the Christian East and Later Development in Western Europe,"
(dissertation) Columbia University, 1951.

It is highly regrettable that this excellent and most carefully annotated thesis
of Columbia University (brought to my attention by Prof. Meyer Schapiro,
who suggested the study and supervised its progress) has never been published.
It re-investigates, though on a considerably broader basis, a subject masterfully
treated some 60 years earlier in Julius von Schlosser's (q.v.) now somewhat
superannuated dissertation of 1889, and is superior to other published studies
dealing with the same subject, such as those of Fendel (q.v.) and Hager (q.v.);
for a more recent treatment of the subject, see Horn, 1974.

Spamer, Adolf, Die deutsche Volkskunde, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1935.

Specht, Franz Anton, Geschichte des Unterrichtswesens in Deutschland,
Stuttgart, 1885.

Spechtshart von Reutlingen, Hugo, Flores Musicae omnis cantus
Strassbourg, 1488.

Later editions by Beck, Stuttgart, 1868, and Gümpel, Wiesbaden, 1958, are
available. A didactic poem in leonine hexameters with a commentary in prose
by an unknown writer, and with musical examples, written in 1332, revised
1342, first printed in 1488; one of the most widely read medieval texts for
choral instruction.

Springer, Jaro, Albrecht Dürer, Kupferstiche, Munich, 1914.

Staerkle, Paul, Die Rückvermerke der älteren St. Galler Urkunden,
Mitteilungen zur Vaterländischen Geschichte XLV (1966).
Historischer Verein des Kantons St. Gallen.

Stamer, Ludwig, editor, 900 Jahre Speyerer Dom; Festschrift zum
Jahrestag der Domweihe, 1061-1961.
Im Auftrage des Domkapitels,
Speyer, 1961.

Statuta Murbacensia (Statutes of Murbach). See Actuum preliminarium
synodi primae,
etc.; also see Seebass, Semmler, 1958/60, and

Steidle, Pater Basilius, translator, Die Regel St. Benedikts, Beuron,

Steiger, Arnald, "Vom Hopfen," Westöstliche Abhandlungen Rudolf
Tschudi überreicht
F. Meier, editor, Wiesbaden, 1954, 82-107.

Steinmeyer, Emil E., and Eduard Sievers, Die althochdeutschen
5 vols., 1987-1922.

Stenberger, Mårten, Oland under aldre järnaldern, Stockholm, 1933.

Stenberger, Mårten, editor, Forntida Gårdar i Island, Copenhagen,

Stenberger, Mårten, and Ole Klindt-Jensen, editors. See Vallhagar.

Stengel, Edmund E., "Über Ursprung, Zweck, und Bedeutung der
karolingischen Westwerke," Festschrift Adolf Hofmeister, 1956,

Stengel, Edmund E., Urkundenbuch des Klosters Fulda I, Marburg,


Page 197

Stephani, Karl Gustav, Der älteste deutsche Wohnbau und seine Einrichtung,
2 vols., Leipzig, 1902-1903.

Stiehl, O., "Die karolingische Säulenbasilika in Höchst," Denkmalpflege,
1931, 51-62.

Strabo, The Geography of Strabo, Greek and English, edited and
translated by Horace Leonard Jones, 1st ed., 8 vols., Cambridge,
1917-1932; 2nd ed., 1954-1961.

Strzygowski, Josef, Die Baukunst der Armenier und Europa, Vienna,

Studien: Studien zum St. Galler Klosterplan, Johannes Duft, editor.
Mitteilungen zur vaterländischen Geschichte XLII, St. Gall,
1962. Historischer Verein des Kantons St. Gallen.

Published following an international symposium on the Plan of St. Gall (held
in the summer of 1958) this study, containing numerous contributions by
different authors, opened new perspectives in the historical evaluation of the
Plan and a new phase of research concerning it.

Sturlunga Saga, including the Islendinga saga of Lawman Sturla Thordsson
and other works, edited by Gudbrand Vigfusson, 2 vols.,
Oxford, 1878.

Sturlunga Saga. Geschichten vom Sturlungengeschlecht, translated by
Walter Baetke, Jena, 1930. Thule, vol. 24. New edition by Felix
Niedner, Düsseldorf, 1967.

Sturluson, Snorri. See Snorri Sturluson.

Stutz, Ulrich, "Das karolingische Zehntgebot," Zeitschrift der Savigny
Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, germanistische Abteilung
XXIX (1908)

Sunderland, Elizabeth Read, "Symbolic Numbers and Romanesque
Church Plans," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians
XVIII (1959), 94-103.

Supplex Libellus monachorum Fuldensium Carolo imperatori porrectus,
(812 et 817), J. Semmler, editor, Corp. Cons. Mon., I, Siegburg,
1963, 319-27.

Swainson, C. A., "The Hospital of St. Mary, in Chichester," Sussex
Archaeological Collections
XXIV (1872), 41-62.

Swoboda, Karl Maria, Römische und romanische Paläste, 1st ed.,
Vienna, 1924; 3rd enlarged edition, Vienna, Cologne, Graz, 1969.

Swoboda, Karl Maria, editor, "In den Jahren 1950 bis 1957 erschienene
Werke zur Kunst der karolingischen Zeit: Architektur,"
Kunstgeschichtliche Anzeigen I (1959), 2-21.


Tchalenko, Georges, Villages antiques de la Syrie du Nord, 3 vols.,
Paris, 1953-1958. Institut Français d'archéologie de Beyrouth,
Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, L.

Thesaurus linguae Latinae, editus auctoritate et consilio academiarum
quinque Germanicarum, Beroliensis, Gottingensis, Lipsiensis,
Monacensis, Vindobonensis, 6 vols., Leipzig, 1900—.

Almost a verbal index to every extant classical text, inscription, and fragment.
Because of its exhaustiveness, the articles for words in common circulation are
hard to thread through, despite careful organization (non-professionals may
find it easier to consult Forcellini). About half the total number of fascicles
have been issued to date. See J. Schmeck, "Il Thesaurus linguae latinae:
Storia ed organizzazione," Atene e Roma II (1952), 155-68.

Thomson, A. Hamilton, Roche Abbey, Yorkshire, London, 1962.
Ministry of Works Official Guide Book.

Thompson, James Westfall, The Medieval Library, Chicago, 1939.

A somewhat uneven survey, but comprehensive and informative, with special
treatment of the library of St. Gall on pp. 60, 83-85, 195-197, 456-57. Part IV,
pp. 591-661, is devoted to "The Making and Care of Books."

Thümmler, Hans, "Die ältesten Kirchen Paderborns auf Grund der
Grabungen in der Abdinghofkirche," Westfälische Zeitschrift C
(1950), 396-400.

Thümmler, Hans, "Neue Forschungen zur mittelalterlichen Baukunst
in Westfalen," Deutsche Kunst und Denkmalpflege (1952), 97-105.

Thümmler, Hans, "Neue Funde zur mittelalterlichen Baukunst
in Westfalen," Westfalen XXXI (1953), 274-303.

Thümmler, Hans, "Die karolingische Baukunst in Westfalen,"
Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte und christlichen Archäologie III,
Karolingische und ottonische Kunst, Wiesbaden, 1957, 84-108.

Thümmler, Hans, "Carolingian Period: Architecture," Encyclopedia
of World Art
III, London, 1960, cols. 82-103.

Tietze, Hans, "Aus der Bauhütte von St. Stephan, II. Teil," Jahrbuch
der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien,
new set. V, 1931,

Tischler, Fritz, "Das früheisenzeitliche Haus von Bucholtwelten,
Kr. Dinslaken," Bonner Jahrbücher CXLV (1940), 10-18.

Tomei, Piero, L'Architettura a Roma nel Quattrocento, Rome, 1942.

Torres-Balbas, Leopoldo, "Naves de edifícios anteriores al siglo
XIII cubiertas con armaduras de madera sobre arcos transversales,"
Archivo Español de Arte XXXII (1959), 109-19; and XXXIII
(1960), 19-43.

"Toward a Medieval Aesthetic," Viator: Medieval and Renaissance
(Berkeley, Los Angeles, London), 6 (1975), 309-51.

A triad of interdisciplinary essays dealing with the emergence of modular
concepts in medieval literature, music, and architecture. Together these three
essays elaborate the striking parallelism in the transformation of cultural
materials inherited from Antiquity as they are revived and appropriated by the
Carolingian Franks.

These articles emerged from a three year sequence of an interdisciplinary
course, "The Age of Charlemagne," offered at the University of California,
Berkeley, 1970 to 1973. Their basic findings were first presented in a meeting
of the Medieval Association of the Pacific (Stanford University, January,
1973). The subject is closely related to issues discussed under "Square Schematism,"
below, I, 212-238.

For the titles of the individual contributions see CROCKER, 1975, HORN,
1975, and JONES, 1975.

Toynbee, Jocelyn M. C., and John Ward-Perkins, The Shrine of
St. Peter's,
London, 1956.

Traill, David Angus. See Walahfrid Strabo.

Tuelet, A., editor. See Einhard.

Turner, Thomas Hudson, Some Account of Domestic Architecture in
England, from the Conquest to the End of the Thirteenth Century,

1st ed., Oxford and London, 1851; 2nd ed., 1877. Also see Parker,
John Henry.


Uccelli, Arturo, Storia della tecnica dal medio evo ai nostri giorni,
Milan, 1944.

Udalrici Cluniacensis monachi Cluniacenses Consuetudines, J. P. Migne,
editor, Patr. Lat., CXLIX (Paris, 1882), cols. 635-778.

Uilkema, K., Het Friesche Boerenhuis, Leeuwarden, 1916.

Ulbert, Günther, "Römische Holzfässer aus Regensburg," Bayerische
Heft. 24, 1959, 6-29.

Unger, C. R., editor. See Snorri Sturluson.

Urban, G., "Der Vierungsturm bis zum Ende des romanischen Stils.
Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Entwicklung,"
(dissertation), Frankfurt am Main, 1953.

Usener, Hermann, "Dreiheit," Rheinisches Museum, new ser. LVIII
(1903), 1-48, 161-208, 321-62.

Uslar, Rudolf von, "Die germanische Siedlung in Halden bei Wessel
am Niederrhein," Bonner Jahrbücher CXLIX (1949), 105-45.

Usus antiquiores ordinis cisterciensis. See Paris, Dom Julianus.


Page 198


Vacandard, Chanoine Florent-Zéphyr-Elphège, Vie de saint Bernard,
abbé de Clairvaux,
2 vols., Paris, 1895; 2nd ed., Paris, 1897; 3rd
ed., Paris, 1902; 4th ed., Paris, 1910.

Val de Loire Roman, Collection "La nuit des temps" III. Les Presses
Monastiques, Sainte-Marie de la Pierre-Qui-Vire, 1959.

Vallentin, Berthold, "Der Engelstaat. Zur mittelalterlichen Anschauung
vom Staate (bis auf Thomas von Aquino)," in Grundrisse
und Bausteine zur Staats- und zur Geschichtslehre,
gathered in
honor of Gustav Schmoller by Kurt Beysig, Fritz Wolters,
Berthold Vallentin and Friedrich Andreae, Berlin, 1908, 41-120.

Valléry-Radot, Jean, "Notes sur les chapelles hautes dédiées à St.
Michel," Bulletin monumental LXXXVIII (1929), 453-78.

Valléry-Radot, Jean, "Lé Deuxième colloque international de la
Société française d'archéologie (Rouen, 13-14 June, 1966),"
Bulletin monumental CXXVII (1969), 125-27.

Vallhagar, A Migration Period Settlement on Gotland, Sweden, edited by
Mårten Stenberger in collaboration with Ole Klindt-Jensen,
2 vols., Copenhagen, 1955.

These studies are fundamental for the history of the aisled Germanic house in
Sweden and Iceland.

Van de Walle, A., "De archeologische opgravingen in het oud
stadscentrum te Antwerpen," Tijdschrift der Stad Antwerpen VI
(1960), 1-13.

Van de Walle, A. "Excavations in the Ancient Centre of Antwerp,"
Medieval Archaeology V (1961), 123-36.

Van Werveke, Hans, "Notes sur le commerce du plomb au Moyen
Ǎge," Mélanges d'histoire offerts à Henri Pirenne, Brussels, 1926,

Varro, Marcus Terentius, M. Terentii Varronis de lingua Latina,
edited by Georg Goetz and Friedrich Schoell, Leipzig, 1910.

Varro, Marcus Terentius, On Agriculture, with an English translation
by William Davis Hooper, revised by Harrison Boyd Ash, London
and Cambridge, 1936.

Vatnsdoela Saga, Walther Heinrich Vogt, editor, Halle, 1921.

Vatnsdoela Saga. Vatnsdaler's Saga, English translation by Gwyn
Jones, New York, 1944.

Vaultrin, J., "Les Basiliques chrétiennes de Carthage," Revue africaine,
1932, 161-318.

Verbeek, Albert, "Die Aussenkrypta. Werden einer Bauform des
frühen Mittelalters," Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte XIII (1950),

Verbeek, Albert, "Zur Datierung des Alten Domes," Kölner Domblatt
XIV-XV (1958), 188-91.

Verbeek, Albert, Kölner Kirchen: Die kirchliche Baukunst in Köln von
den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart,
Cologne, 1959.

Verdier, Aymar, and F. Cattois, Architecture civile et domestique au
moyen âge et à la Renaissance,
Paris, 1864.

Verhein, Klaus, "Studien zu den Quellen zum Reichsgut der Karolinger
Zeit," I and II, Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters
(1954), 313-94; and XI (1955), 333-92.

Verhulst, A. E., and Joseph Semmler, "Les Status d'Adalhard de
Corbie de l'an 822," Le Moyen Ǎge LXVIII (1962), 91-123;

Study of The Customs of Corbie by Abbot Adalhard, edited by Dr. Semmler in
Corps. Cons. Mon. and translated above.

Verzone, Paolo, L'Architettura religiosa dell'Alto Medio Evo nell'
Italia settentrionale,
Milan, 1942.

V.H.C.: Victoria History of the Counties of England. Editor for series,
H. Arthur Doubleday (William Page, L. F. Salzman). From 1935
onward the series is published by Oxford University Press for the
Institute of Historical Research.

Viellard-Troiekouroff, May, "L'Architecture en France du
temps de Charlemagne," in Karl der Grosse, Lebenswerk und Nachleben,
III, Karolingische Kunst, edited by Wolfgang Braunfels and
Hermann Schnitzler, Düsseldorf, 1965, 336-68.

Vigfusson, Gudbrand, editor. See Sturlunga Saga.

Viollet-le-Duc, Emmanuel Louis Nicolas, Dictionnaire raisonné de
l'architecture française du XIe au XVe siècle,
10 vols., 1st ed.,
Paris, 1858-1868; 2nd ed., 1867-1870.

Vita Eigilis abbatis Faldensis, auctore Candido, ed. G. Waitz, Mon. Germ.
Hist., Scriptores
XV, Hannover, 1887, 221-33.

Vita et Regula SS. P. Benedicti una cum Expositione regulae a Hildemaro
Rupertus Mittermüller, editor, 3 vols., Regensburg, 1880.

I. S. Gregorii Magni Dialogorum liber secundus de vita et miraculis
S. Benedicti,
R. Mittermüller, editor.

II. Regula Sancti Patri Benedicti, Edmund Schmidt, editor.

III. Expositio regulae ab Hildemaro tradita, R. Mittermüller,

Volume III of this publication is a running commentary to each chapter of
the Rule of St. Benedict, written in Civate between 845 and 850 by Hildemar,
a monk from Corbie, furnishing deep insights, directly and by implication, into
the monastic life of that period.

Vita Galli Confessoris triplex, Bruno Krusch, editor, Mon. Germ. Hist.,
Script. rer. Merov.
IV, Hannover, 1902, 229-337. Also see Leben
des heiligen Gallus.

Vita Hrodberti episcopi Salzburgensis, W. Levison, editor, Chap. 8 in
Mon. Germ. Hist., Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum, VI, Hannover-Leipzig,
1913, 140-62.

Vita Hludowici. Anonymi vita Hludowici, Reinhold Rau, editor, Quellen
zur karolingischen Reichsgeschichte
I (1956), 255-381.

Vita Hludowici. Vita Hludowici imperatoris. Son of Charlemagne: A Contemporary
Life of Louis the Pious,
Allen Cabaniss, translator,
Syracuse, New York, 1961.

Vita Johannis Gorziensis, G. H. Pertz, editor, Mon. Germ. Hist., Script.
IV, Hannover, 1841.

Vita prima sancti Bernardi, J. P. Migne, editor, Patr. Lat. CLXXXV: 1,
Paris, 1819, cols. 225-466.

Vita Remigii episcopi Remensis auctore Hincmaro, B. Krusch, ed., Mon.
Germ. Hist., Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum
III, Hannover,
1896, 239-349.

Vita sancti Adalhardi Corbeiensis abbatis, auctore s. Paschasio Radberto.
Acta Sanctorum, Jan. I.,
Joannes Bollandus, editor; editio novissima
curante Joanne Carnandet post editionem J. Henschenius,
Paris, 1863, 96-111.

Mon. Germ. Hist., Script. II, G. H. Pertz, editor, Hannover, 1828.

Patr. Lat. CXX, J. P. Migne, editor, Paris, 1879, cols. 1507-56.

An excessively rhetorical Life of Abbot Adalhard (d. 826) by the leading
Corbie author, who eventually (842) became abbot himself.

Vita sancti Adalhardi. Charlemagne's Cousins, Contemporary Lives of
Adalhard and Wala,
translated, with Introduction and Notes, by
Allen Cabaniss, Syracuse University Press, 1967.

Paschasius' Life of Adalhard, as above, together with his biography of Adalhard's
brother Wala, abbot of Bobbio and Corbie. Because of Wala's intense
political activity, Paschasius took fifteen years to complete it, and then in
fictional guise as an Epitaphium Arsenii.

Vita sancti Anselmi Eadmeri historia novorum in Anglia et opuscula duo
de vita sancti Anselmi et quibusdam miraculis eius,
Martin Rule,
editor, London, 1884. Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores

Nows upplanted by the edition of R. W. Southern in Nelson's [now Oxford]
Medieval Texts, London/Oxford, 1962.


Page 199

Vita sancti Benedicti Anianensis auctore Ardone seu Smaragdo, J. P.
Migne, editor. Patr. Lat. CIII, Paris, 1864, cols. 351-84.

Vita sancti Columbani abbatis, auctore Jona monacho Bobiensi, Jean
Mabillon, editor, Acta Sanctorum Ordinis S. Benedicti II:1,
3rd ed., 5-40.

Vita sancti Columbani. The Life of St. Columban by the Monk Jonas,
Dana Carleton Munro, translator, Philadelphia, 1902. Pennsylvania
University, Department of History, translations and reprints, II,
no. 7.

Vita sancti Otmari abbatis Sangallensis, I. von Arx., editor, Mon. Germ.
Hist., Script.
II, Hannover, 1829, 40-58. Also see Leben des
heiligen Gallus und des Abtes Otmar von St. Gallen
and Johannes
Duft, Sankt Otmar, Die Quellen zu seinem Leben, Lateinisch und
Deutsch, Zurich-Konstanz, 1959.

Vita sancti Romani abbatis, B. Krusch, ed., Mon. Germ. Hist., Scriptores
rerum Merovingicarum
III, Hannover, 1896, 131-43.

Vitae Columbani abbatis discipulorumque eius libri duo auctore Iona,
B. Krusch, ed., Mon. Germ. Hist., Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum
IV, Hannover, 1902, 1-156 (for Abbot Athala of Bobbio see pp.

Vitae Galli auctore Walahfrido, Bruno Krusch, editor. See Vita Galli
confessoris triplex.
. . . Also see Walahfrid.

Vitruvius, Marcus Pollio, I dieci libri dell architettura tradutti e
commentati da Monsignor Barbaro eletto patriarca d'Aquileggia,

Venice, 1556.

Vitruvius, Marcus Pollio. Vitruvii Pollionis architectura, edited by
Joannes Polenus, Utini, 1827.

Vitruvius, Marcus Pollio, De architectura libri decem, edited by F.
Krohn, Leipzig, 1912.

Vitruvius, Marcus Pollio, The Ten Books on Architecture, translated
by Morris Hicky Morgan, Cambridge, Mass., 1914.

Vitruvius, Marcus Pollio. Vitruvius on Architecture, edited and translated
by Frank Granger, 2 vols., London, 1933-1934. Loeb Classical

Vitruvius, Marcus Pollio. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, Über die Baukunst,
translated into German by Erich Stürzenacker, Essen, 1938.

Vogüé, Charles Jean Melchior, Marquis de, Syrie Centrale, architecture
civile et religieuse, du Ier au VIIe siècle,
2 vols., Paris, 1865-1877.

Voigt, Karl, "Die karolingische Klosterpolitik und der Niedergang
des westfrånkischen Königtums," Kirchenrechtliche Abhandlungen
XC-XCI (Stuttgart, 1917), 1-265. Reprinted in Amsterdam,

Volbach, Wolfgang Friedrich, Frühchristliche Kunst. Die Kunst der
Spätantike in West- und Ostrom.
Aufnahmen von Max Hirmer,
Munich, 1958.

Volbach, Wolfgang Friedrich, Early Christian Art; photography by
Max Hirmer, New York, 1961.

Volbach, W. F. 1969, 1970. See HUBERT, J., J. Porcher, and W. F.

Völckers, Otto, Deutsche Hausfibel, 1st ed., Leipzig, 1937; 2nd ed.,

Interprets the guest and service buildings of the Plan of St. Gall in the light
of the vernacular transalpine architecture.

Völckers, Otto, Wohnraum und Hausrat, Bamberg, 1949.

Vonderau, Joseph, Die Ausgrabungen am Dome zu Fulda in den Jahren
Fulda, 1919. Fuldaer Geschichtsverein, Veröffentlichungen
no. 16.

Vonderau, Joseph, Die Ausgrabungen am Dome zu Fulda in den Jahren
Fulda, 1924. Fuldaer Geschichtsverein, Veröffentlichungen
no. 17.

Vonderau, Joseph, "Zum Grundriss der karolingischen Krypten in
der Stiftskirche zu Fulda," Fuldaer Geschichtsblätter XXIV (1931),

Vonderau, Joseph, Die Gründung des Klosters Fulda und seine Bauten
bis zum Tode Sturms: Festschrift Fulda,
Fulda, 1944.

Vorromanische Kirchenbauten. Katalog der Denkmäler bis zum Ausgang der
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, edited by Friedrich
Oswald, Leo Schaefer, and Hans Rudolf Sennhauser, 2 vols.,
Munich, 1966-1968. Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für
Kunstgeschichte in München, III.

Vries, Scato de, and S. Morpurgo. See Grimani Breviary.


Wagner, Karl Heinz, in collaboration with Ludwig Hussong, and
Herman Mylius, "Fränkische Siedlung bei Gladbach, Kr.
Neuwied," Germania XXII (1938), 180-90.

Wainwright, W., Guide to Fountains Abbey, Ripon, 1962.

Walahfrid Strabo, Hortulus. Vom Gartenbau, edited in Latin and
translated into German by Werner Näf and Mathäus Gabathuler,
St. Gall, 1957.

Walahfrid Strabo, Hortulus, translated into English by Raef
Payne. Commentary by Wilfrid Blunt, Pittsburgh, 1966.

Seventy-five hexameters on the planning and care of monastic gardens
followed by descriptions and medicinal uses of twenty-three plants, with a
concluding dedication to abbot Grimoald of St. Gall, depicted as reading the
poem in the St. Gall orchard while his students play and pick nearby.

Walahfrid Strabo, The Life of St. Gall, translated with an introduction
by Maud Joynt, London, 1927. S.P.C.K. Translations of
Christian Literature, Series V.

Composed ca. 834 in two books (life, and post mortem miracles) by the skillful
abbot of Reichenau, after a vita vetustissima (s. viii2) and a Life by Wettin,
master of Reichenau (d. 824).

Walahfrid Strabo, Visio Wettini, in Patr. Lat., CXIV, J. P. Migne,
editor, Paris, 1879, cols. 1065-1066.

While still a student at Reichenau, Walahfrid turned into verse Haito's (bishop
of Basel) prose account of a vision of the afterworld undergone by a monk of
Reichenau shortly before his death in A.D. 823.

Walahfrid Strabo, "Walafrid Strabo's Visio Wettini: A Critical
Edition with Translation and Commentary," by David Angus
Traill, dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1970.

Walde, A., and J. B. Hoffman, Lateinisches etymologisches Wörterbuch,
3rd ed., 2 vols., Heidelberg, 1928-1954.

Wallach, Luitpold, "Charlemagne's De litteris colendis and Alcuin,
a Diplomatic-Historical Study," Speculum XXVI (1951), 288-305.

Ward-Perkins, J. B., "The Shrine of St. Menas in the Maryut,"
Papers of the British School at Rome XVII (1949), 26-71.

Ward-Perkins, J. B., "The Christian Antiquities of Tripolitania,"
Archaeologia XCV, 1953, 1-82.

Ward-Perkins, J. B. Also see Toynbee.

Wartburg, Walther von, "The Localization of the Capitulaire de
" Speculum XV (1940), 87-91.

Wartmann, Hermann, Urkundenbuch der Abtei Sanct Gallen, 4 vols.,
Zurich, 1863-1892.

A basic documentary reference work indispensable to any student of the abbey
of St. Gall.

Wasmuth, Günther, editor, Wasmuths Lexicon der Baukunst, 5 vols.,
Berlin, 1929-1937.

Waterbolk, H. T., "The Bronze Age Settlement of Elp," Helinium
IV (1964), 96-131.

Traces the history of the aisled Germanic timberhouse back to the Bronze Age.

Wattenbach, W., Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter, Leipzig, 1871; 2nd
ed., 1875; 3rd ed., 1896.

Weber, Max, General Economic History, New York, 1927. Translation
by Frank H. Knight of a lecture series given at the University of
Heidelberg in the winter semester, 1919-1920, and published


Page 200
posthumously by S. Hellman and M. Palyi with the title, Abriss der
universalen Sozial- und Wirschaftsgeschichte,
Munich, 1923.

Weber, Max, Economy and Society: An Outline of Intepretive Sociology,
edited by Günther Roth and Claus Wittich, 3 vols., New York,
1968. English translation of the 4th German edition of Wirtschaft
und Gesellschaft,
edited by Johannes Winkelmann, Tübingen, 1956.
This study was first published as vol. 3 in the series Grundriss der

Wegewitz, Willi, "Wüste Dörfer im Rosengarten und Stuvenwald,"
Harburger Jahrbücher, (1950/51), 89-150.

Weidmann, Franz, Geschichte der Bibliothek von St. Gallen seit ihrer
Gründung um das Jahr 830 bis auf 1841,
St. Gall, 1841-1846.

Weigert, Hans, Das Kapitell in der deutschen Baukunst des Mittelalters,
Saale, 1943.

Weyres, Willy, "Der karolingische Dom von Köln," Karl der Grosse,
Lebenswerk und Nachleben,
III, Karolingische Kunst, Wolfgang
Braunfels and Hermann Schnitzler, editors, Düsseldorf, 1965,

As a result of excavations, minor changes in the plan and reconstruction of the
Carolingian cathedral in Cologne were made. These are discussed in WEYRES,

Weyres, Willy, "Zur Baugeschichte der vorgotischen Kölner Kathedralen,"
Kölner Domblatt XXVI-XXVII, 1967, 7-56.

For other aspect of Cologne Cathedral and its site that were clarified by
excavations subsequently undertaken see studies by Weyres in Kölner Domblatt
XXXIII/IV, 79-108, and XXXVI/VII, 75-100.

White, Lynn, Jr., Medieval Technology and Social Change, Oxford,

A classic in its field (now also available in French, Italian and German translations)
written by a scholar who in this as well as in other innovative studies,
subsequently published, has revealed a vast panorama of new historical
perspectives by inquiring into the role technology played in human affairs and
studying the cultural climates that gave impetus to the invention of new
technological devices. Not all these studies were available to us at the time we
were dealing with technological questions raised by the Plan of St. Gall.

White, Lynn, Jr., "What Accelerated Technological Progress in the
Western Middle Ages?" in Scientific Change, ed. Alistaire C.
Crobie, London, 1963, 272-91.

White, Lynn, Jr., "The Expansion of Technology, 500-1500 A.D.",
The Fontana Economic History of Europe, ed. Carlo M. Cipolla, I,
Chap. 4, London 1969 (reissued as pamphlet).

White, Lynn, Jr., "Medieval Uses of Air," Scientific American
CCXXIII (1970), 92-100.

White, Lynn, Jr., "Cultural Climates and Technological Advance in
the Middle Ages," Viator, II, 1971, 171-201.

White, Lynn, Jr., "Medieval Borrowings from Further Asia," Medieval
and Renaissance Studies
V (1971), 3-26.

Wilfrid, Life of . . . . See Colgrave.

Willard, Henry M., "A Project for the Graphic Reconstruction of the
Romanesque Abbey at Monte Casino," Speculum X (1935), 144-46.
With drawings by Kenneth John Conant.

Williams, Watkin W., Studies in St. Bernard of Clairvaux, London,

Williams, Watkin W., Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Manchester, 1935.

Williams, Watkin W., "St. Benedict of Aniane," Downside Review
LIV (1936), 357-74.

Williams, Watkin W., Monastic Studies, Manchester, 1938. Publications
of the University of Manchester, Historical Series no. 76.

Willis, Robert, "Description of the Ancient Plan of the Monastery of
St. Gall in the Ninth Century," Archaeological Journal V (1848),

An excellent, although now largely superannuated description and analysis of
the Plan of St. Gall and widely read in English-speaking countries. Willis
was the first to draw attention to the incompatabilities of the measurements
given in some of the explanatory titles of the Plan and drew from their existence
the conclusion that the Plan was not drawn to a consistent scale, a view that
controlled the thinking of all subsequent students of the Plan for over a century.
Willis was the first to show, in a drawing attached to his study, what the Plan
would have looked like had it been rendered by a modern architect. He was also
the first to observe that Keller's interpretation of the guest and service buildings
as "court-yard" houses was in conflict with some of the explanatory titles of
the Plan (House for Distinguished Guests and Hospice for Pilgrims and Paupers)
but did not question its applicability to the majority of these houses. Willis's
article was translated into French by R. Campion (q.v.) and formed the basis of
Leclerq's widely read but unoriginal treatment of this subject in CabrolLeclerq's
Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie (q.v.).

Willis, Robert, The Architectural History of Glastonbury Abbey,
Cambridge, 1866.

Willis, Robert, "The Architectural History of the Conventual
Buildings of the Monastery of Christchurch, Canterbury," Archaeologia
VII (1868), 1-207.

Wilsdorf, Christian, "Le Manuscrit et l'auteur des statuts dits de
Murbach," La Revue d'Alsace C (1961), 102-10.

Wilson, David M., and John G. Hurst, "Medieval Britain in 1956,"
Medieval Archaeology I (1957), 147-71.

Winandy, Jacques, O.S.B., "Un temoignage oublié sur les anciens
usages Cassiniens," Revue Bénédictine L (1938), 254-92.

Winkelmann, Wilhelm, "Eine westfälische Siedlung des 8. Jahrhunderts
bei Warendorf, Kr. Warendorf," Germania XXX
(1954), 189-213.

Winkelmann, Wilhelm, "Die Ausgrabungen der frühmittelalterlichen
Siedlung bei Warendorf," in Neue Ausgrabungen in Deutschland,
Werner Krämer, editor, Berlin, 1958, 492-516.

Winkler, Friedrich, Die Zeichnungen Albrecht Dürers, 4 vols., Berlin,

Winkler, Friedrich, Der Krakauer Behaim Kodex, Berlin, 1941.

Wood, G. Bernard, "A West Riding Folk Museum," Country Life
CXIV (July 2, 1953), 38-39.

Wood, Margaret, "Norman Domestic Architecture," Archaeological
XCII (1935), 167-242.

Wood, Margaret, "Thirteenth Century Domestic Architecture in
England," Archaeological Journal CV (Suppl.), London, 1950,

Wormald, Francis, The Winchester Bible, London, 1973.

Wright, Thomas, A volume of vocabularies illustrating the conditions
and manners of our forefathers . . . from the tenth century to the fifteenth,

2 vols., London, 1857-1873.

Wulff, Oskar, Altchristliche und byzantinische Kunst, 2 vols.,
Berlin-Neubabelsberg, 1914. Handbuch der Kunstwissenschaft.


Zimmermann, Walther, Das Münster zu Essen, Essen, 1956. Die
Kunstdenkmäler des Rheinlands, Beiheft 3.

Zippel, Giuseppe, "Paolo II e l'Arte: Note e documenti," L'Arte
XIII (1910), 241-58.

Zippelius, Adelhart, "Das vormittelalterliche dreischiffige Hallenhaus
in Mitteleuropa," Bonner Jahrbücher CLIII (1953), 13-45.

Zippelius, Adelhart, "Vormittelalterliche Zimmerungstechnik in
Mitteleuropa," Rheinisches Jahrbuch für Volkskunde V (1954),

Zippelius, Adelhart, "Die Rekonstruktion und baugeschichtliche
Stellung der Holzbauten auf dem Husterknupp," in Bonner
Beiheft 6 (1958), 123-200. Also see Herrnbrodt.

Zoller, Dieter, "Die Ergebnisse der Grabung auf dem Gristeder Esch,
Kreis Ammerland, in den Jahren 1960-1961," Neue Ausgrabungen
und Forschungen in Niedersachsen
I (1963), 132-51.

Zovatto, P. L., co-author. See Brusin, Giovanni and P. L. Zovatto.

Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Katalog der Handschriften. Mittelalterliche
by Cunibert Mohlberg, 3 vols., Zürich, 1932-1936.