University of Virginia Library

September 22nd.. Sunday 1805.

our first course of yesterday was nearly

N. 80°. W.  winding thro a grassy Pine Country of fine land for 12
N. 70 W.  miles down a steep hill & on a hill side a creek to the
right to the river from the left at a rapid 
West  miles down the N side of the River and encamped, in
the morning proceeded down to the Chief ['s] Lodge
on an Island, found 3 men fishing hot day 

a fine morning I proceed on down the little river to
about 1½ a mile & found the chi[e]f in a canoe comeing to
meet me I got into his canoe & crossed over to his camp on
a small Island at a rapid Sent out the hunters leaving one
to take care of the baggage, & after eating a part of a sammon
I set out on my return to meet Capt. Lewis with the Chief &
his son at 2 miles met Shields with 3 Deer, I took a small
pice & changed for his horse which was fresh & proced on this
horse threw me 3 times which hurt me some. at Dark met
Capt Lewis Encamped at the first Village men much fatigued
& reduced, the Supply which I sent by R Fields was timely,
they all eate hartily of roots & fish, 2 horses lost 1 Days
journey back[56] .


The Biddle text here states (i, p. 457) that after proceeding a few miles the
party was joined by the two men who had been sent back after a horse two days
earlier. They had lost the horse, and were exhausted with fatigue.—Ed.